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To all my supporters and fans,

It pains me greatly to state this, but, due to my currently poor mental health, I am no longer able to dedicate an appropriate amount of time to my projects. All recurring payments will be put on hold for the next few months as I did for the past month. If you remain subscribed, access to paywalled posts and your Discord benefits should be retained (notify me if it not).

I’ve tried many different strategies to get back to the time when I started visual novel production. 40+ hour weeks felt like nothing. However, it has come to my attention that those time periods in which I was super productive likely coincided with multi-month long episodes of mania. I was unaware that undiagnosed bipolar disorder was allowing me to push beyond what I reasonably could do in the same time frame.

In the past few months, I tried many strategies to remove roadblocks in production. But the largest roadblock is me, myself, and I. At this time, I simply can’t do any more than a handful of hours per month of visual novel production. No amount of cajoling, ranting, or bargaining with myself has done anything more than drive up my level of frustration.

The unfortunate irony is that I do want to create artwork, stories, and more. Yet, I am seriously constrained from doing so by a key source of my creative side. I have no idea how medication and therapy my affect the future of myself and my projects. I honestly don’t know if this is the beginning of the end or not. All I do know is I’m trying my best, even though I know I’m falling short.




Nothing can really soften the blow of the above gloomy letter, but I don't intend to stop posting entirely. I'm going to try to create some artistic renders (keep an eye on my Twitter account) as a kind of art therapy exercise. Partly just for my own enjoyment but also to keep my skills from atrophying. I recognize this isn't what supporters signed up for, hence why I stopped recurring payments.

Oh and, up until early October when I cycled out of most my recent manic episode, I had completed almost everything I needed for Motherhood's intro. If I can get my brain to cooperate, I'm going to post a general status update on the 28th. Basically, I plan for it to be an overview of where I left off and what needs to be completed for the intro and week 1. Hopefully, I can start working on it again sometime next year when I'm in a more... balanced state of mind, as opposed to... well you know:



As someone also with Manic Depression I feel you, here's hoping you return fresh


Of course I'm sorry to hear you need to put your work on hold, but I'm glad to read that you're also seeking treatment. As someone who struggles with depression myself, and is married to someone who is bipolar, I know your challenges are no small thing. Try to be patient with yourself as you find your new equilibrium, and we'll be here when you're ready.