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"This is quite troublesome." The elderly woman sighs as she sits upon her pillows.

"G-Grandmother... I-I'm so sorry!" The white-haired girl kneeling on the floor sobs.

"Paya." The woman frowns. "It is no more your fault than it is my own."

Her gaze strays slowly to Linkle and myself. "Linkle. Aurum. The Sheikah relic and the vault it opened was one of the only things I was not offering to assist you on your journey. It is something that was kept solely for the princess of the Hyrule lineage."

"For Zelda?" Linkle mutters.

"Theoretically." Impa nods.

"Theoretically?" I question.

"Yes. Theoretically. It was a place she was meant to visit if one sole situation came to pass." The old woman nods. "If the kingdom was to turn its back on her, she was to visit this location and take up the mantle of the Sheik of the Sheikah. A figure of legend that one of the past princesses of Hyrule created."

"Wait... what?" Linkle blinks owlishly. "You are telling me that Hyrule itself turned its back on a princess in the past?!"

"Yes. But regretfully I do not know many of the details. They have been long since lost to time. This legend predates even the tales of the Great Calamity by a thousand years or so. Right at the start of when the Sheikah race started creating advanced technology." Impa quietly informs, a grim frown on her face. "All signs of what has happened today points to the Yiga clan. I do not know what exists within this vault... but what I do know is that we cannot allow them to have it. That is why, I believe that you should take whatever is inside with you on your adventure."

The woman sadly shakes her head. "I was being foolish when I said you were not allowed. Hyrule is in a dire state. There can be no Sheik... if the entire Hyrule Royal Family were to die... and that number has dwindled to merely one. One who had sealed herself with the Calamity. Keeping it at bay for a little more than one hundred years."

"If Hyrule is destroyed. The entire vault will be utterly pointless." She finishes with a slow nod. "That is why I ask of you. Travel into the forest you found the Great Fairy Fountain within. Towards the eastern side of the forest is where the Yiga will need to place the key. I am unsure how long they have been gone, so time is of the essence."

"I think we actually stumbled onto the place in the forest while we were looking for the Great Fairy Fountain." I mutter as I share a look with Linkle

"That's right!" She gasps as she turns towards the door. "Come on, Aurum! Let's go! Use your horse song!"

I nod as we both turn and leave the house, we rapidly make our way down the stairs and begin running as I conjure an instrument.

I play the concise song as we run, a ghostly, slightly see-through, blue horse appearing next to us, its mane swaying, unaffected by gravity like a cold blue fire, a black saddle rests on its back, a bit and bridle on its head.

It gallops next to us as Linkle Reaches up and leaps onto it, she looks back, offering me a hand, I take it and step up into the saddle right behind her.

With that, the mount continues full speed, rushing out of town.

A quest has been received:

The legend of Sheik. Tales from the Past:
A long time ago, the kingdom of Hyrule turned its back on that age's princess and the royal family. The king and queen were jailed, and the Princess had to hide herself among the royal family's most trusted allies. Taking on a new name... the Sheik of the Sheikah.
Prevent the Yiga Clan from obtaining whatever is within the ancient Sheikah Vault: [ ]
Secure anything in the vault for yourselves: [ ]


I leap off the horse, rolling through the grassy dirt for a moment before I get to my feet.

In the distance, three figures glance upwards, they are stood upon some form of circular platform with a large hole in the center, judging by their figures, there are two men and one woman, in the hands of one of the men is a large orb with glowing orange symbols.

The Sheikah relic.

He drops it into the hole causing the entire thing to begin glowing a bright blue.


In the distance, behind the three, the rock wall cracks.

With the sound of grinding stone, a large doorway slowly slides open, sinking down into the floor, away from the mountainous cliff face.

"You two. Take care of them." The middle of the trio orders as he begins to turn around.

"Linkle! Shoot!" I shout as I raise both hands.

I snap my finger.


The three Yiga assassins stagger under the force of the sheer thunderclap that strikes them.

I snap again, and again, and again, blasting the three who are close together with violent noise.

Linkle pulls out her hand crossbows as she hops off the horse and fires two bolts as I continue repeatedly snapping.

Her shots are surprisingly accurate, the first striking one of the men in the forehead, and the second striking the woman in the throat, they fall down dead as she quickly reloads a sole crossbow and send a bolt flying towards the last guy who is also falling down, where it slams into the back of his head.


