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Species: Jolteon 
Ability: Eeveemental Flux, Eeveemonic Posession 
Type: Electric 
Moves: Covet, Quick Attack, Swift, Double Team, Thunderbolt, Bite. 
Size: 2'3 Feet tall, 3'6 feet long 
Size Comparison to Previously Recorded Size: +99.7% 
Weight: 62.3 Pounds 
Weight Comparison to Previously Recorded Weight: +262.2% 
Physical Strength: +52.10% 
Spiritual Strength: +174.44% 
Agility: 156.36% 
Durability: +62.4% 

"Hm. Not bad... your speed has improved quite a lot, plus your spiritual strength is nothing to scoff at either... you did keep Eeveemonic Posession, though... interesting." 

His increases are actually a bit more than you'd expect to see in an Eevee to Jolteon evolution. Must be the high purity stone. 

I quickly scan him again, watching all the improvements go down to a flat zero percent increase- as it's quite hard to improve in a noticeable way in just under five seconds. 

"Can you activate it?" 

His red eyes turn a deep purple, then I scan him a third time, checking for only one thing. 

Spiritual Strength: +55.24% 

A smirk slowly works its way up onto my face. 

Shadow Claw, Shadow Sneak, and Shadow Ball are added to his repertoire, his type is now Electric-Ghost. 


Durability: +12.3% 


So it also improves his durability? 

"Well, I suppose it's time to prepare for my debut research paper." I grin as I turn to the rotom floating nearby. 

"Rotom, please look for any shiny Pokémon that have the shared trait of white skin. Then sort them into two groups, the first, the ones with reddish pink eyes and the other with the eye color of the base Pokémon." 

"What if the Pokémon already has reddish eyes?" It ponders aloud. 

"In that case, put those into a third group and I'll sort them myself." I answer. 

"What if they are only partially white? Like two of those Shiftry you caught?" Rotom asks. 

"Ah, Vitiligo? Include those as well in their own section." 

Noooow... what should I call this research paper? 

'The true nature of Pokemon colors?' 

'The determining factors of Pokemon colors?' 

'Shiny or Sham?' 

That's pretty good, but if I remember correctly, shiny pokemon are more common than an Albino pokemon, thus that's probably not a good title. 

'The rarest breed. Genetic Discoloration?' 

'The alternate colors of pokemon?' 

"I have categorized the pokemon you have listed. There are thirty-six recorded instances of pokemon meeting your desired specifications. Might I know what you are writing about?" 

"How genetics can determine the coloration of a pokemon." 

"Wait what?! You are telling me that these alternate colored pokemon were genetically modified?!" The rotom shrieks. 

"NO!" I growl. "Of course not. If it was so easily reproducible, don't you think we'd be seeing more than just thirty six pokemon?" 

The Rotom tilts its body slightly. "Huh... Okay! That makes sense." 

The- FUCK! It was right on the tip of my tongue! And that was a good one! How!?! How'd I forget it?! 



'The Deeper Meaning to Pokemon Coloration.' 

That's pretty good. 

I think I'll use that one. 


I look to the nurse joy standing with three pokeballs in a tray in front of her. 

"Your three Shiftry have been healed! But... I should warn you, they are still wild and tried to attack after they were released. You should be weary and try and build up some trust with them if you actually wish to use them in your team." 

"Oh, I really don't plan on using them on my team." I reply with a small head shake. "Thank you for healing them, Nurse Joy." 

I take the three pokeballs and turn. 

"Please come again!" The woman chirps. 

"I will." I reply with a small wave. 

Alright. Now that this is done... Undella has an auction house. 

But first, I think I'm going to go sell my- less valuable- stones to Blueberry Academy. 

I make my way through the school, eventually coming to the BP shop where we can buy and sell things for the glorious currency that is Blueberry points. 

"Welcome! What can I get for you today?" A dark skinned man with angular square glasses smiles as I step up to the counter. 

"I'm here to sell some evolution stones that I found while exploring." 

"Oh? Alright, how many are you selling?" 

I fall silent, looking at the paper I pull from my bag. 

"Ah... Alot." I admit. "Forty nine." 

"Forty-" the man cuts off, eyes wide.  

"Well! You must have had a productive weekend, then." 

"I found a several hundred year old pirate's treasure, yeah." I admit. 

"Well, let's see the stones, then." The man states as he pulls out his own scanner. "I'll give you an estimation." 


