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I gaze up at a truly massive tree, Purah is stood next to me, equally in awe at the gigantic figure.

"Damn." I mutter under my breath, eyes straying to Linkle who gazes up at the tree with a bright smile.

"I lived!" She calls out as she struts into the little cleared meadow without a worry in her body.

"Young one..." The massive Oak tree with a face slowly speaks, his rumbling baritone voice causing my lungs to throb like a speaker at a nightclub.

"Deku Tree." She smiles. "It has been a while, huh?"

"At long last you have returned..." The tree rumbles. "To reclaim your sword no doubt."

"That's right." Linkle calls out as she slowly walks forwards.

"It pleases me to see that your memories were regained, young one." The tree gently smiles. "It took you a while. Better late than never."

The area around us is quite bright and lush. Completely different from the thick and creepy mists not even one hundred feet away from us.

Sunlight beams through the canopy overhead as Purah and I slowly follow along after Linkle as she walks towards a large stone pedestal sat just before the humongous tree.

"I never lost them to begin with." Linkle replies with a small head shake. "Also. OI. I don't want to hear it. It's been less than a month since I've woken up and I've had a lot to deal with. Yiga assassinations, gold bokoblins, the realization that apparently the Hyrule kingdom has a bunch of hidden history. It's been a crazy two weeks or so."

Purah gazes around us with scrutiny, a look of intrigue bubbling up on her face as we can see Koroks flying overhead with little leafy helicopters.

I doubt she has ever been here before.

"I also have a few questions." Linkle continues as she places her hands upon her hips and glances down at the sword.

"I take it you wish to know what has transpired during your one hundred year slumber, no doubt." The 'GDT' observes. "I am afraid to say that I do not know much of what has transpired."

"Oh, I've learned enough about that, I was more talking about things before that." Linkle elaborates, staring at the master sword for a long moment.

She steps around it, looking up towards the Deku Tree's face.

"Before it? Very well, ask away young one, I may have an answer for your questions." He- actually... wait... do trees have a gender?

Fuck it. Male voice. Male tree.

He declares. "I have been here for millennia. And for millennia I shall remain."

"Were you aware that there were twelve missing divine beasts?" Linkle asks.

"P-Pardon?" The tree seems genuinely caught off guard. "Are- are you sure?"

"Yes. I'm certain." The girl nods once. "We know the location of one already... or, well... two... that brings me to something else... the entirety of the lost woods... the mist. It is created as a result of a Divine Beast's power. Do you happen to know where it might be?"

"A divine beast in the lost woods?!" The tree's eyes widen, his voice raising slightly- enough to slightly hurt my pointed ears.

"To hide below my notice..." He quiets down instantly, gazing out over the horizon. "No. I was not aware of this. I can begin to search throughout my roots, but this will likely take my focus. It would be better if you ask your remaining questions beforehand."

"Oh, before that, I should probably introduce these two." Linkle grins as she gestures to Purah and myself. "That over there is Purah, she's one of my friends from one hundred years ago who recently figured out how to reverse her age."

"Uh, Hi?" Purah awkwardly waves.

Linkle points at me. "And this is my boyfriend, Aurum. Ah... Aurum show him the thing."

Oh, she's just flat out calling me her boyfriend. That's nice.

I step forwards and Unsheathe my sword, holding it up.

"A sword that seals the darkness?" The tree rumbles, sounding slightly intrigued, but... not as surprised as he was about the twelve divine beasts?

"You seem... Unsurprised..." Linkle notices as well.

"Ah, yes. That. You might say that I am unsurprised... for one sole reason." The tree begins. "For the past one hundred years... it has been quite normal. I have been overseeing your blade as it basked in the light of the sun, slowly fixing whatever minor wear and tear that had been inflicted upon it during the great calamity... but. Something changed about three weeks ago when I began to feel another signature... weak, but present within Hyrule."

A quest has been received.

"Then, shortly after that, another appeared."

"What?!" Linkle shouts, eyes widening comically. "You are telling me that there are MORE swords that seal the darkness?!"

"Perhaps." The tree lowly nods. "The one within the hands of your companion appears to be one of the two that are moving..."

"One of the... two that are moving?" Linkle stutters. "You're telling me that there's more than three?!"