I slowly look over to Linkle.

She slowly looks over to me, wearing the mask of truth.

"That was a little anticlimactic." I call out blandly.

"I mean, a little." The girl agrees. "But now we should- DUCK!"

"I fling myself to the floor with a quiet hiss as a visible gale of wind swipes through where my upper torso was a moment ago.

I roll forwards, getting to my feet, freezing up as I see something that is decisively not good.

Two figures stand before me, the first, a familiar one, red Yiga jumpsuit slightly torn, large holes sewn together, mask lightly cracked.

It’s the fucker who nearly killed us on the first night in Kakariko.

Beside him is something that is much more worrying.

A towering man, easily eight or so feet tall, he has humongous muscles and is in red much like the smaller assassin next to him.

His voice echoes out, an absolutely massive katana with holes in its blade clutched in two hands. "I can see that perhaps your failure was not entirely your own fault. Bothersome abilities. The fact you were able to survive such an onslaught is commendable."

He begins slowly walking forwards. "Come. Let us finish this swiftly. Acting in accordance to the original plan."

"Yes sir." The smaller Yiga nods.

I slowly draw my sword and audibly swallow.

This... is going to be fucking rough.

I snap my fingers blasting them both with sound, the larger man tenses slightly but he quickly swipes his sword upwards before I can do it again. He was utterly unbothered by that.

Holy shit.

I narrowly avoid the large cleaving blast of air that creates a fairly wide crevasse in the earth.

"U-Uh! Aurum! Buy me some time!" Linkle shouts out.

"EX-FUCKING-SCUSE ME?!" I shout over my shoulder.

The smaller Yiga assassin lunges forwards as I narrow my eyes, an Ocarina appearing in my hand as I let out a loud growl. "Alright. But you owe me SO fucking much for this one, and this time I'm actually going to fucking collect so you BETTER be thinking about something nice you can either do for me or give me!"

I play a few notes as I step forwards, meeting the man head on.

I parry his swiping attack with his curved sickle, needles flashing into his other hand, he swings his arm forwards, going for my eyes again like he did back at Impa's house, however, this time it looks like he's going to try and permanently blind me instead of merely getting me to flinch back.

I drop the spectral ocarina as I lean back, my knee coming up and striking him roughly in the torso as I place one hand on the floor and back handspring to my feet.

The large man smashes his fist into the earth, causing a slight rumble to shoot outwards in a wave.

The ground beneath me shifts slightly as I lunge forwards towards the Yiga clan mook.

A huge spike of earth shoots through the area I was just in, angled backwards as to strike me if I tried to avoid it by leaping away from the guy in front of me.

I swing my hand forwards, hurling a large clump of dirt I had grabbed off the floor at the Yiga foot soldier's face, in the brief moment of surprise I step forwards and slam the pommel of my sword into his forehead, then as he takes a step back I slash downwards.

"Gaaah!" He screams, as a large gash opens up in his chest, one hand brought up to his mask as thick, wet dirt clings to roughly where his eyes would be.

I can see the huge man to the side swipe horizontally, a visible churning crescent of violent wind rushing from the tip of his sword and coming right for me.

I take a deep breath as I focus on a spell, the Yiga assassin fighting me in melee diving backwards as his leader rushes in right behind his slash.

The attack misses as I blur, my figure seemingly multiplying and shimmering in and out of itself as I blast forwards at tremendous speed.

I plunge by blade downwards, stabbing it into the center of my first opponent's chest.

I violently rend it from its place as I face the large man.

'I... have an idea...'

He swipes forwards, but I call upon my magic once more and blur past him, my sword flashing out as I slide to a halt right behind him.

My attack strikes the handguard of his blade and pulls upwards, freeing the sword from his grasp.

My free hand swings out and snags the blade from the air as I sheathe my sentient weaponry, wielding this truly tremendous weapon in both hands.

The large Yiga Blademaster turns as I do, letting out a low grunt as he steps to the side, avoiding the slash of my new weapon.

My power floods my body one final time as I prepare to use my final second level spell for the day.

I blur past him, the weapon in my hands swinging upwards.

*GRK-" the man grunts.

