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"You are just SOOOO cute!" The black haired satan cheers.

"U-UH-" the silver eyed girl protests the sudden focus. "G-Gaius?! A little help?!"

"Hmm..." I hum to sound as if I am deeply thinking on it. "Nah. You need to stop being antisocial at some point."

The girl's parents observe this exchange, Taiyang with an impassive frown, and Summer with an amused smile.

"S-So why are you here, Gaius?" Ruby questions slowly. "Are you here to reincarnate me?"

"About that... are you truly sure you want to go through with that? As it is currently, you don't have to join Sona, you have more than enough money to pay for the cost of me returning your mother from her mission. It's not required for you to become a devil... in addition, your parents are... worried... for you... they are scared about you becoming a devil."

"Oh." The girl whispers as she glances to the floor. "Yeah, I... understand."

She glances over to her parents. "Mom, dad... I... really want to do this."

Taiyang doesn't voice his displeasure and merely frowns while her mother sighs.

"You still have a lot of time to think about this, of course." I state with a slow nod. "I'm not here to reincarnate you today, just to merely introduce you to the elder sibling of the one I wanted you to join."

"It will be possibly months until So-tan is here in Remnant!" Serafall nods. "That gives you loads of time to consider if you truly want to do it and to convince your parents. Or they could convince you not to."

She looks between the two groups, Ruby who wants to be a devil, and her parents who don't want her to be one.

"If you are going to make a decision, you should be aware of all of the aspects of being a devil." I announce suddenly. "But seeing as how I have explained this like... dozens of times at this point, I'll give you an abbreviated version... Ten thousand year life span, stronger body, magic, the ability to speak all languages, holy weapons harm you, in our old world, thinking the word 'god' harms you- as does anyone saying it near you, you will be a servant for a devil until you get enough prestige to become a high class devil yourself, after which, you will gain your very own peerage of one queen, two rooks, two knights, two bishops, and eight pawns who you can use on basically whoever you want, making them your servants. Thus, the cycle continues."

I slowly stand. "Now, I do have things to do today. I need to continue my preparations against the number one in rating games."

I glance to the black haired woman that came with me. "Serafall, you may use the 'Instant importance' portal back in the station to return but be aware it will probably drain a fair portion of your magical power."

"Okay!" The girl cheers.

I turn and bow my head to Ruby's parents. "You have been pleasant hosts despite the fact we got off on the wrong foot. I hope to see you again someday soon. Goodbye."

With that, I teleport away.


'let's see here.'

I slump back in my chair, letting out a bored hum as I skim through the quest I have just completed.

A Better Remnant for you and me 1:
Remnant, a place with incredible potential. But with that potential, comes numerous incredible threats. The creatures of grimm, Salem, bandits, the white fang, and even gods... let's not worry about a majority of those right now, as of this moment there's one thing you need to tackle. The queen of the Grimm, Salem. Only with her permanent un-alive-ment can this world begin to heal.

Kill Salem: [x]

Rewards: 100,000 Electrum, +2 to all stats, +5 Mythic Trials, 'He who has slain the immortal' Achievement.

He who has slain the immortal:
Immortal Schmortal. 'immortal' beings find your attacks dealing a little too much damage to them, your wounds also typically... stick... if a wound would normally fully heal, it will scar, if a limb it cut off, there's a fair chance that it may not even grow back, in addition, there's a 1% chance that whenever you kill an immortal being they stay dead. Spooky stuff!

This is what I got back when I killed Salem, it pretty much allows me to kill 'immortal' beings with far more ease.

Now I don't have to walk over and hit them with a 'negate'.

Honestly, that probably wouldn't even work with some immortality. Just Salem's infinite regeneration induced by a curse.

So having an option to kill shit just by repeatedly hitting them is nice.

That leads me to the quest I completed just a couple of hours ago.

A Better Remnant for you and me 3:
Gods! Even better, gods that have previously genocided the human race! Who needs genocidal overlords with enough power to blow up the moon? Luck is on our side however! They won't be able to pull off such feats of strength after being away from their followers and a sufficient source of magical power for many millennia! Kick their ass before they can form a religion!

