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This update is for the game of Take Over, you can see more about it at patreon.com/studiodystopia 


Hello patreons! Finally the release of 0.7 is here! Sorry because there wasn’t a dev build this month, but since I was working on new mechanics, that depend on each other too, it would have been pointless to just publish the game in that rough state.

Now, let’s begin with the changelog! As promised and voted, the focus now is on the city and the mechanics that will make this “world” more alive, but more of that after the notes!


  • Added a new story event with Vera when you visit the PPF HQ. In this case, she will explain you all about facilities.
  • Facilities! These locations will provide with basic income and changes to the city, you’ll be able to upgrade certain tasks for your agents, and in some of them you’ll be able to put policies in place, as in how they dress, or how they attend customers, etc.
  • One facility fully finished: You’ll be able to corrupt the coffee shop, flirt with the barista, and even transform them if that’s what you wish!
  • Four partially added facilities: The secret bunker, which you need to repair to conduct insurgency tasks, the PPF HQ, where you can upgrade your agent tools for their security tasks, your house, where you can put different policies for Celia and Katy (still WIP), and the library, where you will get introduced to a new character and agent, named Jasey.
  • New four tasks! Now all the tasks for insurgency and security have been added. These include raiding, sabotage, intelligence and misdirection. There will be certain upgrades for your raid and sabotage tasks in the next update, will you can find new updates for your security tasks in the PPF HQ facility inside the journal.
  • You now can research all the five body types, adding BBW, petite and bimbofication! in case you have extra research, you can start using it in this way. RIGHT NOW you can’t transform any character with these, although you can transform the girls at the coffee shop into bimbos!
  • New mechanic: Manpower! When you capture facilities (or in special occasions), you will get certain amount of man power. These can be assigned to any tasks, and will perform just slightly worse than one of your regular agents, so even if the roster of characters doesn’t grows significantly, you can still run big operations (right now it’s only available for labor tasks, which includes wage slavery, doing research or producing serum)
  • Also, public use training can be completed for for Celia, Katy, Dimitria and Mirjana (right now, just with their normal bodies). 

So as you can see, it’s going to be very fun from now on, having a little bit more of control over what happens in the city, making it easier to get more resources too, and also the chance to add new and different of side characters, increasing the variety of the game without slowing down it’s development. 

Facilities also make writing the story more easy: Instead of capturing big institutions from the get go, you slowly corrupt small locations around the city, and then spread your influence from there. 

From this point almost all tasks have been added, except for the “night life” ones, which of course are going to be more sexy. I am looking forward to add that one in 0.8! 

Also, I may slow down transformation for the characters: Instead of trying to get all of them done at once, I will create polls to see which one you want to see this specific month, that way I still get most of the new mechanics, story, and world building down without delays, as I did for 0.7, where I only added the bimbo version of a facility.

This will be all for now, please leave feedback either here, in a PM or in discord, share your thoughts and tell us what you want to see in the future too! 



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