An arm flips through the air from my surprisingly lucky attack, his chest is mangled. He seems staggered at his incredible wound, granting me ample time to whirl around and slash downwards.

A humongous wound opens on his back as I swing the sword downwards.

With one final movement I quickly halt the force of my swing and shift the angle of the blade.

With one final upwards slash, and a gurgle from my foe, he falls forwards.


I stab him through the back one final time for good measure.


I look over to Linkle who is frozen in shock, aiming a crossbow at the guy I just eviscerated in like... no time at all.

A bolt with a glowing blue tip rests in her hand crossbow.

She pulls the mask down, her eyes wide as she takes the ancient arrow out of her crossbow.

"What the fuck?" I question quietly.

"How... how did you do that?" She asks.

"I don't fucking know, Linkle." I scoff as I gesture to the very dead blademaster and the other Yiga clan member. "How the legitimate fuck did I do ANY of this! I mean, this guy totally two-v-oned us like... a week ago, yet here I am doing the same to him and his FAR stronger boss!"

She slowly pulls the mask back over her face as she turns to the Sheikah vault.

I pluck the massive sheathe from the prone nearly bisected figure and re-sheathe my newest weapon, looking over it slowly.

Yiga Windcleaver {Two Handed Weapon}
Hardness: 13
Health: 30
Weight: 4
Damage: (2d8+Str*1.5)
Crit Range: 19-20 (x3)
Windblade Enchantment: If you have a Base Attack Bonus of +1 this sword can be used to strike an enemy 5 feet away from you, this distance increases to 10 feet at BAB +2, and by a further 5 for every additional +1 to your BAB. Note: your strength bonus is not applied to this attack.

Did I crit? Huh...

Not bad. A decent ranged weapon.


Ranged weapon.

"I'm still saying that you owe me a lot for that." I hum as I make my way towards the hole in the wall. "Even if it all worked out... somehow."

"Yeah yeah." The girl states, I assume she's rolling her eyes, but it's a little hard to tell under the mask.

We step into the cave, continuing on for about thirty seconds, carefully maneuvering around the eveven and slightly damp tunnel as it curves to the left, the walls become worked stone, the floor becomes flat tile, an empty hallway stands before us as we continue deeper and deeper-

Linkle stops causing me to slowly trail off a couple steps ahead of her. "Why'd you stop?"

She turns to look at me, tilting her head slightly as if I am crazy. "You're telling me that you don't see the wall of spikes, the spinning blade, and the numerous lines of razor sharp wire?!"

"No, Linkle. I don't. Need I remind you that you are wearing a mask that allows you to see invisible objects?" I scoff with an eye roll.

She lets out a low mutter of annoyance as she turns to a nearby wall, reaching towards seemingly nothing.

She twists her hand, causing a section of the wall to open.

"Oh... you know, maybe the Mask of Truth here is sort of required for this place." I observe.

I follow behind her as she glances back suddenly. "Step ONLY where I step."

"Gotcha." I nod once, eyes locking onto the floor.

We carefully make our way through the hallway, slowly but surely.

After around ten minutes of careful maneuvering, we make it to a large expansive room.

The girl in front of me casts a slow glance around the room, then lifts her mask.

"There's nothing in here that screams 'danger'. It's pretty dark, though." She quietly mutters under her breath.

There are quite a few chests lining the walls, in the center of the room a large... like... 'weapon stand' sort of thing, but instead of a sword or anything, it holds scrolls.

The entire thing is trapped in some form of blue stasis bubble, a large black blade stabbed into the floor a short distance away.

"You know, if the Mask of Truth here was required to safely enter... maybe this is the place needed for it to reach its full power?" I idly note as I slowly begin walking around the room, eyes locking onto the text and images on the wall.

"That makes sense." The girl nods. "it would also explain that mask shaped indent on the wall."

I look back to her. "Pardon?"

She points to the wall where, like she said, there is a slightly angular indent that seems to match the mask of truth.

"Huh... well, I'll be damned. Put it in, then."

The girl steps forwards and fully takes the mask off, nestling it into the wall.


The walls brightly glow as the entire room lights up, I can see waves of energy along the web-like lines of blue travel along the entire room, heading towards the mask.

