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To recap this character's role: In Motherhood the player will pick from 3 paths regarding the Best Friend's Husband. This choice determines how involved he is during sex scenes with the Best Friend. In the most open path he can interact with his wife (spit-roasting for example), but DOES NOT directly interact with the MC. The next is a observing only path wherein he only watches what is happening while in the room. The final is him not in room at all (the only path available if the player picks the "no penis playthrough" option at the beginning).

These choices can have alternate dialogue that taps into certain fetishes. For example, on the observing path the MC can praise the Best Friend which plays into the Hotwife kink. Or she can be cruel with her words towards the Best Friend's Husband which plays into the Humiliation kink.

Background info:

The Best Friend's Husband works in the oil industry. Frequently required to be on an offshore drilling rig for months on end has lead to many arguments over the years about the amount of time spent at home being a father. The Best Friend has sought solace in the arms of the MC for years because of the loneliness she experiences during his departure. But active secrets can't last forever and neither does this one because it is eventually found out.
What is a husband to do when his wife has needs he isn't able to fulfill? He solves complex problems all the time for his career, is this really any different? Should he join them? Sit and watch? Be somewhere else entirely? The Best Friend's Husband ultimately leaves it up to the MC to decide because he honestly can't say that any of those options don't arouse him.

So what does this character look like that you are potentially sharing with or cucking? You decide.

This is a multi-choice poll so vote for your top 2 choices.

Aesthetic 1:

Aesthetic 2:

Aesthetic 3:

I haven't come up with a name for him yet, but I'm going to try to find something that fits based on the winning category of the July Name Poll. As always, I'm open to suggestions in the comments of this post or through DM's on Discord.

Note: Due to Patreon payment processing delays, the time frame for this poll may be extended to ensure all Patrons have a chance to vote. I will check in a few times over the next week and make a decision by next Saturday whether the poll should continue beyond the standard one week.


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