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"Well." I whisper, eyes straying across the numerous screens in front of me. "This is unexpected." 

Congratulations! You have been reincarnated with a system! 

Now... I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. 

I'll take this... and I'll roll with it. 

"Is that all?" I question. "Any goals? Anything I am supposed to do?" 

Just Live. 

Notice: Your new world has been decided: Fairy Tail 

Fairy tail? There could be worse places to go, I suppose. 

"I see... what sort of system will I have?" 

Generating System which user has an affinity for. 

Dice System Version 3.64 activated. 

System Loaded: Pathfinder. 

Notice: There is an immense saturation of Pathfinder DICE system users currently. Adjusting settings for a more unique and diverse experience. 

Loading Final Fantasy Edits 


Notice: the changes to the system are as follows: 

Spell Slots are instead changed to MP. Level 1 Spells cost 1 MP, Level 2 Spells cost 2 MP, Level 3 Spells cost 3 MP and so on. 

Limit Breaker Module Installed. 

Every class is granted a powerful ability called a 'Limit Breaker' which you can trigger once your player character reaches 50% of total health. 

Notice: Player will not have traditional Hit Points. Limit Breaker mode shall be calculated on other factors. 

You are forbidden from starting with basic Pathfinder classes and races. However, in the future you may gain the ability to unlock such traits. 


So... it's some form of slightly modified Pathfinder, huh? I should be able to adapt to this... I am a power gamer by nature, after all. 

It's just a shame I can't be the tried and true Kitsune Feyblooded Sorcerer. 

Get enchantment Dcs of twenty by level one. 

Probably amongst the most broken parts of pathfinder. 

If I remember correctly, I could get most CR seventeen dragons to fail their saving throws against my level ten character's spells more than fifty percent of the time. 

And a CR seventeen is supposed to be faced by a party of level seventeens. 

"Oh well, Let's see what we're working with here." I lowly hum. 

Rolling Stats. 12, 12, 14, 14, 11, 15. 

That is... 

Fine... I guess. 

A little low. 

Normally I like to start with an Eighteen in my most important stat, but I can work with a spread like this. 

Core Classes. Base Classes. Hybrid Classes. Miscellaneous and NPC classes. 

I quickly skim through the list. 

'hang on... they made NPC classes vaguely decent?!' 


Taking a look at the Commoner class they get a special ability at level one... 

Allies of the Fields: 
Due to his efforts in the fields, farming crops for his fellows, the commonfolk is seen as an ally of any other commonfolk. Once per day, If he is within shouting distance of any other commonfolk he can shout for aid, having any commonfolk that are not hostile towards them to come running to assist him. Commonfolk can help in combat scenarios as well as using aid another for skill checks. 

And that's not their only ability. 

Later levels they get large bonuses for flanking opponents, and at level five they can call... a spellcaster NPC class to assist them?! 

What the fuck? 

Normal Pathfinder has nothing

I will note... 

This class doesn't seem to have a limit break- oh wait... 

Second wind? Gain health equal to one fourth your total health or their constitution score... whichever is more. 


Interesting, but I'm not about to play an NPC class. Let's see what they've got here. 


After a bunch of careful consideration- and I mean REALLY careful. They've got dozens of classes, each having several archetypes which change numerous things about the classes. 

It would be more accurate to say that there's dozens of 'Core' classes, then hundreds of classes built off those dozens. 

Like, this thing's got fucking everything. 

Time wizard. 

Red Mage- a spellcaster which can blast and heal- which was tempting as if I remember correctly healing magic is a little rare in Fairy Tail. 

There's also fucking crossover classes... or rather Archetypes. 

Like, there's a summoner archetype called 'Persona Evoker'. 

You can become The Flash, Ironman, Thor, The Hulk. 

This shit is fucking wild. 


I've decided on a class. 

It was a tough choice between two. 

The first, Freelancer. 

Which is basically Konosuba Adventurer. You get a selection of 'points' per level that you can use to take the special qualities of classes. So you could take the spellcasting of one class, then the melee quality of another. 

That was one I was deeply considering, but. There was one large issue with it. 

The points you get aren't really... enough... 