"I am." The tree states. "In total, including the master sword and the blade you have brought before me, I have counted six signatures."

I let out a long sigh, rubbing my temples. "Sixteen divine beasts, six master swords, six fucking tri-force. What's next? Two Calamity Ganons or something?"

Swords of Sealing:
Across Hyrule there are apparently half a dozen Master Swords lingering about... how strange... oh well, just another thing to collect! I wonder if any of the other important Legend of Zelda weapons are just lying around?
Retrieve the weapons that (can) seal the darkness: 1/6

"Well, ah... the thing that is holding the triforce of wisdom?" Linkle suggests.

"Fuck." I curse.

"Mr tree, can you please tell us the general locations of these swords?"

"My apologies, but I cannot." The tree sighs. "Distance is... subjective to someone like myself who is unable to move. It is entirely possible that some of these swords are not in Hyrule at all. I do know that you were extremely close to one of these signatures in the past two days... and I am known as the Great Deku Tree, child."

Linkle and I are silent for a moment.

"Close to it in the past two days, huh?" I echo as I turn to the blonde. "The prison?"

"The prison." She nods. "But we won't be getting inside until we kill that monster guarding it."

"Haaah." I sigh. "What a load of work. Your home is fucked up beyond measure, Linkle. I mean, really. You've got the guy who made everything in Hyrule dance, whatever the Sheikah sealed in that prison and god forbid we find out what has the third piece of either tri force. I'm calling it now... it's going to be something that can also shake Hyrule to its very core... so like... Diamond Bokoblin."

"Do NOT." The girl threatens. "If you fucking JINX us. The first thing I do after spotting a- Hylia forbid- Diamond Bokoblin is stab you."

"Huh... well, that's a good thing, then, cause it'd likely be a platinum goblin instead of a diamond one." I grin cheekily.

She shakes her fist at me before turning back to the tree. "There's one final thing I'd like to ask. Do you have any magical masks? Sort of like this one?"

Linkle lifts the mask of truth.

"Or this one?" I add in, pointing to the six markings around my eye.

"Masks... with power?" The tree lets out a rumbling hum, thinking deeply for a moment.

"I... do actually recall something of that nature." The tree suddenly speaks. "It is... foggy, though... this was a considerable time ago."

"We would like you to think on that as well if you are able." I call up. "Oh! And before I forget, does this song mean anything to you?"

I summon a spectral ocarina and begin playing Saria's song, once more a laser beam shoots from just in front of my mouth and it shoots off towards the side.

"That song... there is something about it." The Great Deku Tree frowns as I stop playing. "It is familiar. Something about it is filling me with an emotion I... I can't really explain. I... I do not remember. Why is it making me feel this way?"

Sap seems to flow from the eyes of the tree. "What have I forgotten?"

"Is- is he crying?!" I whisper to Linkle who just dumbly nods in mute shock.

The tree seems to get hold of his emotions, letting out a quiet breath.

"Yes... is... is this all you wished to ask of me, young warriors?" The tree questions.

"Er... yeah." Linkle nods.

"Very well... I shall begin searching for this divine beast you have spoken of. I will let you know if I notice anything amiss." The tree intones as he gazes down at the two of us. "I am unsure If I need to mention this again, but young warrior... be prepared if you wish to retrieve your sword... if you were to try and reclaim it in any sort of weakened state... you would surely lose your life where you stand... best of luck, young ones."

The tree closes its eyes and seems to go into a deep trance. I can see its very roots shift and shake slightly. The ground rumbling ever so slightly.

Purah slowly walks over to us.

"So, what now?" Purah asks. "You going to try and pull the sword?"

Linkle gazes at the sword and lets out a small breath. "Yes."

She steps forwards, placing her hands on the hilt of the blade, she begins lightly tugging, her eyebrow twitching slightly.

The sword begins sliding out of its lock, creeping further and further up and out as Linkle grows paler and paler.

She abruptly lets go of the handle, causing the blade to sink back down to where it was in the rock originally. Her hand coming up to her chest as she breathes heavily.

"I..." She whispers, gazing down at her lightly shaking hands as tears begin to prickle at her eyes. "I'm not worthy..."