Kill Mirallus 'The Younger': [x]
Kill Sirevim 'The Elder': [x]

Bonus Objectives:
Allow them to get to their full power beforehand: [-]

1,000,000 Electrum, +10 to all stats, +1 Free Level, +1 Divine Trial, 'He who spits in the face of God', 'Conqueror of light and dark' achievements.

"Ohohoho. This is a little interesting."

The quest skipped two because I have another quest to take care of the 'factions' in Remnant, primarily bandits, the White Fang, and that one organization controlled by the mind control semblance wielder in Vacuo.

Anyways, I'm level twenty two now, which is nice, the cost to level up post level twenty one has gone up quite a lot that single thing probably saved me roughly a quarter million electrum.

The plus ten to all of my stats is a big thing as well.

A simple plus five doubles my 'abilities'. So I am roughly four times stronger than I was before killing the twin idiots...

He Who Spits in the face of God:
You have thrown down with divine beings... and you have won. Not only that, you whooped their ass in the most over the top, insane, bullshit way possible.
Any weapon you wield now counts as a 'God Bane' weapon, allowing you to get over most damage reduction, in addition, should you try to intimidate a god, your words will hold more weight, after all, who's more likely to follow through with a threat? The man who has killed numerous gods, or the one who hasn't? Not that they know you have of course, but their very being will hold caution of you should you take on a threatening posture.

Sort of 'eh'.

It's my 'fuck off, Zeus get your little shit of a skeleton brother under control before I snippity snap away your pantheon' ability.

Conqueror of light and dark:
The gods of remnant have fallen before you, it is only just that you gain command of all that they left behind. Grimm will never attack you, seeing you as their 'god'. Any grimm which can see and hear you will follow your orders fanatically as well. Next, any 'Silver Eyed' humans or faunus will like you more, your mere presence eases them and makes them feel at home.

Oh? That's... sort of alright, I guess.

The one million electrum is nice as well.

But the most confusing thing... is this 'Divine Trial' thing.

'Mythic Trials' are what it takes for me to go from one level of 'mythic' to another, it sounds like it is giving me difficulties, but actually it should really be saying something along the lines of 'Completed Mythic Trials'.

It takes one mythic trial to become rank one, then one for rank two, then beyond that it increases by one for every two total mythic ranks. So you'll have to go through thirty mythic trials in total to reach mythic rank ten.

I am already mythic rank ten, the supposed cap. But I am still getting mythic trials.

Taking into account what 'Divine Trials' seem to be referencing... am I becoming a god?!

Pretty nifty.

Congratulations on completing your first 'Divine Trial'! Not many D.I.C.E. System holders even make it this far. You are certainly within the top percentage as you are now. Anyways, those gods were certainly a hard-fought foe... pfft who am I kidding! You totally destroyed them! With this, you have taken your first step up on the wild winding path of ascending to godhood!

That's... strange... does this system have admins or something? That seems far more personalized than normal.

You are now treated as having a 'Divine Rank' of Zero. Think 'Mythic Ranks' but on steroids. You may think to yourself 'Zero? How am I any different than a normal person, then?' And that's the thing. Normal people do not have divine ranks. Only gods do.

As a person with a Divine rank, you gain numerous benefits.

A fair few are locked behind higher rankings, just like with Mythic Powers, but even as a 'Quasi-Deity' you gain access to numerous perks.

Firstly: you gain maximum hit points per hit die, this counts retroactively.

That is useless to me. I was taking average before; due to the sorcerer's low hitdie, this merely increased my total health by forty-four... I am left at nearly six hundred and fifty health due to my ridiculous constitution score, however.

Second off, your body will be stronger and faster than normal, as you rank up, going from a Quasi-Deity to a demi-god and beyond, this increase in bodily power will improve further.

Devil god!

Thirdly, you gain a divine aura of power around you that protects you from harm, you are given a divine bonus to your armor class equal to your Divine ranks, and a deflection bonus that is equal to your Charisma modifier and grants you numerous other defensive qualities such as damage reduction 10 'legend' (Damage reduction that can be overcome by living legends and legendary weapons), spell resistance equal to 32+ your divine rank, immunity to effects that will damage your ability scores, mind altering effects, and polymorph, petrification, or any ability that alters your form. Note: your own spells that alter your form still function as intended.

