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I've reevaluated how I want future updates to be released. In my previous update post I erroneously believed I was ahead of schedule. In actuality, I'm running myself ragged trying to get FD 0.3 out to you all and I need to make some significant changes for my own sanity. I'm so overloaded this month that I seem to have forgotten that Ehrlynn's first sex scene was 6 weeks of work. I've been trying to cram Oxar's into a much shorter span of time. On top of that, the stockings and tail increase the workload as well. Suffice to say, I'm obviously doing way too much and even increasing my hours to about 30 hours per week throughout March is not nearly enough.

After 0.3 is released on the 31st, the 2 month release schedule will come to an end. I still intend to work a least 80 hours per month as before, but there are far too many variables to account for when creating this type of content (I know, I must sound like a broken record at this point). I've edited the main page to reflect the new workflow. In summation:

  • I will post a progress update at least 3 times a month on Sundays.
  • Now there will be announcement posts for when a release is coming close after all the renders have been completed for it. No more guessing, blown deadlines, or mismatched expectations. It's done when it's done.
  • BTS posts now fall on the first two Sundays of the month.
  • Polls remain irregular because I need to do more testing during scene creation to make sure they work before I announce them.
  • Test versions remain random and that is why they aren't listed in the tier benefits.
  • I enabled charging new patrons upfront to better manage patrons who joined a tier with credit benefits.
  • Some content (see below) will have a staggered release and come shortly after a main release.

As for 0.3, I had to delay the animations and Oxar's alternate genitalia until a later time. Why? Because the story part is complete and not every player is interested in Oxar. Similar to other devs who do a "special" edition, I intend to release "Sexpansions" which expands upon some erotic scenes. Like always, it will be available for free to everyone.

This new workflow should allow me enough time to finally get a patron only Discord server up and I could actually begin production on Motherhood. I really need something else to focus on because, after spending over 850 hours on FD, I'm beginning to burn out. MH inspires me in new ways because the atmosphere is completely different.

See what I mean? For more info on this test shot, check out BTS #8. Special thanks to Nine of Swords Studios for assistance with the neon version.

I know some of you may be dismayed by these changes, but I assure you that this is the best way forward. Players who want to follow the story get it sooner and players who want erotic content will still get it. My content appeals to a wide and wild set of tastes. I need to compromise somewhere. As such, I'm doing my utmost to compromise in ways that does not reduce the amount of erotic content while still maintaining a reasonable release time frame.


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