"Linkle." I sigh while shaking my head. "You're worthy. You just don't know how to negotiate."

"Negotiate?" She echoes as I slowly walk forwards, rolling my shoulders.

"I'm physically stronger than you- I mean, in the sense that I'm power, you are speed- so let me take a crack at this. Lifting heavy objects and unsticking stubborn swords should honestly be my schtick." My hand wraps around the hilt of the sword.

"Alright, listen up Master sword if that's your true title considering we've just been told there are five other swords just like you across Hyrule." I begin. "I know for a fact that you're fucking sentient, so don't act like you can't hear me... I don't know where you get off on giving Linkle another trial she had already succeeded on in the past but let me tell you this... we don't fucking need you, you arrogant hunk of metal."

"We have been busting our ass off all fucking month, killing enemies that by any means would have likely killed Linkle in the past at her peak and yet, this little shadow sealing sword wants to give us a wee trial like we are unworthy of saving Hyrule." I continue. " Allow me to reiterate. I HAVE a sword that seals the darkness. One that doesn't impose these stupid fucking trials upon me every step of the way to doing the right thing. It sees evil, thus, we are going to vanquish evil. I'm certain she would stop me should I stray off the right path, but first with words... never by taking my life through merely trying to unsheathe her. Who are you to decide who is worthy or not? You sit in the ground basking in the fucking sunlight while Hyrule is dying. People are being slaughtered by the thousands and yet you. Won't. Act. Seeing fit to just wait here doing nothing while you wait for someone who you deem as 'worthy' to appear."

"You are a hypocrite." I growl, grip tightening. "You proclaim that you are the 'sword of heroes' but the ONE and ONLY thing you have done in the past one hundred years is nearly kill someone who GAVE HER FUCKING LIFE to save others!"

"So. I am giving you two options here. Get out of this fucking rock and behave." I venomously hiss through my teeth, glaring down at the sword. "Or stay there for all eternity as we leave and go find a weapon that will actually help us defeat the darkness YOU were prophesized to defeat."

I give a small tug on the blade and it doesn't move an inch.


"Vivi can you talk to this stubborn scrap?" I sigh as I take my sword off my back, the sheath sliding free of the leather loop of my harness keeping it attached to my back.

My sword gleams slightly, her voice echoing out. "Your words ring true to me, Aurum. I will see what I can do."

I push the hilt of my sword against the sword stabbed in the stone altar underneath my feet.

Nothing happens for a long moment before I can see motes of light flash along both blades.

Linkle looks between me and the touching swords.

After what feels like minutes, my weapon glows again. "This sword has had its ego stunted by something."

"Pfft- unlikely you'd have to have a pretty big ego to-."

"No." My sword cuts me off. "Not it's arrogance... it's sense of self. Its individuality. Its ability to think and speak. I can feel that in the past, it was much like myself, but something seems to have happened to it, causing it to revert back to a series of scripted actions and responses. It was returned to this altar; thus the evil must have passed. One hundred years has come and gone; thus, its previous wielder must be dead. Thus, a new trial must be imposed upon whoever wishes to draw it. If it had an Ego, you could likely reason with it, heck, it would have likely freed itself immediately upon Linkle's return. But, as it is right now, I do not see a method to negotiate with it."

"I... I see... Do you know what happened to it?"

"I do not." My sword replies. "But please do not blame her for her current limitations. I do not believe it to be her fault."

"So... the master sword is broken?" Purah asks.

"Woah woah woah." I cut in, turning to face the woman. "You can hear her?!"

"Yeah?" Purah blinks.

"..." My eyes slide to the sword.

"Oh, I was merely not speaking aloud all the other times." Vivi explains. "I have been capable of this ever since I have returned to this familiar form. I am inching closer and closer to my full capabilities as you grow stronger, Aurum!"

"How strong would you say you are right now?" I question.

"Ah... maybe... Fifty percent?"

"Fifty percent?! Seriously?!" I gape.

She is already dealing about twice the damage of most dungeons and dragons weapons, you are telling me she can get twice as strong?!

"Fifty percent of my own power, mind you, I was able to achieve much greater heights through you and your mastery of the tri force pieces." She comments.