My charisma is at a ridiculous fifty, thus granting me an insane modifier of plus twenty. I might not even need Avalon soon enough as nothing will be able to hit me, and eventually my sheer aura of badassery will surpass the magical resistance of Avalon.

Finally, you no longer are required to eat, sleep, breath, or are capable of dying of old age.


"Well. Uh... fuck."


I let out a quiet yawn and wipe an eye, stretching both of my arms above my head. 'fuck. That took a lot of time...'

"Gaius?" A voice rings out in my workshop.

"Hn?" I hum as I look over my shoulder, stood in the doorway is my Bishop, Manager, and Fiancée, Ravel.

"It's ten minutes until our next rating game." The girl points out.

"Oh? Hn. Is it important in any way?" I question.

"It is against the seventy seventh rated rating game ranker."


Well, that answers that.

"Damn. I wish I wasn't forced to show up." I sigh dramatically as I turn and slowly walk out of the room, the sweat and dirt covering my body is cleaned with prestidigitation

I pause next to the girl and quickly lean down, tilting her head up slightly so I can take her lips.

The girl blushes at the quick show of affection as I turn and continue walking. "Well, let's go then... have you gathered the peerage?"

"I have." The girl nods once. "Calamitas brought over Neo when she used the dimension crossing portal you made."

"Good, Good. I don't think Neo would have enough magical power to stabilize that portal." I smile as she begins to follow along.

"Oh. And by the way, Neo wanted to speak with you about something important." The girl declares.

"Oh? I wonder what she wants." I idly comment, allowing us to fall back into silence.

"So... what were you working on?" The drill-haired girl questions slowly.

"Oh, you'll see soon enough. I just finished it before you came in, so now I'm merely wondering what to do with it." I explain as we come to a large wooden double door.

"Well, what is it?" She asks.

"Oh. A sacred gear." I idly shrug as I turn and open the door, revealing my entire peerage. "Don't worry too much about it."

More than a dozen pairs of eyes turn to glance at me as I step inside. "Hello all. It looks like it is time for another Rating game, hn?"

I glance to Neo who looks... extremely nervous for some reason?

"Allow me to teleport us." I offer as with a snap of my fingers we are teleported from the room.

With a dull glow we reappear in a large hall with numerous devils.

A particularly sleazy looking one steps over. "Ah! Good! Gaius you are here! Please proceed to the rating game arena."

"Sure sure." I sigh as I step through the large portal in the back of the room.

We reappear in some form of grassy clearing. There is no building nearby, and no form of defensable position.

With a snap of my fingers several sofas and chairs appear, granting my peerage a place to sit.

I cup my chin as I look over my peerage. "Let's see here... who hasn't had a true moment to show off?"

I pause for a moment as I decide who to pick. "Ravel, I want you to win with merely... Tyra, Meredith, Le Fay, Xenovia, and Irina."

"I won't let you down!" The girl nods with a bright smile.

"You never will." I reply easily.

"Oh goodie." Tyra smirks. "Another fight!"

"Mn, yeah, I didn't get to show off much last time." Meredith sighs. "Nor do I think I will this time."

"I've been wanting to try out that new fire spell!" Le fay chirps.

"We got taken out so fast last time." Irina meekly whispers as she looks down. "Thanks for giving us a second chance."

"Yes." Xenovia simply nods. "What Irina said."

"You shouldn't feel bad about that... it's the equivalent of a five year old fighting a heavy weight boxer... Bedeze had been part of the rating game scene longer than either of you have been alive. I don't expect you to win against such odds... at least not quite yet. You two have incredible untapped potential, and you are steadily realizing it. You may be the weakest of my peerage for now, that can always change. Just keep trying and you will find great success in whatever you are attempting with enough time and effort."

Neo takes a seat on the sofa beside me, quietly and slowly sliding up against me and resting her head on my shoulder as I wrap an arm around her, we make eye contact for a brief moment, but she blushes and looks away quickly.

'She is a little more skittish than usual... hn. I'll see what's wrong after the rating game.'


I'd say that was a decent win. No losses on my side, Tyra instantly blitzed their king after charging right into the center of their 'base' and left him beaten and broken while my other pieces kept our foe's peerage off of her.

