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Hello Patrons! 

Is everybody ready to enjoy the summer?

For June I am bringing you Back to the Body -- A Summer Yoga Series :)

This video guides you through a 32min yoga practice + 5min meditation, to be exact-ish, that will fire up your body with the forward alignment of Warrior Namaskar, tons of core exercises + give your body healthy stretches for balanced posture and flexibility.

I still have a bit of an icecream belly, but my abs are starting to show again, finally!

And, I'm not kidding about tons of core exercises. I had to edit it down just a bit, but the original video was 15min of constant core... so this video is probably at least a10min core connection.

Unedited video (~60min) from my iphone includes a few additional sun salutations, core moves, stretches, and crow) will available on Yoga Scenes tier this week.


Warrior Namaskar invites the warrior one position into our practice with a sun-salutation-style warm up. 

Legs Up Urdhva Prasarita Padasana tones the belly and trunk with a sequence of reclined core exercises that play perfectly into an agile practice.

Warrior Lunge Hip Opening continues to strengthen the entire body while securing a foundation for flexibility that allows for a deeper "seat" in Virabhadrasana One. 

The arm movements in Warrior Lunge Hip Opening prepare your shoulders and chest for Ustrasana, the backbend from the knees. I share four steps to practice that will help you move in the direction of clasping your heels in Ustrasana (Camel Pose) without straining your back. Stick with the steps and don't push beyond your comfort zone. A little goes a long way! Even if you can't even imagine clasping your heels. Just do the arm movements and it will get clearer.

Resting into reclined Hip Opening gives your body time to adjust with deep flexibility, as you clasp one foot at a time in reclined Lizard; clasp both feet in upside down Butterfly, and rock into Happy Baby.

To complete the practice, it's time to rest and if you'd like to join me for five minutes of sitting, I invite you to sit up and bask in meditation.

I hope you enjoy this class!

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


BACK TO THE BODY// Summer Yoga Body by Courtney Bell Yoga Current// Warrior Namaskar

Yoga Current Classes - Patreon.com/CourtneyBell Website - Yogacurrent.com For all new videos and access to hundreds of Courtney Bell Yoga Patreon Videos, join one of my Patreon tiers. Have you benefited by following along with Courtney's yoga videos online, and want to make a one-time donation? You can send money through Venmo, CashApp, or PayPal: Paypal.me/YogaCurrent Cash App @CourtneyBellYoga Venmo @CourtneyBellYoga ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Join Courtney Bell's Yoga Current Class Community: $5 Patrons get one Yoga Video at the beginning of each month. $8 Patrons get a monthly Yoga Video Series with 3-4 yoga classes online, delivered weekly. $20 Patrons have everything from the previous tiers, plus membership at Yoga Current with private webpages designed for each monthly yoga video series. $50 Patrons have everything from the previous tiers, plus Yoga Scenes, offering a variety of behind-the-scenes content from Courtney's home yoga practice. $100 Patrons have everything from the previous tiers, plus custom yoga video request. Every four months that you pledge at this level, you will see at least one of your requests come to life! After you have 2 custome videos, you will get a custom Yoga Current webpage for your videos. ——————————————————————————————————————— DISCLAIMER: Please consult your doctor before starting any diet or exercise program. The information presented by Yoga Current and Courtney Bell is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide a medical diagnosis or substitute for medical advice. By attempting any of the exercises in the video, you do so at your own risk. We make no representations, guarantees or warranties that the information or exercises in this video are appropriate for you or will result in improvement of your medical condition or function.



Wow!! Your the best!!


that was a very helpful routine. will be doing this one again. thanks court!