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Hello patreons! This guide is still a little bit rough, but it can be handful for those who are starting the game or those who want to know a little bit more about the mechanics (how the barracks work is at the end).

Also, as you can see, I am working now on overhauling the UI significantly, using more or less the same model that I am using for Take over, since its significantly faster for me to adapt or recycle certain assets than to do everything from 0.   

This will make the management of your whole kingdom significantly easier, since you'll be able to do so from one single place instead of going all over the city, it will also be prettier and imo more intuitive than before. You can expect this to be ready if not for next update (0.2.7), definitely for 0.2.8 Dev.

We will keep working on this guide until it covers all of the main story and of course mechanics, although certain things about the barracks may change during this process, I don't think the inner numerical change will do so much. 

Note: all these images are from photoshop and some elements are placeholders or just indications for me, the final result may not be the same, but very close. 




I love the new design of the UI. I know you said you were recycling the UI from take over but it is a lot cleaner in my opinion and not so bland.


Are you planning to introduce (sooner or later) some artwork for the random encounters in the forest?


it depends more on the money we get than anything else, the game is barely making any money at this point, so for now, this wont definitely happen