With my stone sales, I managed to get around four point one million... 

Thus, enough to try and gacha a rotom. 

Which I will do... once I leave Blueberry and get out of the view of my overseer. 

Man. Those moon stones. 


Not one had a purity of under forty one percent... and they were all of reasonable size. 

I've still got the Shiftry and twelve stones to sell, three of which being moon stones. 

If I had to estimate, this profit will likely be just as high, if not considerably higher than the total profit I made from around forty-nine evolution stones. 

About four million should be enough for a basic home, right? 

I've looked it up a bit, and that island isn't technically owned by anyone... 

The rock-walls make it too inconvenient for settling. I'll just need to sign a few forms, smack down some money, then bing, bang, boom. I'll get some land on the island. 

I don't need much, mind you, just a few acres. 

I can worry about buying the entire island after I release a bunch of feral pokemon into it. Ones that make it even more inconvenient to settle there. 

Now, to the forest! Then Undella's Auction house to make the big bucks! 

It really is so convenient to be right next to a town where practically ALL the gym leaders have summer homes at. 

They have money to throw away. 

If someone wants to buy a ninety five percent purity Sunstone, by all means. 

It'll probably be a grass gym leader who wanted a Lilligant or Bellossom. 


My eyes flick to the spinning wheel as it eventually clicks to a stop. 

A screen appears in front of my face as I reach into my bag. 

A red and white sphere comes to my hand as I clip it to my hip. 

'alright, let's see what we have here...' 

Rotom M 
Species: Rotom 
Gender: None 
Type: Electric/Steel 
Ability: Levitate  
Moves: Astonish, Thunder Shock, Confuse, Charge, Electro Ball, Double Team, Mach Punch, Double Iron Bash, Drain Punch, Thunder Punch, Plasma Fists. 

Notes: R-052 was a reserve pokemon on the Prydwen aircraft carrier, it knows how to repair most technological items ranging from cellphones to vehicles and, in addition, knows dozens of forms of human martial arts at a blackbelt level. 

Rotom M? 

It has a new form, huh? 

That's interesting. 

A worthy six million for loyalty, I suppose. 

I look up towards the auction 

Where another Item is wheeled into view. 

"Next, we have a water stone with an overall purity of eighty percent! The starting bid is one hundred and sixty thousand! Do I hear one sixty five?" 

A little paddle is raised. "Gotta one sixty-five do I hear a one seventy- One seventy five! Do I hear a-" 

I tune out the prattling of the Auctioneer, watching as the number behind him creeps higher and higher. 

"Sold! To Humilau City's very own gym leader!" 

The number eventually comes to a stop on two hundred and twenty thousand. A little over one and a half times what I was paid for a fire stone with a purity of seventy four percent back at Blueberry Academy. 

I watch the stones being sold. 

Seventy nine percent Leaf stone to Erika of Kanto.  

Fucking Giovanni is here and he bought up the two eighty-one percent evolution stones and the ninty four percent one. 

Dude has an Infatuation with the Nido-line, I swear. 

The ninty-five percent sunstone got caught in a bidding war between Erika, and Gardenia, with the prior just barely managing to pull through after dropping three million on it. 

The two high purity dusk stones were snatched up by the Unovan ghost type Elite Four, Shauntaal. 

A shame Eevee can't evolve via a dusk stone, otherwise I would have given him the ninty four percent one. 

Anyways, she showed that the Elite Four probably have money to burn as she raised the bid by an entire million both times when bidding was starting to slow down. 

So, each of those stones went for about five million. 

She also picked up the dawn stone for about one hundred and fifty thousand. 

Easily the worst performing of the evolution stones I sold purely because it can only be used to evolved two pokemon that ALREADY have other conditions... 

Male Kirlia and Female Snorunt. 

So realistically, it's only useful to half the people who have those two pokemon. 

The final ice stone was sold to... huh, Paldean ice gym guy. 

So. All in all, from the stones I made eighteen million. 


That sounds like I'd be able to afford a really good gacha- no! Bad. Get a lab. 

Get a lab, test it out on some Rattata. THEN and only then will I reward myself by gacha-ing up some sort of DNA to play with. 

"And now, for our last items in today's auction." The man begins. "Three pokemon, Shiftry, with unique colorations." 

Pictures begin to appear on the screen. 

"Two partial shiny pokemon with one full shiny!" The man exclaims. 