"Well. I'll be damned." I hum as a section of the wall on the far side of the room slides downwards revealing a hidden room, well, more of an alcove in the wall, really. Two chests sit next to a suit of armor, a harp rests upon a pedestal, and more scrolls sit upon a rack, kept safe from the sands of time by some sort of Sheikah stasis bubble.

Linkle looks up to the now lit up roof in quiet wonder, scrawled across the rooftop is a set of murals with words in Sheikah dialect. "Woah..."

"I... sort of wish I knew what it said." Linkle whispers.

"You don't?" I mutter with a confused stare.

"You DO?!" She shoots back.

"Of course." I scoff. "It's written in Sheikah dialect, but it is really old. Do you want the condensed version or the full version."

"The... full version?"

"Alright. You fucking asked for it." I frown as I begin reading aloud. "Verily, doth thine ages turn. Thee moonlight of nary darkness-"

"Alright. Understandable version, please." The girl pouts.

"So. Basically a long time ago, back when- and I quote- 'Courage fell'. Some dude with purple hair and grey skin showed up with some form of mystical triangle."

"A Piece of the Triforce." The sword on my back supplies.

"A piece of the Triforce according to Vivi, whatever a Triforce is- anyways, after this dude showed up, he got it in his head that HE was going to save Hyrule from a great darkness." Using some form of sorcerer's magic, he cast some sort of giga curse that made it so people of Hyrule could only move in-time with his own songs. So, from the looks of it, he was more of a bard like myself than sorcerer. Anyways, after casting this spell, he proceeded to capture the royal family who attempted to stop him, Princess Lanarei, being a skilled harp player managed to escape his musical monstrosities by successfully adapting to the cadence of Hyrule."

"She joined up with the Sheikah, then proceeded to spend seven years training as this bard guy continued to increase his influence over Hyrule. It appears that his original curse merely covered the castle itself, but during those seven years it steadily creeped out further and further. That is when, Lanarei decided to step in, putting her mastery of the harp and her newfound training into use."

"The bard created dangerous creatures from mere instruments. His so-called 'champions' which could harness magical and elemental energies to duplicate numerous effects. They were nearly untouchable within the confines of the bard's curse... they were perfectly crafted to a certain 'song' that played where they stayed allowing them to move practically unopposed while anyone fighting them would be forced to adjust their movement and strikes to their tune. Lanarei, now going by Sheik went across Hyrule, and proceeded to defeat each and every one of these champions, by simply 'changing' the song they were fighting to with her lyre to something she herself played. Then she lured this bard to an out of the way location, where, she sealed him with several powerful magical weapons that she either found or had created during her adventure."

"And. According to this new little section you opened up with the mask-"

A quest has been completed!

"-the place he was locked up in was the topmost island of this little island chain to the far east of Hyrule." I finish with a slow nod.

I cup my chin. "Hrn. We should probably check that out... eventually."

"Eventually." The girl agrees.

A Quest has been Received!

Finding Courage:
The Tri-Force has been strangely... absent... from this world. Unusual. It surely exists due to the copious amounts of tri-force-like symbolism around Hyrule, but... nobody you have come across has had even a fragment of it. Perhaps the pieces are sealed?

Find the crypt of the ?: [ ]

I suppose this means that little Linkle doesn't have the Triforce of Courage. Does Zelda have the triforce of Wisdom? Does Ganondorgle have the triforce of power?

Breath of the Wild never really went into the tri-force to be completely and totally honest.

Like, the symbol was there, much like the quest said, but it wasn't the Mcguffin it always is in Zelda games.

Mildly worrying, all things considered.

"Anyways, since our little history lesson is out of the way, why don't we start taking a look at what we've got here!" I grin, the loot goblin within me rising to the surface.

A greedy little glint appears in Linkle's eye as she walks over to a nearby chest and opens it.

"I've got a shield in here." She calls out.

I make my way over to her, quietly skimming the quest I had just completed.

Seeking Truth:
The mask of truth is currently in a sealed state for some strange reason. Despite this, it is still an incredibly powerful mask that allows the wearer to pierce through the veil of invisibility. What powers could it have held when it was at its full strength? Perhaps it would be beneficial to find out!

Return the Mask of Truth to its full strength: [x]

Reward: 5000 Exp, one item from the shop worth up to 6000 Gold Pieces.

Damn. I'm like nine hundred experience away from leveling up.

