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First off, allow me to address the elephant in the room. I held a survey to determine what patrons wanted most from a release and the majority of you said to hold off on releasing anything until it is ready. I still felt like I was letting you all down and believed I required a swift kick in the rear to shift into high gear. So I went ahead and stated a deadline anyway to get myself out of a rut and motivate me with a concrete goal to attain. 

I made this rookie mistake because I allowed my anxiety get the best of me. If I want to turn content creation into a full-time job then I should be more professional. Starting with using tools to help organize myself better and display progress to you all in a more concise way. My first attempt is this post, laying out the actual status of Day 3.

You all paid me money because you already like what I've done so far and want to see more. And I have a ton of content that I want create for you to play through. You've made your opinion clear that you prefer to wait for high quality content and I've now finally realized I should step out of my own way so I can deliver it.


The first big step of many I'm taking is to identify roadblocks that already exist. My current workflow served me well up until this point, but it has downsides that I should spend some time on mitigating. I’m redoing my workflow to be more efficient which involves a overhaul for how I manage rendering, writing, and coding.

To further the these overhaul efforts, I’m clearing out a adjacent room where I live and moving my PC into it. Which finally affords me the ability to render overnight for animations. Like I stated in the primer post, I plan to include at least one animation that is 30 fps. It will likely only be a second or two long, but I want to include more of them for future releases.

Future Fantasy Dating Updates:

The first time you’ll be able to see the affects of these changes will be in the upcoming Day 3 Sexpansion. Which includes a second part to Oxar's multi-choice erotic scene, with a few more kinks as well. By the way, the version numbering will now be days instead of a version number starting with converting 0.3 to Day 3.

The next release will be Day 3 Sexpansion, then Day 4, and, if needed, Day 4 Sexpansion. This change should also avoid confusion as to how much content is planned. For example, 0.25 does not represent a quarter of the content I planned to include, not even close. Also note that I will be alternating working on Day 3 Sexpansion and Day 4. Only focusing on a sex scene for weeks on end isn't something I want to go through again.

For anyone not interested in Oxar, I also intend to include a first glimpse at Zimmy’s new look as part of the Day 3 Sexpansion. That new look will partially be determined by you all. One of the polls I’m going to hold is for his servant uniform when he and Ehrlynn return on Day 4. A potential uniform option:

On Day 4 MC learns the consequences of helping Zimmy. This day also sets up his arc, which is more of a slow burn compared to the other characters so far. A new longer hairstyle is coming for him too.


For Motherhood I am going to begin talking soon to a very interested dev about cooperating on it. I'm not sure yet what the outcome will be, but splitting the workload over two devs would be a huge plus. Again, nothing official yet, but just know that I am trying many different approaches in the background to provide you all with unique and interesting content. If it doesn't work out, then no harm no foul, I go back to producing it solo.


If you didn't fall asleep reading that giant wall of text then leave a question in the comments. You can also DM me through Discord so I can anonymously post your question and my answer here.


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