"Of course, these pokemon are entirely wild, but, with that jet black coloration, you just want to have them, right?" The auctioneer grins. "Starting with the first partial shiny, can we get a quarter mil? Do I hear two hundred and fifty thousand- Sixty, do I hear two sixty- Seventy, can I get a seventy. 

I once more tune out his chittering, focusing on the price as it creeps higher and higher. 

"Six hundred thousand, sold to Gym Leader Erika of Kanto!" 

The next is the second partial melanistic Shiftry, this one for five hundred and fifty thousand, bought by some rich guy. 

Now, the final fully melanistic Shiftry... 


"Sold! To Sinnoh's Grass Gym Leader Gardenia for five million two hundred and thirty thousand!" 

Very nice. 


Fucking robbing pieces of shit, stealing ten percent of what I made. You just auctioned them off! Five percent is already criminal, but ten?! 

A huff leaves my mouth as I close the door to my room. 

Regardless, even after losing that ten percent, I made twenty two million today. 

Thats enough! 

Honestly, I'm debating just grabbing a capsule house for that island and moving out! As soon as physically possible. 

Let's see here... a three room one was... 


I had honestly forgotten the price of that... 


At this point, should I just buy it anyways? I need a place to stay, and this would allow me to start my research sooner. 

Four rooms for two-point five million. 

Five rooms for three. 

Seven rooms for three point five. Ten for four million. 

I might break and get the ten for four million. That should give me more than enough space to grab whatever I need. 

I mean, that's literally a two for three deal. 

But... first, I suppose I need to meet my newest team member. 

I reach down, letting out Loki and Merlin as they quickly look around, then seeing nothing amiss, they relax, going about their normal activities. 

Merlin takes his spot on the shelves, and Loki buries himself under the blankets of my bed. 

"I'm going to bring out my newest member." I announce blandly. 

"Loootad." Merlin intones. 

"Vee!" My bed rustles. 

I push a button on the third pokeball, causing a... rather large an imposing figure to appear with a dull flash. 

Is- is that- 

"Greetings. I am designated as R-052 of the Reserve Brotherhood of Steel Third Regiment. Are you my new master." 

It is... 

I am staring at a large set of orange fallout 4 power armor. 


Rolled a little low on this one, actually. 

Or did I? Good soldiers follow orders, plus he can apparently repair stuff. That is more or less what I needed. 

The only way he could be better is if he were some sort of technopath or was that... one alien from ben ten that upgrades stuff. 

"Ah... Yeah. I am... I guess." I mutter quietly. 

"What do you need me to do, sir?" The rotom questions. 

I let out a low 'tsk' as I cup my chin, looking over his form. 

"Actually... first and foremost... you need a name, don't you?" 

"My designation is R-052. But. If you need to call me something, you may refer to me as Rotom." 

"Considering there are possibly hundreds of Rotom in this school Alone-" 

"Did you call me, sir?" My phone chirps as it rises from my desk. 

He stares blankly at the large orange robot. "Huh?" 

"Oh, Rotom. This is my newest pokemon. Jarvis." 

"Is my new designation Jarvis?" Jarvis questions. 


"I see." He observes. 

"Am... Am I being replaced?" Rotom questions, sounding a little hurt. 

"Whaaat? No." I wave off. "That's crazy. In the school rule book I'm supposed to give you back at the end of the four years, so you were never really mine to begin with." 

"Oh... that's true... I suppose." 

"But. I'll still be using you for school work. Jarvis here is going to be protecting my home away from here." 

"Your... Home away from here?" Rotom questions. 

"Yes. Exactly." I nod slowly. 

"Firstly... I need to go purchase a little land... I should be able to do it online, right?" 


I am held aloft by psychic powers, a frown on my face as I gaze at a rock wall, a large capsule clenched in my fist. 

Three figures float around me, the first, just a little orb dude with a blue wizard hat. The second, a ghostly fox flickering to spectral fire, and the third... a fucking very obvious orange mecha. 

"Does this look like a good spot?" I question, gesturing to the sheer cliff face. 

"Little... to... Left." 

'let's see here... door, disguised as the surroundings, good bye ten thousand more poke. Small windows? Also disguised? Ten thousand more for each. 

But. That's basically all I need. 

A holographic vision of my creation sits in front of me. 

I push the button on the capsule and with a puff of smoke, a small circular rock appears on the cliff face. 