'uhhh... I'll get a bag of holding when she's not looking.'

I look over the shield she has in her hand.

"Eh. This is pretty bad all things considered... like, the one back home was better."

"R-Really?!" The girl questions, her eyebrows raising.

"Well, I mean, you need to keep in mind that this stuff predates the creation of the divine beasts. Advancements continue on and on. People used to fight with sticks and stones. Now we have metal arms and armor. This was probably peak technology back in Princess Sheik's time."

"That being said." I continue as I step around her, cupping my chin as I return to the center of the room. "There are exceptions to this sort of 'rule'. I'd imagine that this Master Sword of yours was made a long time ago, yet it is still decisively among the strongest weapons, right?"

I crouch in front of the large sword stuck in the floor as Linkle gives me a reserved nod.

Edge of Duality: {Two Handed Weapon}
Hardness: 16
Health: 50
Weight: 8
Damage: 4d8+16+Str*2
Crit Range: 19-20 (x3)

"Holy shit." I lowly mutter. "This surpasses a guardian sword by quite a bit."

I glance over my shoulder. "For anything except a Guardian, mind you. Against a guardian, the Guardian Sword's special effect would come into play."

I place my hand on the blade and gently tug it upwards, freeing it from its stony sheathe.

With dull flashes, the stasis bubbles fall, allowing me to step forwards and take a good look at what we have gained.

A quest has been completed!

I read over the ribbon bands that bind the scrolls closed.

"Sheikah Body Strengthening Art"

"Sheikah Blurring Steps Technique"

"Sheikah Arrow Cannon Technique"

"Sheikah Feather Leap Art"

"Hrn." I hum as I go over to the alcove, Linkle is looking over the armor that adorns the mannequin stood right beside the next set of scrolls, now free of their time-wimey prison.

"Hey, Aurum... what do you think about this armor?" Linkle calls out, causing me to glance over as I slowly approach.

It looks incredibly similar to our own armor, with the exception of a hood built-in and the colors. Black and grey in coloration instead of blue, the Sheikah eye on the chest a deep ethereal, almost neon blue instead of the red color it is on our matching suits.

Sheikah Stealth Armor (Ancient) +8
{Light Armor}
Armor Bonus +13  
Max Dex Bonus +8  
Armor Check Penalty -0  
Arcane Spell Failure Chance 0%  
Movement Speed Reduction: None
Stealth Armor: Grants a +18 bonus to Stealth Checks
Set Bonus: Grants a +40 Enhancement bonus to movement speed at Night
Set Bonus 2: Grants the wearer 2d6 precision damage when they attack an enemy not aware of their presence.
Adjustable: Magically Resizes to the wearer

"Holy... shit." I lowly whisper.

"Linkle. Take off your clothes and put those on." I demand as I turn to the girl.

The girl's face turns red. "H-Huh?!"

"You have Zero idea how good these are." I continue. "Like... HOLY SHIT they make our current clothes look like rags... I bet you could shrug off me stabbing you in the chest with this."

I gesture to the massive black blade clutched in a sole hand. "You need to get these on you as soon as physically possible. If someone were to take them we would never be able to stop them."

"Wh- are they really that good?!"

"So. Basically imagine a set of armor equal to our own currently empowered armors." I begin slowly. "You got it?"

"Uh, yeah. I'm not dumb, Aurum. I can imagine things." The girl scoffs.

"Now. Take that armor... and have all four of the great fairies upgrade it."

She silently stares at me for a long moment.

Her eyes flick to the armor, then back to me, then to the armor.

She promptly takes off her shirt and steps up to the armor, seemingly uncaring that I can see her with gauze wrapped around her chest in what's basically a faux bra.

Alright... I guess the idea of having badass armor outweighs her thoughts of being prudish.

I take this moment to summon a large bag to my side, it has a strap to go around my shoulder, hanging off my hip like a big satchel. Or, well, technically a guy purse. But I like the word 'satchel' more.

I slide the edge of duality into the open bag, the sword disappearing into the expanse of the bag itself.

Instead of a normal boring brown bag, I have paid a little bit more to make it look better.

This item is cheaper than six thousand gold. A bag of holding type two costs five thousand in total, I won't be getting that one thousand, so I might as well spruce it up a little.