I am quietly walking through the hallways of my estate, Neo on one side, Ravel on the other, and Mittelt trailing behind with her hands behind her head, looking thoroughly bored. She seems to be quietly wondering how to subtly ask for me to slip away and utterly ravage her insides.

I glance over to Neo suddenly. "Alright. What is it. You are being waaaay too flighty today. What's wrong? Normally you are clambering all over me, but today you are extremely nervous and a little panicky."

She stares into my eyes for a moment, then breaks eye contact and looks to the floor.

Mittelt's eyes stray to her as we all pause our walk, Ravel shoots the multicolored girl a concerned look.

The girl looks away with a blush and quickly signs something.


"I'm... sorry, you did that a little too fast, could you repeat that?"

She repeats what she just signed, slightly slower than she did previously.

I freeze in place as her words form a sentence.

In the corner of my eye, I can see Mittelt mimicking what Neo just signed, seemingly trying to figure out the message.

She freezes suddenly, her eyes growing wide as she stares at her hands.



I turn my head and shoot her the most loathing glare I can manage. "You're next."

Her laughter dies in an instant as she clamps both of her hands over her mouth. "S-Sorry- uh- please don’t?"

I turn to face Neo a small smile gracing my features as I cock my head slightly to the right. "Well... it's not exactly the best time... but... ah well, what the hell, Mittelt's right. Bound to happen at some point."

"I'm... Confused." Ravel weakly begins.

I let out a quiet sigh and run a hand through my hair. "Well, it's quite simple... Neo's pregnant... and take a wild guess at who the father is."

"WHAT?!" The drill haired girl shrieks.

The multicolored girl in question stares at the floor, a crimson blush on her face.

I quietly wrap the heterochromatic girl into a close hug. "We can deal with it Neo, it's fine... I guess I'll be getting a descendant sooner than expected."

I should finish up a few things... especially if I want to actually spend time with my fucking hell spawn.

Oh god. Neo's pregnant.

Wow. I'm a little light headed.

I take a deep breath then exhale. 'well, better settle my affairs, then.'


Ddraig's asleep, so it's probably the best that I do this now.


A massive body crashes to the floor, it doesn't move for a second, but eventually begins to twitch "Grh- wh-"

'steal soul, mindrape spell, gender swap the bakugan, annnnd re-write its backstory.'

I am looking at the body of a massive bipedal dragon. It is red in color with a little orange, its soul less body sits there lifelessly on the ground. In my left hand sits a red gemstone roughly the size of a ping pong ball, the coalesced form of the dragon's soul.

I look down at my right hand. 'break legendary weapon connection'

I wince as I suddenly feel... less than I was.

But to settle the score, this is fine. I can replace it with another.

A red single edged sword appears in my grasp, it has a large green gemstone in its handguard.

A red mist flows from the gemstone as it quietly shakes, it glows a deep violent red color.

"Huh- wh- what the hell is going on-"

It flows into the large empty dragon body, causing it to glow brightly.

It shrinks, and with a flash, a small sphere clatters to the floor.

With a small swishing noise, it unfolds into a small creature which looks vaguely like a dragon, it turns to look left and right, its head which looks like it's on an internal spring bobbing slightly. "Partner what the..."

The small Ping-Pong ball sized orb dragon stares blankly at me.

"Congratulations, Ddraig, you are no longer a sacred gear spirit." I smirk down at the small dragon.


The dragon pauses as I reach down and pick him up in between my index finger and my thumb, then rest him in my palm.

"What am I supposed to do with a body of this size?!"

"Oh, don't misunderstand, Ddraig, that's just your small 'power saving' form. You should have a much larger legitimate draconic appearance."

The orb looks down slightly, then begins to glow.

I lazily toss it forwards as the glow begins to increase in size.

After a moment I am staring at an absolutely massive dragon, standing at more than thirty feet tall, it is bipedal in nature, red scales cover a majority of its body, its underbelly being a deeper burgundy red, it has powerful looking digitigrade legs, each tipped with two goldish-orange talons, its hands are no different, with a large clawed thumb, and two goldish clawed fingers.

The dragon is certainly well built, rippling with muscle, on its back are two large wings, the membranes being a simple red color while the actual muscle holding the wings aloft are that same gold color, a single large spike of the same color poke up at the bend of its wings.

