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  • This was the original layout for this page. While fleshing out both panels, I found it difficult to draw the bottom panel, might have been because I couldn't draw the main character in certain angles. So, I ended up changing the pose along with the layout.

  • Here's what I came up with. I made the pose more dynamic and action orientated. I ended up not drawing the feet because I had 3D models of shoes in a folder for me to use on top of the pose.

  • When it came to this page, I wanted to see how far I can push these 3D models to their limits. So, used the 3D model of the school building and changed the camera angle's to an upward perspective. This ended up working for the right panel by removing some assets by accessing the 3D model's object list, and hiding the layers for the ground and parts of the school.
  • Afterwards, I converted the 3D backgrounds into line art, then drew over the 3D model and added some chains by using custom brushes, or adding the PNG to a 3D plain and messing around with the perspective.

  • While making these panels, I ended up cobbling together 2D and 3D assets together to make a rough of what I originally wanted. After roughing out these poses, I came up with a solution.

  • I continued with outlining the main poses for all three characters. After that, I took the 3D model of the school and zoomed in on one of the windows, then I converted the 3D background into line art. Then I masked parts of the poses that overlapped the background. Later on, I added some chains by using custom brushes, or adding the PNG to a 3D plain and messing around with the perspective.

  • For the left panel, I reused the pose from a previous page and just drew over it again, but with more details. When it came to drawing the third villain, I had a rough time with drawing him in my art style. So I pretty much winged it after wording this section.

  • For these three panels, I decided to make this scene have a lot of funny facial expressions because a lot of the panels from the original webtoon had a lot of weird yet funny faces. I used a lot of references provided by the creator of Lost Eden himself.


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