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UPDATE #1 NOTE: She said "a person like me would be useful in restructuring HYBE". I just spoke to a clinical psychologist/psychiatrist and he said that this is not surprising for a Narcissist. Grandiosity is the defining characteristic of narcissism. The unrealistic sense of superiority is what feeds into their "happiness". Narcissists believe they are unique or “special” and can only be understood by other special people. What's more, they are too good for anything average or ordinary. That really explained a lot.

I left this as a response to a comment in another post.


I might do one more focusing on some corporate stuff and her communication strategy.

But first, RM!


Things You Should Pay Attention To In #minheejin Press Conference

These are the things you should really pay attention to in Min Heejin's press conference. It shows she doesn't think anyone else contributed to her success and the success of her group, #newjeans . No humility. No remorse. It's all about her. Patreon: http://patreon.com/asianEAC Website: http://www.madsoulasylum.com Talk to me anytime: https://twitter.com/AsianEAC For more personal stuff: https://www.instagram.com/iamfairlane/ https://www.twitter.com/iamfairlane/


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