It has a long tail, that is simply tipped with a singular triangular spike. Its head could be called shark-like in shape, filled with numerous extremely sharp teeth, atop its head is a single horn that points forwards instead of back, and at the side of its head is two long ears.

It looks down to its fist and slowly clenches it.

"Bahahahaha! Y DDRAIG GOCH HAS RETURNED!" It booms loudly.

"Welcome back to the land of the living Ddraig." I smirk up at the large dragon. "How does the new body feel."

"Weaker... but. It is a body. Plus, it feels quite similar to my old one. The fingers and toes are a little weird, though."

"Yeah, sorry about that, I just grabbed one of the stronger ones I could find."

The dragon kneels before me, bowing its head. "Thank you partner. I will never forget this gift."

"Hold your horses, big guy." Hum up at the dragon. "I wouldn't call us 'partners' anymore... what about comrades?"

I offer a hand up to the dragon.

A shark-ish grin crosses the red lizard's face. "Alright."

He holds out a hand, my own wrapping around one of his large clawed fingers as we shake hands.

I turn and take a few steps away. "That body of yours is actually quite special. It's something called a bakugan. Think of them as familiars that come in six forms, Fire, Earth, Water, Wind, Light, and Dark... or rather, Pyrus, Subterra, Aquos, Ventus, Haos, and Darkus. If you want to know the name of the body you are in, or rather, the prior holder of it, it was 'Pyrus Leonidas' a bakugan who was formed from some place called the 'doom dimension'. Think of it as basically super hell where all of those bakugan creatures go to die. Now, Leonidas was basically a savage animal who loved to fight and kill, so I didn't feel all too bad about taking his body to stuff you in... there is one special trait about bakugan, however... they evolve. Rapidly and frequently if true changes within them happen."

I glance over my shoulder. "Honestly? Having your soul in there should have triggered an evolution, perhaps you are still getting accustomed to it? Hn."

The body begins to glow brightly.

"Oh. There it is."

It takes a moment, but eventually with a bright flash he reveals himself!!!

And not much has changed, he just got two backwards facing horns atop his head, a small nose horn, and has what looks like a little armor across his body.

"Interesting!" The dragon booms. "I certainly do feel more powerful."

"How would you say it compares to your old body?"

"Not even close." The dragon sighs as it clenches and unclenches its fists. "But I do see a noticeable improvement. Previously it was merely an ultimate class, yet now I would say that I am comparable to the dragon kings. If I were to 'evolve' a couple more times, I could see myself reaching the strength of my previous body and beyond."

"Hn. That's good. In your quest for strength, try not to cause any problems for the biblical faction... otherwise you're on your own, buddy."

"That is fair."

"Also, this evil dragon called Crom-Crauch will probably try and hunt you down once he hears of your rebirth, he says he is heavenly dragon level now, so be prepared for it."

"I see." The dragon states slowly. "Why now? Why grant me a new body now? I was sure you would wish to use my power for a while longer."

"Well, my life is going through a drastic change, and well, I wanted to settle my affairs before I get completely tied down." I answer easily.

"What could have possibly changed in the short seven days since I began to slumber?" The dragon questions.

"Well, I found out I'm going to be a father, for one." I point out with a bored expression.


"Congrat...ulations?" The dragon blinks slowly.

"I'm actually really nervous about it. So, I'm going to be absolutely crazy this next year or so."

"Let's see here." I mutter under my breath as I count on my fingers. "I freed you. Made the dual dragon sacred gear, hn, probably going to be my boosted gear replacement, I need to use the soul of Leonidas to see if I can cause the broken boosted blade to retain any of its original power, if not, I'll make an Excalibur and avalon fusion sacred gear. I need to finish my Ark of the Cosmos... then... I need to transform the materials of the dragon gods into weapons and armor, then use those to make some sacred gears. If I split them up, I could probably manage quite a few sacred gears from their bodies..."

"Damn... this is a lot of work... and I'm not even the fifth satan yet!" I whine as I rub my temples.

I let out a single huff as I look up to the large dragon. "I should probably tell Serafall about the new changes... if she's going to keep blue balling me, I'm going to give her a fucking aneurism."

I pull out my phone.

