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What's happenin, Patrons!

It seems like everything has taken forever to do this week. Is it just me or do you feel kind of like molasses too? Well, I wanted to get into a practice that energized my body but respected the gentle vibes.

To make sure this video fit into my theme of things taking forever this week, I recorded it in 4k so editing was... SLOW. Gosh I sound like I'm complaining but trust me, I'm not! If I wanted to complain I'd go on more about how my Macbook is from 2011 :) ... when I upgrade things are going to get lit.

So, this class is appropriate for people in a restorative or nurturing phase as well as for those who are super pumped, just back from a run or a workout.

The Warrior Vinyasa focuses on extending the arms like a wingspan. There are scientific studies about how the wide stance with outstretched arms increases self-confidence and energetic presence. So you don't have to push yourself beyond your comfort zone if you feeling restful, but you can stretch your wings and feel freedom from the inside. 

Warming Up

It begins with warming up the upper body, from hands and knees, gently undulating forward and back to strengthen the trunk/arms (forward) and stretching the back/shoulders (backward).

Rather than lying flat on the belly for Cobra, we shift from the knees into High Cobra, to stretch the front of the body. I mean, sometimes you don't want to go belly-down, am I right? You can smoothly transition from High Cobra to Up Dog if you want to lift your chest even higher, by pressing from your toes. 

Warrior Vinyasa

Step One:

  • Warrior Two (Virabhadrasana 2)
  • Reverse Warrior (Viparita Virabhadrasana)

Step Two:

  • Warrior Two (Virabhadrasana 2)
  • Reverse Warrior (Viparita Virabhadrasana)
  • Triangle Prep (Trikonasana)
  • Extended Triangle (Utthita Trikonasana)
  • Half Triangle (Ardha Trikonasana)
  • Extended Triangle (Utthita Trikonasana)
  • Warrior Two (Virabhadrasana 2)

Step Three:

Flow by linking your breath with each movement ~

  • Exhale Vira 2
  • Inhale Viparita Vira
  • Exhale Trikonasana
  • Inhale Utthita Trikonasana
  • Exhale Ardha Trik
  • Inhale Utthita Trik
  • Exhale Vira 2


Use a block to perch your lower body up over your arms. 

This bypasses the need to fire-up the core and allows you to experience the sensation of arm balance without having to lift your feet off of the block.

If you do practice lifting your feet, notice that your perched position does not change form when the weight transfers into balance.


Cobbler Pose, rocking side to side

Reclined Cobbler, with cushions under your back and head

Supported Savasana, with cushions under your back and head

Comfortable Seat, connecting to the power of presence


Warrior Vinyasa to Crow

Online Yoga Class Community: Patreon.com/CourtneyBell ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About my content: I share new YouTube Yoga videos every Tuesday!!! **Help me reach my 4000 watch hours in 2021 Watch, Like, Subscribe, and Share I create new Yoga Class Series on Patreon! **Join my online yoga class community Patreon.com/CourtneyBell $5 Patrons will have 24-48hr first access to my YouTube publications + 1 Mind Map and Patreon Yoga Class at the beginning of each month. $8 Patrons have 24-48hr first access to my YouTube publications + my monthly Patreon Yoga Program with 3-4 yoga classes and accompanying mind maps. $20 Patrons have everything from the previous tiers, including the monthly Patreon Yoga Program with Mind Maps plus membership at Yoga Current with links to the new videos. $50 Patrons have everything from the previous tiers, plus Yoga Scenes-- a new offering of a variety of content ranging from behind-the-scenes videos/photos to downloadable photo collages. $100 Patrons have everything from the previous tiers, plus I will make you a custom yoga video every four months that you pledge at this level. After I've made 2 videos for you, I create a custom YogaCurrent page for your videos. Custom video requests must be appropriate for YouTube :) $500 Patrons-- This tier is currently undefined. It doesn't really work for custom videos. The $100 tier is best for the custom yoga videos because over the course of 4 months (4 months = 1 custom video), there is time to message about your practice and lifestyle, which helps me gather ideas about how to make your custom video. ——————————————————————————————————————— DISCLAIMER: Please consult your doctor before starting any diet or exercise program. The information presented by Yoga Current and Courtney Bell is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide a medical diagnosis or substitute for medical advice. By attempting any of the exercises in the video, you do so at your own risk. We make no representations, guarantees or warranties that the information or exercises in this video are appropriate for you or will result in improvement of your medical condition or function.


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