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I'm not good at titles but ..!! We're following up from part two with the last bit of keypart art! Dr Fuji manages his escape somehow and they're now in hiding, raising Mewtwo and continuing to keep Ambertwo alive with what little he has. It's been a little time since their escape and Mewtwo is now much older.

While still trying to keep lowkey to keep under the radar from Rocket and from any other attention they both are now working on Ambertwo. Thankfully Mewtwo's hyper intelligence makes the little they have possible to keep her essence alive. Mewtwo can even communicate with her via telepathy and they are a sort of gateway between Dr Fuji and his daughter while keeping a friendship that's been around since their childhood.

It's a little makeshift family of a crazy scientist, his hyper Mew clone of a son, and his theory of a daughter. 

But celebration and little happy moments are sparse between having to relocate and run from place to place. Rocket is still hot on their tail and not willing to give up. A whole lot more trouble waits for them in this AU.



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