We are currently about forty five feet up off the ground. Not too high, not too low. About half way up the cliff-like walls around the beach of this little cove. 

I reach out and grasp the rock, then with a slow twist of my hand, the rock wall swings inwards with a low creak. 

Inside is a featureless little stone brick box. 

"Hm... bit dull." 

I wave the hand holding the capsule and watch as the walls are covered in a more vibrant blue wallpaper that hides the nature of the brick just behind it. 

I step inside, two more little disguised windows towards the front of the room, ones that I can crack to get some air flow if I really need it. 

I point to the corner of the room, creating another doorway that leads into a much larger room. 

This one being two rooms combined. 

A basic kitchen and living room combo, thankfully with some much-needed furniture. 

Hell, they even gave me a free flat screen. How nice of them. To give me a freebee when they charge me so much. 

I turn, creating another doorway just past the living room. 


Then another. 


Closet- that has a hidden door in the back that leads to another part of the closet. 

Said hidden room has an additional hidden room. 

That makes six rooms total. 

Said sixth room is a basic office. Desk, computer, bookshelves. Secret door behind the bookshelves that is locked with a keypad. 

The seventh room is probably going to be where I keep my giant microscope, and the eighth room- which is once more hidden away, has large square holes in the ground, each with a metallic elevator-like object at the bottom. 

The elevators cost a lot, but, if all goes to plan, the large gestation tanks I use to actualize the pokemon I've modified would sit on the platform, and, if a need arises, they could sink down into the floor and have a metal door slide overtop. 

I've got two more rooms... 

Now what? 

I'll need some place to store my experiments after they hatch... 

I turn, making my way back through my home. 

I walk to the other side of my living room and with a dull flash... 

A large room appears. The floor underfoot grassy, with a few feet of dirt underneath. 

A sole tree sits towards the corner of the room and a fairly large pool rests in the other. 

"Good enough." I nod slowly. 

Loki quickly runs through the room, letting out small cries as he kicks off the wall and sprints in circles, reaching speeds he was never able to back at Blueberry. 

He scurries up the tree, the branches rustling slightly. 

Huh... He is a surprisingly good climber. 

"EEVEE!" He begins shouting. 


He can't get down. 


"Just turn into a ghost and float down! It's not that complex!" I shout 


I let out a long self-loathing sigh and walk over. 

Just as I step under the tree, he drops out of it, landing on my face, like a little xenomorph face hugger. 

"MHHHPH-" I scream as I flail briefly, eventually pulling him free and holding him by the scruff. "I thought we've been over this Loki. None of that!" 

"Vee vee~" He chuckles quietly to himself. 


I quietly walk forwards on a mission. 

I pause at the edge of the little indoor pond. 

I hold him out over it. 

Loki looks down and begins struggling slightly. "Eevee! Vee! Ee-VEE!" 

I stare into his eyes, a frown on my face, eyes narrowing slightly as he recoils in fear. 

I turn and gently place him on the grass. 

He looks up at me, then lets out a small sigh of relief. 

"Never forget, Loki... I totally could have spiked you down into the water like some jock celebrating scoring a touchdown. Never forget my forgiving nature..." 

"Vee vee." He rolls his eyes only to quickly scurry away as I reach down to grab him. "Vee!" 

"Little bastard." I snort. 

The things I ordered should be arriving over the next couple of weeks. 


I take a seat at my desk, Courtney filing in beside me. 

I offer her a single nod which she returns, pulling out her textbook- 

My rotom suddenly leaps up. "Mr Welsh! The headmaster wishes to see you!" 

I blink slowly then let out a small sigh. "Fine, fine." 

I turn and rise to my feet, gesturing for the rotom to follow me. "Guide me, then... I'll be back soon, Courtney." 

"Mn." She hums in acknowledgement. 

I am led through the halls by the floating rotom, hands slipped in my pockets. 

Eventually, after making my way down a staircase and through quite a few halls- nearly being stopped by some hall monitor pokemon here and there, but thankfully Rotom is quite easily believed- I make it to a large door. 

I knock my knuckles on the wood. 

"Come in." A muffled voice on the other side speaks up, causing me to open the door and step inside. 

"You called for me sir?" I question, gazing at the dark skinned man sat behind a large wooden desk. He has a white suit, he has a black scarf loosely tied around his neck that seem to be styled after the sashes of a Honedge. 

