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Oh hi! How's everybody this week? I hope you enjoy this week's flavor of yoga... a step by step approach to touch your toes behind your head!

In this video I guide you through a simple (yet complex) yoga session into backbends, culminating in King Pigeon. The Sanskrit name is Eka Pada Rajakapotana, which means One-Legged-King Pigeon Pose. This progression of asanas will deeply open the hips and shoulders while extending the spine in an upward rising backbend.

It's not easy, but it is a good "beginner backbend" because you will develop the strength along your spine in ways that are not as targeted in more traditional backbends (namely, Wheel Pose).

Because you are lifting your chest and head up, and balancing on the dynamic position of your legs and hips, you will develop awareness of your posture that will prevent back pain that you otherwise might experience in other poses.

I sectioned this video into 2 parts, and will be releasing them separately on YouTube but for the Patron-only version you have the full video, plus a blooper "intermission" at the end of part one, and an extra stretch to unwind at the end of part two!

Vajrasana (Diamond Pose)

  • stretch your feet and ankles to prepare for king pigeon
  • lift arms to develop strength in your back and trunk of body
  • practice positioning your hands in a mudra for deeper concentration (more on mudras in future videos)

Anjaneyasana A (Low Crescent)

  • synch motion of lower body with upper body movement
  • create rhythm with your breath and body

Parsvottanasana (Pyramid)

  • gently counterstretch the hips
  • extend the spine forward
  • create rhythm with your breath and body

Anjaneyasana B (Low Crescent)

  • lunge deep into hips with stable feet
  • stretch side body with open arm motion

Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana (Revolved Head to Knee)

  • find comfortable seated position to begin
  • explore range of motion with arm and shoulder
  • coordinate motion with chest and trunk of body
  • create rhythm with your breath and body
  • clasp your foot with one or both hands if possible

-part 2-

Gomukhasana (Devine Bovine aka Cow Face)

  • start with the lower body portion of this pose
  • progress into the upper body with side stretches
  • continue into upper body with reverse prayer hands
  • take the hand clasp if you are comfortable in the lower body

Kapotasana (Pigeon)

  • move hands from the front of your mat to your hips to progress into hip opening
  • if you are strong in your back, lift your arms up
  • if you are steady in your breath, clasp your hands into your preferred mudra
  • come out gently by placing your hands down and moving them to front of mat

Eka Pada Dhanurasana (One Legged Bow)

  • reach one hand back to clasp the same side foot
  • reposition second hand to develop subtle strength along spine
  • draw clasped foot closer to your hip
  • gently release

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (One Legged Pigeon)

  • enter kapotasana 
  • reach one hand back to clasp the same side foot
  • use second hand to the ground for balance and support
  • alternate your clasped hand from the outside to inside of foot
  • notice the stretch in your shoulder
  • keep chest oriented forward
  • explore the repositioning of you hand to clasp over the top of your foot
  • draw the elbow up as your shoulder rotates and the foot comes to the head



Shoulder Stretch


Yoga Asana Guide to Backbends - 9 Yoga Poses to King Pigeon (+blooper intermission, final stretches)

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This is one of my favorite vids so far.. love the hair also!!