"Heeeey uh... Serafall, there's some things I sort of need to talk about with you, two could be politically disastrous at large and the other is... smaller in the grand scheme, but it's more of a... personal problem... and to me, it honestly is bigger than either of the other two things happening." - Gaius 15:43

"Wh- Gai-tan it's 3 am! What did you do?!" - Sera-Tan 15:44

"Uh... well, maybe we should talk about it in person?" - Gaius 15:44

"I'm already in your house. Where are you?" - Sera-Tan 15:44

I turn to Ddraig. "Quick. Serafall is here. Shrink down so you don't spoil the surprise."

The dragon blinks slowly then a shark like smile crosses his face.

With a flash a simple orb clatters to the ground.

It floats up to my hand as I turn and teleport back to my house and out of the secret underground bunker.

I look to Serafall sat on the sofa before me, she is in a fairly sexy night gown, she looks a little tired as she yawns quietly.

"Hey... Sera-tan." I weakly greet as I take a seat beside her.

Her impassive tired gaze softens immediately, seemingly sensing my distress. "Gai-Tan? What's wrong?!"

"Well... uh... what do you want to hear first?" I weakly ask with a slightly nervous smile.

She pets the top of my head with a soothing smile. "Tell big sis sera-tan your personal problem first, alright? I don't want to think about politics right now."

"I uh... am about to become a father?" I state slowly.


"Huh?" The girl owlishly blinks.

"I... got Neo pregnant."

"HUH?! Y-YOU- WH- GAI-TAN!" The girl gasps.

She quietly sniffles. "I-I thought you wanted to have a baby with me!"

"You? How could I have a baby with you if you seem determined to blue ball me at every opportunity." I question with a deadpan stare.

She lets out a shaky gasp. "H-How hurtful."

"But not incorrect." I shrug.

"Well, how do you feel about that?" The woman questions as she pets the top of my head.

"About the child, or the fact you keep trying to get me horny only to leave?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"The child, Gai-Tan." The woman pouts.

"Well... uh... I've been pretty light headed all day, sort of nervous. I-I'm sort of using humor to cope. I guess it's... sort of nice? Maybe? I'm unsure how I feel about it."

"Have you thought of names?"

"No." I reply instantly. "I've only known about it for like... eight hours. I haven't even fully comprehended that it even exists yet."

"Oh, Gai-tan." The satan sighs as she my head down on her lap, gently petting the top of my head. "You'll be a good daddy! Don't worry!"

"Right." I mutter as I gaze up for her. "Now... uh... I should probably tell you the other things."

I lift my hand and open it, causing the sphere that was held within to spring open. "Ddraig's out... and I'm no longer the Red Dragon Emperor."

"Greetings, Satan Leviathan." The bakugan states.

Serafall stares down at the sphere. "What..."

"Oh, this is his tiny form. His larger form wouldn't fit in here." I explain.

"He is correct."

"Why would you weaken yourself like that?" Serafall mutters.

"Oh, I didn't weaken myself that much. Sure, I can't boost, but I'll replace my lost strength with another sacred gear. Besides I made a promise to Ddraig." I state as I slowly sit up.

The orb floats off my hand and lands on the back of the couch.

"If this is all... I believe I will go visit Tannin to test out this new body!" The dragon states as it begins bouncing down the length of the couch.

It clatters to the floor and continues hopping away. "Goodbye, Gaius, Satan Leviathan. I'll be around."

"Have fun." I wave.

"Ohoho believe me." The orb states as it looks back at me. "I will."

"I can't wait to rub this into Albion's face." The dragon darkly giggles to himself as he turns back into a ball and rolls under the door.

"That... isn't as much of a political problem as you might think." Serafall slowly mutters. "Er- rather it depends on if he antagonizes people."

"I told him that if he causes problems for the devil race, he's on his own." I shrug as I lay back down.

"What was the last thing that you thought would pose a problem for us, Gaius?" The girl questions quietly.

"Uh... well, this is the one I'm probably the most wary of." I shyly mutter. "I... think I might be slowly becoming a god."

The girl stares down at me. "Wh... What?"

"I think I'm becoming a deity. Slowly but surely. Like, divine power, worshipers, prayers and all that jazz."


"What the fuck?!" The woman whispers.


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