The way it works is that you get a bunch of abilities, but abilities that improve by level consume points on that level as well. You start with sixty base points. Most of which I would have spent on improving my 'Hit Dice' which determines my heath and my 'base Attack Bonus' which would have determined how easy it is to hit something. Or rather, how much of a bonus I get to add to my attacks. 

Each level after first... you only got thirty points, and If I wanted to grab spellcasting, each time I learned a new level of spell I would be forced to pay ten points... then the twenty up front. 

It just wasn't sustainable. 

Sure, I could get some fun things, but even if you decided to pick ONLY the traits from a single class, you wouldn't be able to get even HALF of what the class is normally given. 

After crossing freelancer out, I took a look over where I will be going... 

Fairy Tail. 

A place with dozens of Wizard guilds with incredibly potent magic. 

A place where magic can do practically everything. 

Now. I'm not given the ability to use Fairy Tail magic... 

Except one. Little. Way. 


Bluemage is a special type of savage wizard which learns the natural abilities of monsters it faces... like a dragon's ability to breathe fire... or maybe a spider's ability to shoot web. 

Now. That wouldn't help me all that much. HOWEVER. There is a little archetype for this class called savant. Which does the same thing... but for magic you see. 

Now, I don't expect to learn the ENTIRE magic from just a glance, but what I CAN do with it, is say for instance I see Makarov cast Fairy Law. If I can roll a high enough spellcraft skill check... I can learn Fairy Law. 

If Natsu uses his fire dragon slayer magic to do a Fire Dragon's Roar, I can learn to do it too.  

Now, this won't mean I could immediately turn around and punch someone with a Fire Dragon's Iron Fist, I don't know Fire Dragon Slayer Magic... I can just 'Do the Roar'. 

A slight downside is that I can only know so many spells at once. If at any point I want to learn a new one while I am at my 'Maximum Learned Spells' I have to get rid of an old spell. 

Mildly annoying, but I really only plan to take the best of the best. 

OH! Another good thing about this class is that I learn a spell per level from ANY of the classes in this system. 

Healer. Wizard. Necromancer. Time Wizard. 

I can have my proverbial spell-cake and eat it too! 

And don't even get me started on the Savant's limit breaks! 

The first is sort of 'eh' for one round plus one for every four levels past level one I can cast two spells a 'round' which is about six seconds. 

I assume in this world 'Rounds' don't exist and it'll just let me cast two spells at the same time for about six seconds. 

The second limit break though?! Ohoho... 

For one round plus one for every four levels past one I have a thirty foot 'aura' which is basically an anti-magic zone. But only for people I deem as enemies. 

Now, it isn't perfect, people can still cast through it if they are vastly stronger than I am... but for mooks? There will be no way for them to get their spells off! 

On the topic of spells... I have two cantrips to pick and one spell to nab. 

The question on my mind is 'what should I even pick'.  

Picking a good spell might take longer than even deciding my class. 


Alright. Fucking finally. 

I'm done. 

I've put in my stats, picked my feat, allocated skill points 

Level: 1 
Experience: 0.0% (0/2000) 
Health: 9/9 
MP: 4/4 
Armor Class: 13 

Strength: 12 (+1) 
Dexterity: 16 (+3) 
Constitution: 14 (+2) 
Inteligence: 17 (+3) 
Wisdom: 11 (+0) 
Charisma: 12 (+1) 

Turns out humans had a special trait that let them get a plus two to two of their statistics. I just had to trade out my bonus feat and skill point for it. 

As for spells, I have a cantrip that cleans my body, a cantrip that lets me throw needles at people, and Mage Armor. 

Because not a lot of people wear armor in Fairy Tail. 

It's typically only Erza. 

So, a little bonus armor for others could go a long way. 

I close my eyes... and suddenly I'm elsewhere. 

A bustling town appears around me, people going to and fro, meandering around food stalls, entering restaurants, stepping into horseless carriages. 

A gentle salty scent seems to rest on my nose, gazing out I can see a near endless expanse of blue. 

The sea. 


It was true, then... 

A Buff has been applied. 


Ambient Ethernano: 
The very air seems to reinvigorate you and your magic. You regain 10% of your total MP for every 30 minutes resting. (Minimum 1 MP) 
Note: You must not be in active conflict to benefit from this buff 


Well, that's useful. 

I can regain my full mana capacity after just two hours. 

