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Hi everyone!

This video is just under 15minutes, guiding you through a series of five yoga postures (including Shavasana) that have amazing therapeutic benefits. These are postures you can practice while seated and lying on the ground.

Here's a breakdown of the session!

  • Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana, or "Revolved Head to Knee Pose"


I demonstrate what the name of this posture means, and I break down the steps for how you progress into the spiral, or revolution, experienced in this pose. It will help you breakthrough the limitations of flexibility, while providing an anchor of strength. Benefits include improved circulation through spinal column while toning liver, spleen, and kidneys-- aids in healthy digestion, weight loss, and back pain.

  • Apanasana, or "Knees to Chest Pose"


This simple pose helps to ground the energy ignited during the first pose, while compressing the ascending, transverse, and descending colon.

  • Setu Bandhasana, or "Shoulder Supported Bridge Pose"


This posture stretches your chest and hips while strengthening the supporting muscles of your spine and back. It helps to create calmness and regulates metabolism while releasing excess tension in the digestive system.  In this video, I guide you through the active version, but as you know from previous videos you can practice this pose with a block under you sacrum for a more restful experience.

  • Supta Baddha Konasana, or "Reclined Cobbler's Pose"


This is a very relaxing posture, preparing for final Shavasana. It allows the inner hips to relax and unwind.

  • Shavasana, or "Final Resting Pose"


In this video I demonstrate a gentle massage of the sternum which is the long bone located in the center of the chest/ribs. Allowing your fingers to melt into the fascia on top of the sternum, slowly from the lower base to the top (just under the collar bones). After a couple of times, allow your gentle massage to open under the collar bones and release your arms to the ground on either side or you.

Ahhh ~

I hope you enjoy this session!

To Health, Love and Lifestyle--


P.S. It's November! I am looking forward to a new month of creativity to share new yoga videos and improve your experience on Patreon Yoga and my Yoga Current website. 


How to Stretch | Yoga for Flexibility, Yoga Postures for Digestion, Nighttime Yoga in Back Pain

Begin yoga at home to unwind from daily stress and tension. I will skillfully guide you through a series of four flexible poses, with relaxing background music. This session is suitable for beginners yoga for weight loss and yoga for back pain. Each yoga position is held for a certain amount of time to increase therapeutic benefits. The health benefits of yoga in this video include yoga postures for digestion, increasing circulation to spinal column, and toning the internal organs. Learn how to stretch and relax in this yoga video for flexibility!



I have been lax on my practice and this was just what I needed! Thank you Courtney


Nice! Glad you enjoyed it. I could use some revolved janu sirsasana right about now, too! :)