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Say hello to Jacey! 

I was surprised by the poll results; I never would have guessed Dillia would be the runner up. The names listed in the poll will come up again for potential future character names. In the comments of the previous post I mentioned the name Dahlena (altered from a name a patron messaged to me), so I've added it to the list of potential names as well.

For the curious, the original name was Frangeline, but I don't think that fit this character's vibrant looks and personality (no offense to any Frans out there!). I know the bar clothes aren't the most flattering of clothing choices for a pic. But her anatomy isn't yet complete, and she contains a very unique genitalia option I want all you adventurous types to experience when her sex scene is finally in FD.


So, how is the first date progressing? After spending more time than I expected on set design, it is slowly but surely coming together. The original subway station asset was a nightmare to deal with. It was massive with no broken lines of sight. Among other issues, it was laggy and slow in Daz, even with just MC by herself and her old low-quality hair. With my increased skill set since I used it the first time, I may be able to figure out how to adjust it for the Day 1 remaster, but it will sit idle on the hard drive for a little while.

The above and below image may look familiar as I've used them to advertise the next update on discord and F95. Above is MC making her way to the new subway station. Below is a full shot of the rest of the bar where the first part of the date takes place.

Out front of the bar is a stairwell to another subway station. The stairs of which, MC's first date are jumping over to make it in time. 

Some of you may recognize Oxar from the development thread, but he has changed a little since then. I know male love interests outside of gay or corruption oriented adult VN's is a rarity, but I implore you all to give him a shot. All the male characters in FD will be different from regular males you usually see in a adult VN. No macho assholes, no condescending mansplainers, and no creepy men are allowed!

As always, there will be alternate variants of his sex scene for those who prefer MC not be penetrated. All FD love interests will be okay with being the bottom only. They will never beg, complain, or try to trick their way into topping MC. To steal a phrase from Reddit, the characters are of the mindset "Didn't matter, had sex." Lastly, this will be the first skippable scene which will then ask the player some of the options that will matter for other characters (like non-human genitalia preference).

The past week I concentrated on Motherhood due to the set design issues and holidays throwing my schedule out of whack. However, MH development won't continue until at least FD's next release is out and I am still working towards the end of January for that 0.3 update. My plan is for 0.3 to at least include until the end of the night with standard human genitalia. It may take me another week or two to finish Oxar's canine genitalia option and his morning scene before Ehrlynn's return. If this occurs, I will try to release it as a smaller update so you don't have to download the whole package again.


On a completely unrelated note... I HATE WORKING WITH TAILS IN DAZ! That is all.



Keep up the good work and hope to see the update soon,