Of course, this will not always be the case. 

As my mana grows, It'll take longer and longer to refill. 

Still. It changes the normal recharge time of my magic from eight hours of resting to just two... or five once I get a little more magic. 

A quest has been received: 

When in the world are you? 
You've appeared in a brand new world of magic. One question should be on your mind... WHEN are you? The story of fairy tail takes place over the course of over a century. You could reasonably be anywhere within that time. 

Find out when and where you are: [ ] 

Hargeon. Start of the Series. 


A quest has been completed! 

That was easy. I mean, could it have been anything else? 

Reward: 100 Exp, 10 Jewel (Roughly the equivalent of 10 cents) 


Eh, Exp is Exp. 

The bag on my back ruffles slightly. 

Oh. Right... my familiar. 

I shift my bag so I am holding it in front of me, then open the flap. 

A cat-like head pokes out of the bag. It is purple in color with a briliant golden eyes. 

An orange tuft of hair sits atop its head. Sort of like a Lion's mane. 

Two large black horns atop its head curve forwards. 

I rub the top of the little monster's head, causing a low purr to leave its jagged maw, then I close the bag up and begin walking. 

As for where I am going? 

No clue. 

All I've got is about one hundred and eighty dollars to my name and a backpack with a baby Behemoth inside of it. 

Well, it's a Babymoth. I... am unsure if those actually grow into true Behemoths or it's an entirely different species like a leopard is to a house cat. 

Regardless, it is my familiar and it is SO cute. 


A quest has been received: 
Prominent Providence: 
The Wizard known as Bora the Prominence seeks to use charm magic to sell a bunch of girls into Slavery! This is something you've got to put a stop to... or possibly join in! It's up to you, really. 

Help/Stop Bora's Scheme: [ ] 

"Kyaaaa! It's him!" 

I glance down, over a nearby railing towards a large town square a frown on my face as I see a horde of girls crowding around a single man. 

'Hah. Alright.' 

I swiftly walk over to the group, quietly weaving my way through the swooning girls. 

I spy my target who is gently swaying back and forth, then place my hand on her shoulder. 

She blinks, turning to look at me. 

"HEEEEY Igneel! It's mee!" A pink haired teen butt in. 

I can see the haze in the blonde's eyes clear. She offers a slow blink as she peers around in surprise. 

"Who the heck are you?" The pink haired wizard asks suddenly. 

I take my hand off Lucy's shoulder as I watch numerous girls proceed to beat the snot out of Natsu. 

"Now now, my dears, surely he didn't mean anything by it." 

He proceeds to write on some form of shiny cardboard. "Here's my autograph, Kid~ Now you can brag to all your friends!" 

"No thanks." 

"Heh." I huff as I watch a literal mob of nonmagical girls pick up the main character and promptly dunk him in a nearby trashcan. 

"Well." The faux salamander begins. "I'm afraid I must be going, ladies. I have business to attend to." 


"You're leaving already?!" 


"Time for the Red Carpet!" 

He snaps his fingers, a large sigil appearing in front of his face. 

Fire surges around his feet and hoists him into the air. 

My eyes narrow slightly... 

Then suddenly... 

I know. 

Fire Magic: Red Carpet: 
Spell Level: 1 
Range: Personal 
Target: You 
Duration: Concentration+1/Round per Level 
You conjure a solid and warm to the touch- but not scalding- pillar of fire to shoot you through the air. Through standing on this pillar you are granted great ariel mobility. As a Move Action, you may extend this pillar 20 feet (+5 feet per 4 caster levels) in any direction per round to a maximum total length of 400(+40 Per Caster Level) feet. 

Overcharge: For each additional MP you spend on this spell, your movement speed increases by 20 and the total length of your Red Carpet improves by 200 Feet. 

Note: This spell is not true flight spell and must be used while on the ground or close to the ground to have any true effect. Should something dispel the base of your Red Carpet, you will fall.  

Notice: You may not spend more than 1/2 of your level in MP on overcharging any single casting of a spell. (Rounding Up) 

"I'm having a Soire on my yacht tonight and you're all invited!" He calls out as he blast off into the sky, a pillar of flames at his heels. 

He was moving quite fast there. I wonder just how powerful he is... 

"Well... that happened." I hum. 

