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  • For this page, I wanted some action! So I decided to make the main character for this upload jump out of a window, to escape the villains. I did this by using a 3D model of a school, and I made an off panel folder for the 3D model.

  • Before I completed this page, I converted the 3D background into line art and screen tones, that way I could solely focus on drawing the main character. Then I edited one of the windows to make it look broken for when the main character jumps out. Afterwards, I added some action lines and extra glass around the main character.

  • Originally, I wanted to draw two poses for the main character while falling. One pose after he breaks through the winder, and the other realizing he's falling to his death. This became too much work for me, so I just stuck with one pose for simplicities' sake.

  • Eventually, I chose this pose for then the main character is falling. 

  • After finishing off the falling pose, I added it to the long canvas. Then I added some shards of glass around the main character as he's falling.

  • Lastly, I decided to reuse the previous panel I worked on before. This time I added a chain and sickle coming from the top of the building, to the bottom of the panel where you see the weapon. When it came to the sound effects, I decided to add one part of the sound effect for the top of the panel, and then I continued the sound effect halfway down the page.


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