"I see. Were you able to convince her to loosen up any?"

"Regretfully, no." Vivi sighs.

"Ah well, let's try it normally, then." I hum as I reach down with one hand. "And by try it normally, I mean cheat."

I begin pulling the sword, and- oh wow... pins and needles, it feels like my very life force is being drawn out through my hand.

I grit my teeth and continue to pull, my hand coming to my chest. Healing magic lances through my body as the sword is slowly removed from its prison.

Stone grinds upon metal as the sword is pulled harder and harder.


The master sword slides from its rocky prison. Sunlight glitters off its blade as I raise it above my head.

An achievement has been unlocked!

He who is worthy:
Successfully retrieve the Master Sword from its resting place.
Reward: +1 Constitution, +10000 Experience.

"Da da da daaaah!" I hum with a small smile.

That's a level up!

Master Sword:
Hardness: 40 
Health: 250  
Weight: 6.5 Lbs  
Damage: 4d8+10+(Str*1.5) (+2d12, +2d12)  
Crit Range: 17-20 (x2)  
Blade of Evil's Bane: Deals 2d12 additional damage to evil aligned individuals and a further 2d12 to creatures infused with the very essence of evil. In addition, this sword now shines brightly in the presence of truly vile creatures or magics.

"So... you're worthy?" Linkle mutely whispers.

I can feel the sheer torrent of emotions rolling throughout her chest... so I wordlessly stab the sword back into the rock.

"WH- why'd you do that?!"

"Because you're going to pull it out." I demand as I point down at it. "I was only able to do so because of cheating through healing magic, and you would have been able to had I healed you when you tried. Plus, I feel like I really hurt your self confidence right there and that honestly puts me in a really bad mood."

She steps forwards again as I place my hand in between her shoulder blades.

She tugs the blade upwards with great effort, then, with a little magical assistance she pulls it free as well.

She looks over it, then lets out a small sigh. "It feels cheap."

"Well, we're probably not going to come back up here again any time soon. So, I'd like to have your weapon now instead of later. Besides, it might save us in the near future."

"True, I guess." She sighs.

"Besides, at the moment, your sword appears to be mentally broken, so you really have nothing to prove to her." I shrug.

She looks over the sword in her hand, tilting it from left to right. "It feels a bit heavier than it used to..."

"You're still not at your peak ability, right?" I ask, turning to Purah. "Oi. Purah, with your all powerful knowledge, is there anything that we can do to fix the master sword?"

The woman thinks for a long moment. "Well, it feels like a little piece of the calamity was sealed inside of it, so... maybe start with ending the calamity?"

"Damn." I curse.

"Fuck." Linkle agrees.

""Ah well."" we relent.

"Children." The tree behind us booms. "I believe I have discovered the location of this mysterious divine beast."

"Really?!" Linkle gasps.

"Throughout this entire forest, my very roots extend... all except for one location... thinking upon it for a moment, this gap on my root system was quite unusual. But, with this new context, it makes sense. However. Now that I have taken note, be wary. I can feel a... drain... to myself from this location. Whatever roots are nearby felt constrained and strangled. Something is indeed quite wrong."

"What do you mean?" Linkle asks. "Is the divine beast draining your power?!"

"I am unsure... it is either that... or there is something residing in the divine beast."


"This divine beast." I begin quietly. "Is it in this direction?"

I play Saria's song again, causing a small guiding laser to shoot out towards the side.

"Yes..." The tree nods, causing me to sigh and look to Linkle and Purah.

"So. That means we'll be forced to go out into the fog."

"it's also likely the fog will grow worse and worse the closer we get to the Divine Beast." Linkle agrees. "So, Purah, you should probably stay here."

"Yeah, probably should." The Sheikah scientists relents. "But I've got some questions I want to ask the Great Deku Tree, and there will probably not be another opportunity for this, so I'm going to make the most of this!"

"Ah, Deku Tree?" Linkle begins as she gives the sword in her hand a slow swing. "Do you know where the Master Sword's sheathe is?"

Two little tree creatures with leaf masks run over with a polished blue sheathe gilded with gold, the symbol of the tri-force rests upon its side.

Linkle mutters a small thanks to the two Koroks which had brought her the sheath, attaching the blade to her back.