"What a creep." The blonde to my left sighs. 

She turns to look at me. "Thanks for your help... you too." 

"Huh?" The pink haired wizard questions. "What do you mean?" 

"That man... he was using charm magic... but it's been banned for ages! Magic shops don't even sell it anymore!" The girl exclaims. "He must have gone through a lot of trouble to get access to it... ugh... how creepy. I can't believe I was under its spell for even a second!" 

"But..." She continues. "I broke out of it thanks to you barging in and from you grabbing my shoulder." 

"No problem." The pink haired wizard sighs as he stands up, brushing himself off. "I'm gonna go now." 

"Wait! I should pay you two back!" Lucy exclaims. "Let me buy you something to eat at the very least!" 

"Free food?!" The fire wizard instantly drools. 

"I'm game for free food." I shrug. "The Name's Merlin. What about you?" 

"My name is Lucy." The now named Lucy informs. 

"I'm Natsu... and that's Happy." The pink haired wizard mutters. 

"Aye Sir!" The cat cheers. 

Lucy leads the three of us to a small restaurant nearby. 

"So... get what you like." The girl beams a bright smile. 

"Ooooh! I'll have this and this and THIS and this-" Natsu begins prattling on. 

"AND A FISH!" The cat exclaims. 

I look to the waiter. "I'll just take two slices of pizza and a turkey leg." 

Lucy begins to pale as she hears Natsu's steadily growing order. 

An annoyed sigh leaves her lips. "There goes the money I saved on that key." 

"Still, you two have no idea how much it means to me that you stepped in like that." 

"I... know it may not look like it, but I'm a wizard as well." Lucy begins. 


"But I haven't joined a guild yet or anything... oh... I should probably explain... A guild is-" 

"Lucy..." I deadpan. "Who on this planet doesn't know what a guild is?" 


"Also I'm like... ninety percent certain these two are guild wizards." I point to the cat and salamander across from us. 


"He's right!" The cat beams. 

"W-Wha?!" Lucy gasps. 

"I'm a wizard too." I admit with a small shrug. "It's pretty common, honestly." 


"W-Well.. Ah... what sort of magic do you use?" 

"Fire." Natsu answers. 

"I have a few types." I admit. "I can do this." 

I place a hand on Lucy's shoulder. "Armor." 

She flinches back slightly as a ghostly suit of armor appears around her torso. 

She blinks owlishly and begins prodding her shoulder. "Huh? Armor magic? That sounds useful!" 

"Yeah." I agree. "Most wizards don't really wear actual armor, so me being able to slap a bit of extra protection on people is certainly useful." 

Our food arrives, I wordlessly begin eating as I sit my backpack next to me. 

"So." I begin quietly. "What are we going to do about that salamander guy?" 

"Hm?" Natsu hums, cocking his body to the side. 

"He's using illegal magic." I frown. "From what I saw, he had a charm magic ring and a sleep magic ring... those two do not sound very good when you put them together." 

"Wait... you don't think-" Lucy gasps. 

"Let's just beat him up then." Natsu decides. 

"Counter Point. Let's tell the rune knights about his illegal magic and what his potential plans might be, then beat him up." 

"That's boring." Natsu sighs. 

"And you wonder why Fairy Tail has a reputation for being destructive." I roll my eyes. 

"Nah! I don't wonder. It's the fairy tail way!" The teen cheers. 

"Wait wait wait." Lucy begins... "F-Fairy tail?! You mean the number one guild in Fiore?!" 

"Yep!" Natsu grins. 

"Wait... did you not know that guy?" Lucy questions.  

"Huh?" Natsu tilts his head. "Of course not." 

"People were saying that he's the Salamander from Fairy Tail, though... and most wizards with a title are... pretty important... ah..." Her voice slowly dies out, seeing Natsu's face become deathly serious. 

"Huh?" He questions, eyes narrowing slightly. 

"Lucy... HE is the salamander of Fairy Tail." I gesture to Natsu. 

"Wait- then... then who was that?!" She gasps. 

"Someone who is trying to ruin Fairy Tail's name." Natsu glares. 

He stands- 

"Come now... finish your food. You heard what that fake said... he said he was going to have a party on his boat tonight... so, we know where he will be. Instead of running around like a chicken with its head cut off, looking across the city where you might accidentally hurt innocent civilians in your battle with him... and wait until he's away from any property to damage~" 

He opens his mouth to reply, finger in the air. 