Hell, I wish I had thought of that when I got my ring of sustenance. I totally should have gone for gold with onyx gemstones.

Ah well.

I look at the black and grey bag with dark blue Sheikah emblems and nod once, then glance up to the four scrolls sat on the nearby stand, eyes scanning over them as a small smirk crosses my lips.

Unlike the text labeling other scrolls which are blocky and almost... militaristic in nature, this one is lighter and neat. Almost like a cursive font.

I glance back towards the other stand, briefly pausing on a pants less Linkle.

'Damn. Nice legs.'

I look back to the other scrolls, then to the ones in front of me.


"Silencing Water Stars"

"Leaf Bounding Art"

"Internal Explosion"

These... must be techniques created by the 'Sheik'. The others are techniques that are seemingly basic for the Sheikah clan. Some of these may be pretty standard for the Sheikah now. Over ten thousand years has passed, after all.


I gently take the scrolls off the stand and place them in my bag of holding.

I look to the lyre with a small grin. 'let's see what we have here...'

Hyrule Aria:  
An ancient golden lyre that was the prized possession of a Hylian princess over twelve thousand years ago. She deemed it important that the future Sheik- provided they pass her test- wield it as well.
This harp treats your level as being 5 higher for the purposes of your bardic performances involving it. This also extends to any bardic masterpieces you play involving the Lyre and any spells that uses the Lyre like 'Solid Note' or 'Chord of Shards'.
Finally, any Bardic Effect you create with this harp has its effects multiplied by 1.5. This extends to Bardic Masterpieces.

"Ohohohohoho fuck yeah." I grin as I look over the golden instrument.

I look back to Linkle as she just pulls up the pants to her new clothing, she looks over herself as the slightly baggy pants quickly shrink to fit her snugly.

"Huh... shrinking armor. This is fancy!" The girl grins.

"This was certainly a worthwhile endeavor." I nod as I stuff my new instrument into my bag and move over to one of the chests.

Inside are three daggers with identical appearances. Slightly kunai-like in shape, but a lot flatter with black handles that have little blue tassels at the end.

Sheik Kunai
Hardness: 14
Health: 40
Weight: 1
Damage: 4d4+4+1/2 Str
Crit Range: 15-20 (x2)

"Hey, Linkle. What's your opinion on daggers?"

"They're fine. Why?"

"I've got some Kunai here that you could probably use." I gesture into the chest.

She looks to the small holsters on her thighs, two on one leg, a single on the other. "Oh. Those probably go with the armor, then."

As she steps over to the chest I go to the final one, inside there's... a bracer?

Bracer of Throwing Needles:
Grants the wearer a +2 deflection bonus to Ac, in addition it grants an endless number of needles which can be hurled with a range increment of 10 feet, dealing 1d4 damage upon contact.

"Hrn." I lowly hum as I hold up the two blackish leathery armor pieces.

"Here." I offer to Linkle.

She blinks once, strapping in the final kunai then offers me a sole nod as she slips them on.

"By the way. The Mask of Truth has been upgraded." I blandly announce as I turn around and head back into the main room, scooping up the remaining scrolls. I'll get Impa to look over them when we get back to Kakariko Village.

"Really?" Linkle asks. "What does it do now?"

"I... one sec." I call out as I turn towards the mask in the wall and walk towards it, my curiousity getting the best of me.


Mask of Truth:
The wearer is constantly treated as if having the spells 'True Seeing' and 'Discern Lies' cast upon them. Additionally, the wearer can focus in order to gain the effects of the 'Detect Thoughts' spell.


"Huh. Well, it lets you read thoughts now." I lowly hum.

"R-Really?!" The girl gasps, sounding uncharacteristically excited about this.

"Stay out of my head." I deadpan. "Anyways, it now lets you see through illusions and tell if someone's lying passively as well."

Her being able to detect thoughts is... mildly worrisome. I may have to devolve my thoughts into the most lewd things possible for the foreseeable future. I wonder how she'd react if I start just imagining the most gratuitous sex scene I can think of? Something like 'her emerald orbs glistened as she looked over her wounded companion, he got hurt... because of her... 'oh Aurum. You are so strong, taking out those Yiga assassins. You said you wanted a reward? Then have my body!' and then they had really hot breeding sex'.

Boundaries need to be set. And smutty internal dialogue is the way to go!


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