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Motherhood spoilers ahead!



Motivation. What makes a character want to do something? When you think about it, BDSM encompasses so many different facets of human sexuality. But how does anyone get to that point? That is the question I answer in Motherhood's intro. Leslie isn't just some BDSM crazed MC. Much like Nola, she has a backstory that explains how this aspect of her life comes about.

In September's Progress Update, I alluded to the coming storm. No matter the equipment, training, or steps taken to prepare; we all fall sometimes. Some further than others.

If you've seen this plane in another VN before, I doubt it was anything like this. I spent a considerable amount of time rearranging the plane into a crashed configuration. Everything from removing items and casting debris around to placement of the rain and dirtying various surfaces.

Usually, VN devs do not do this. If they need to show a destroyed scene then there are some assets they can buy to do it. Pre-damaged buildings with appropriate textures. Maybe including some preplaced stuff like dust, fire, rubble, etc.

Which is usually what I do as well. However, considering how Fantasy Dating's budget ballooned, I'm trying my hand at seeing what it takes to do some of this work myself. (Plus, no one was selling a crashed plane lol.)

You may be thinking "How does any of this relate to BDSM?" During this incident Leslie experiences a complete loss of control. She is at the mercy of circumstance. Her reaction to this incident shapes who she is from that point forward. That shape is of someone who wants to hold onto that fleeting certainty of momentary control. A contrived situation with easily understood expectations, and a prescribed outcome is what Leslie wants. Which is exactly what BDSM can deliver.

Edit: Much like Fantasy Dating, some choices in Motherhood are more vanilla/romantic. Obviously a major overarching theme is BDSM, but you don't have to be super into that to enjoy MH. I know I've put out a lot of renders of characters wearing BDSM gear, but players won't see much of that until the story is well underway.

I know that sounds like a lot of extra work setting up character justification for sexy scenes in an adult visual novel (and it is). Yet my focus on realism remains the same. To draw the player into the scene via the story and characters. Hopefully, my efforts pay off and the player is so enthralled at what's happening on screen, that they suspend their disbelief and are taken along for a wild ride called Motherhood.


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