"Huh... that's... pretty smart white haired guy!" He exclaims. 

Lucy squirms slightly. "U-Uh... Natsu... what... what are the requirements for joining Fairy Tail?" 

He blinks slowly. "You got magic?" 

"Y-Yeah?" Lucy mutters. 

"Then you're good to go!" He exclaims. 

"That's it?!" She whispers. 

"Yep! Just as long as you've got magic you can join!" He grins. "And I'm about to teach someone that you don't use the guild's name for their damned schemes." 

He clenches his fist, fires seeming to flicker around his hand for a moment before they disappear. 

That... regretfully wasn't a 'Fire Dragon's Iron Fist... sad. 

I open my backpack, grabbing the turkey leg. 

My familiar raises its legs and snags the whole thing, retreating back into the bag. 

"What- what was that?!" 

"Oh. That's my friend. Don't worry about him." I smile. 


I casually walk over to a desk, a man in a suit of armor is sat behind it. 

"I'd like to report a crime." I begin. 

He looks over lazily. "Hm? What is it?" 

"There's a wizard in town using charm magic." 

The guard lets out a quiet yawn. "So?" 

"It's Illegal." I frown. 

"It's... not really that big a deal. Charm magic breaks easily." The man waves off. 

"So you think that a wizard luring women onto his boat... at which point he drugs them to unconsciousness to sell into slavery is fine?" I glare. 

"Wh- Huh?" The man blinks. "What the hell are you on about." 

"This... is a bottle of wine that was being loaded onto the wizard's ship. If you were to take a closer look at it... you can tell that it is drugged with a fast-acting sleeping tonic." 

The man looks from my face to the bottle. 


"There is also the issue that he is proclaiming that he is the Fairy Tail Wizard Salamander... but I've met the real Salamander... and it isn't him. Doesn't this seem fucking sketchy to you? A man using charm magic to lure girls onto his boat... which is stocked with drugged wine... while proclaiming he is from the top- and one of the most good natured and trustworthy guilds in Fiore?!" 

The man slowly stands, glaring down at the bottle. 

"Stay here for a moment, sir. I'll be right back." 

"He's having a party tonight." I call after him as he turns and quickly walks into the back room with the bottle of wine. 

Around ten minutes later, a spectacled man with black hair steps out, flanked by the original person I came to. 

"Greetings." The man begins slowly. "My name is Lahar, and I am the Head of the 4th Custody Enforcement Unit... I heard that you had a crime to report?" 

"Yes." I nod once. "A wizard claiming to be a fairy tail wizard is here in town using charm magic on a genuine horde of nonmagical women." 

His eyes narrow slightly. "Claiming... to be a part of Fairy Tail?" 

"The thing is... the Fairy Tail Wizard he is claiming to be is also in town and is not pleased with his guild's name being used like this. So, to prevent a very... fairy tail... reaction, I came here in hopes that you would be able to arrest the guy before half the city is rubble." 

"The wine he brought was drugged as well, sir." The man informs. "If he's right about the charm magic..." 

"Yes. This is troubling." The man frowns. "I will take a look at this myself. Young man. Do you know where this wizard is?" 

"He said that he was having a party on his boat tonight. If I had to guess... I would say that he is trying to get more women enthralled." 

"Do you have a description." 

"blue hair, pale skin, practiced fire magic, has a tattoo above his eye right about here." I list as I point above my eyebrow. "He also has surprising mobility with his fire magic, being able to stand atop it and practically fly away at high speeds." 

"I see. I see." The man quietly nods. "Wait... his tattoo... did it look like two C's, back to back?" 

"It did." I nod once. 

He looks over his shoulder. "Bora the Prominence... send a message to headquarters to get a ship in position to intercept if he somehow manages to escape." 

"Yes sir!" The man salutes. 

"Now, can you please take me to where you last saw him." The man turns. 

"I would be glad to. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's the rapey bullshit of charm magic." I smile as I turn, beginning to swiftly walk away, glancing back briefly to see the rune knight captain following close behind. 

Ohohoho this'll be good. 



Not bad, not bad... You've gotten my interest