"Yes, but before I begin... do you have any idea as to why I have done so?" 

"..." I stare at him for a brief moment. "Is Champion Cynthia here to get me to translate more ancient text?" 

"You have contact with Champion Cynthia?" 

"Is this about the Hypothetical new regional variant that might hypothetically be at my hip?" I ask. 


"Is it about me only using one pokemon in class?" I continue. 

"No, but we should have words about that." He sighs. 

"Is it because of me disappearing randomly and sporadically from blueberry academy after classes are over?" 

"What?" He blinks. "No. What you do after school hours is of no concern to the staff as long as you are being safe, and being legal." 

"I called you here because I am... worried about you." The principal begins.  

"Pardon?" I mutter. "Why... would you be worried about me?" 

"I worry about the safety of all of my students!" The man declares boisterously. "Each and every waking moment I try desperately to do what is best for you all and to keep you all safe!" 

"And, at the moment, I am worried about your spending habits." The man sighs. 

"My spending habits." I repeat slowly. 

"In the past couple of days we have received dozens of packages... dozens of expensive packages. I called you here to be careful with your money... I know you had entered a contract with the Devon Corporation a while back, and that you found quite a few evolution stones, but you shouldn't so frivolously spend your money!" 

"Oh... is that what this is about? I'm mostly done with buying things. What I bought recently was purely for my research." I state. 

"And what are you trying to research, might I ask?" The man frowns. "What could require so many packages? Where will you even store everything?" 

"Well, as for where I am storing it, I have purchased a home outside of Undella town in a secret location. That is where most of my money went. I am taking the packages and moving them over there. As for what I am researching... I am researching Eevee evolution and pokemon coloration." 

"As for what I have spent so far, I do not see why it really matters. I have more than enough money remaining to live even a frivolous life, which I won't be. Most of what I am purchasing is simply a one-time thing. Something I will take good care of and will further my research into the natures of pokemon." 

"I have been giving this tremendous thought over the past school year, and now that I do have money, I can buy it for myself... I apologize if it has been inconvenient to transfer the pieces, but I do really need it." 

The man lets out a quiet sigh. "If you have been giving true thought to it, then I suppose I can't really complain, but I do urge you to be careful with money. It isn't something you should toss around so freely... as for you only using one pokemon during battles, don't you feel as if your Eevee is beginning to struggle? Isn't it cruel to make it face such odds by itself?" 

"My training is working. Loki is far stronger than he was at the start of the year. As for why I don't use my second pokemon... well... frankly, it would be overkill. Merlin is stronger than Loki and is capable of doing things I can barely even begin to understand. If they can't handle my little juggernaut of an Eevee, they cannot deal with whatever the heck my other pokemon is able to dish out... but asking me to use both at the same time?! That is genuinely cruel and unusual punishment." 

"But, reasonably you have got at least three more pokemon, right? Shiftry?" 

"Oh, no. Those were utterly wild, but they had a unique coloration so I auctioned them... which is how I got the money which I used to buy this thing I wanted." 

"Oh... I see..." The man frowns. "But according to your records, you caught a rotom as well?" 

"I... do not know how strong he is... just that he possesses a form of technology that is a little different than a washing machine or fan... and that has made me a little reluctant to use him as I have no real idea how strong he is, and I don't want to accidentally have him kill one of my classmate's pokemon in one punch." 

The man rubs the bridge of his nose in silent exasperation. 


Micheal Dye

got a picture for the new rotom?


Ohoho, Badass.


Thank you for the chapter. This is one of my favorite pokemon fics


Can't believe you named him Jarvis🤣 also lol, was amusing that one of his first thoughts when called to the Principals office was is Cynthia here😅

Tyson Bailey

Does that mean he can wear his rotom as a power armor??!!!

Tyson Bailey

LMFAO I am imagining him in his rotom, calling himself Iron Man


Loki is the best little gremlin


wow a rotom in a falout POWER AROMORE how cool and he has finaly a place for his lab nad hehe i cant help but imagine the power armore rotom one punch other students pokemon in one punch man stye hahhaha yeah so good chapter and loki is as adorable as alaways hm hm have a good day sir or night


As always this is just really awesome and I can't wait for more. Keep it up!


You're unlocking stuff half a day behind your QQ posts mate


Aw...I feel like Rotom (the handheld one) wants to stay with him. Turn it into XJ-9 (Jenny) and Jarvis can have his little own assistant Friday