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The release candidate for MCCC/MC Woohoo is out for 2023.4.0 (2023.4.RC1). I'm rushing it a bit for this release to try to get things ready for the upcoming update from EA.  I'm hoping I can do a public release that includes any fixes necessary for their update rather than having to do public release hotfixes and Patreon pre-release updates as well.

Since this is the release candidate, English placeholder strings for new menu options for other languages are all included in this version as well.  If no critical issues are found, a public release will happen soon.

Full change log for 2023.4.0 is here.

Installation instructions can be found here.

Troubleshooting can be found here.

The MCCC Discord server links are below:

Patreon MCCC Support - MCCC support questions only  
Patron Exception Support - Last Exception or if you just don't know what the error is



The link to the change log seems to be broken.


So, is this to replace the 2023.3.PR4?


Hello please I just updated this and I’ve been getting last exceptions . I’ve done the 50/50 method and taken everything out of my game and this seems to be the culprit. Pls how do I get help thanks


also i have been to your discord but they weren't any help


For support, you have to go to Discord. We do no support here. Last Exceptions are not an indication that MCCC needs to be updated. It's an indication you have things going on in your game with your particular save file or with other mods in your game. Getting a MCCC update won't fix that. Only finding the problem and handling it will.


Discord is the place you'll need to go. As I have mentioned, we don't do support here. I see every user that comes through the Patreon support channels that I have linked on each pre-release and I don't recall ever seeing an issue come through that support was not able to help with...