With a small flourish she sheathes the blade, then nods once looking towards me. "Let's go."

We both turn and slowly walk forwards in the vague direction of where the laserbeam was shot.

"Be safe." Purah calls after us. "We don't know what might be in the divine beast."

"We know. You be safe as well." Linkle calls over her shoulder as I smile confidently, arms folded behind my head.

We walk for around five minutes.

"Should I play it again?"

"Yeah." Linkle nods once.

I play Saria's song yet again, the direction of the beam not really changing.

We run forwards yet again, traveling for ten minutes until we reach, well... something unusual.

A massive tree stump, withered and burnt, sat out amidst a pool of sickly looking purple water.

A white fog seems to gently billow from the pond. The same fog that has covered most of the lost woods.

My eyes skim the surroundings, a frown on my face.

"Linkle. Don't breathe in the fog. If I'm right about my tropes, purple liquid is typically poisonous.

"A little fucking late for that." She growls under her breath. "But you're right. When I got lost in the woods last time, I did feel a little nauseous after a while."

I play Saria's song yet again.

The beam points down into the purple liquid causing me to let out a long sigh. "Well, fuck. Now what?"

She gestures to the truly massive tree stump. "I think I can see a hole over there, actually."

I lean forwards slightly, eyes narrowing.

"huh..." I whisper. "Good eye, Linkle."

I turn, grabbing her hand, then quickly run around the outside of the little pond. We eventually reach the side that is closest to the tree.

With a running leap, I manage to cover tremendous distance and land atop it.

We gaze down into the stump, a winding and curving path that looks a bit like a corkscrew seems to have been carved into the tree... and not just that, but several.

"This is... Ominous." I mutter as I stare downwards.

Linkle nods in agreement then begins walking forwards drawing the master sword. "This divine beast is clearly active... so be on your guard as we go deeper."

I follow along just behind her as we head deeper and deeper down into the abyss.

"You know, it makes me wonder... this tree is pretty big... it sort of reminds me of that like... huge stump and bark we saw on our way to Dueling Peaks with Purah.

"Oh yeah!" Linkle gasps.

"Do you think these might have been Deku trees?"

"Wait... what?" She echoes after a moment, turning to look over her shoulder. "What do you mean?"

"Like, the only big tree I have ever seen here, like, big enough to even closely resemble this sort of scale would be the Great Deku Tree. Hell, that one on the way to dueling peaks looked even larger than he is."


"We'll ask him if there are more Deku Trees when we get back to him." She nods.

"I believe the correct term would be... were more Deku Trees." I point out.

"Morbid." She frowns.

"But not inaccurate." I reply.

We pause as the wooden walls abruptly turn to dirt, becoming a simple tunnel that leads downwards at a slight angle.

We follow along, eventually the tunnel expanding into a fairly sizable cavern. Maybe about twenty feet tall and thirty or so feet wide.

Thanks to my natural capabilities- and the mask of truth- we have no real need for light sources.

We slowly walk forwards, carefully gazing at the walls around us.

Linkle abruptly holds out her hand, peering forwards. "What the hell?"

I come to a stop beside her, staring in muted shock at the sight before us.

The cavern abruptly stops a metal wall with an arch-like door in it, but that isn't what grabs our attention, what does, is the large blob of sap that seems to have trickled down from a root above, dribbling down the metal wall and pooling on the floor. The sap long-since turning to amber. But that isn't really what's surprising us.

I shakily play the first couple notes of Saria's song on my summoned ocarina yet again.

The beam shoots dead ahead, piercing the amber and illuminating it. The beam striking a small instrument suspended in the amber.


Our eyes weren't playing tricks on us.

Trapped within the amber, in addition to the instrument is a person.

She has short chin-length green hair, long pointed elf-like ears, and a lighter skin-tone that has been tinted orange by her very own prison. She wears primarily green, with a large leaf-like cloak wrapped around her body.

Her eyes are shut, expression peaceful.

Black lines seem to have creeped across her neck, starting at what looks to be a bite wound at her arm.

The most startling thing about her, however... would be the fact that the mask of truth is sensing a 'mind', albeit one that is unconscious.

This girl is alive.


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