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What's happening everyone. I hope this week is treating you well!

I've adjusted some camera settings so my videos should be super clear from now on. I also ordered a new lens (very exciting) which should improve the quality even more. I should have a video ready by tomorrow to explain a bit more about these issues, that I will share for the general audience on YouTube :)

On the video, if the gear wheel doesn't show "HD" then it's not playing in 1080 and you'll need to click to adjust the quality.

This video begins with 5min Sun Salutations:

  • Utkatasana- inhale 
  • Uttanasana- exhale
  • Ardha Uttanasana- inhale
  • Lunge- exhale
  • Plank- inhale
  • Chaturanga- exhale
  • Upward Dog- inhale
  • Downward Dog- exhale
  • Lunge- inhale
  • Uttanasana- exhale
  • Urdhva Hastasana 

The trickiest part of the Sun Salutation can be remembering which foot to lunge back with, and lunge forward with. You'll get into a nice flow when you're able to move without thinking. If you step back with your right foot to Lunge > Plank > Chaturanga..., then you'll step forward with your right foot to Lunge > Uttanasana > Urdhva Hastasana :) Alternate which foot does the stepping on each round.

The most difficult part is definitely maintaining ease of breath. If you don't have a regular Sun Salutation practice, then it takes a time or two to get comfortable with the breath. Take it easy and in time, with focus, the breath will come to you.

How is your jump-back to Chaturanga? 

We practice the "Intense Toe Stretch" after Sun Salutations. This prepares the feet to catch Chaturanga on the jump-back, so give it a-go (unless you are having low back / shoulder issues).

Enter Dancing Warrior for 3 rounds. We take a deep dive into the hips, bowing the crown of the head (top of head) to the ground, while wringing out the shoulders with the hand clasp.

Finally, Backbends. 

Start with Side Plank and open into a backbend variation, often called Wild Thing

Ustrasana (Camel Pose) taking one heel to begin

Setu Bandhasana (Shoulder Supported Bridge) with flow

Urdhva Dhanurasana (Upward Bow)

Now, Decompress.

Restore ease and length to your back body by reclining comfortably on your back and extending one leg up, looping a strap over your foot. Let your arms suspend from the grip on the strap so that you get nice shoulder traction as well as stretch the back of your leg, hamstrings, lower back, and butt.

One minute at least on each side!

Ahh, Shavasana.

Let the efforts of your practice restore balance through the vital life force of your body and mind by adding time to rest properly.


A Dancing Warrior Introduction to Backbends

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Your videos are so much higher quality!!


Thank you!!! I had no idea how complicated this camera would be to figure out! But the better quality is definitely worth it.