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Anne Momany

Probably biased, but I'm gonna vote for quizzes. 😀


The quizzes made me a patreon but getting to see that twinkle in Dave's eye right before he ruins Gareth's day is what's keeping me at the table.

Lady Bird

Everyone not voting for the treasure that is Pam are monsters. 👿 Time for an exclusive Patreon shirt series. One has a rainbow background & shows a nice person wearing a Dollop mask waving a “Pam for President” flag. The other is a drab gray and shows an unpleasant person holding a limp mask in their hand. Underneath them is the messy scrawl: Non-Pam Voter.


Smollop followed by the video version of the dollop


You guys could take call-ins and call it a Callup!

Sarah W

how did we not have the Hamilton event on here

Hunter Bowlan

Still wanna see the commentary track for Falcon and the Snowman!


I just figured Pam Chats are out of my tier but if Pam Chats are on the table for us $5 Rubes, count me in! Pam is a delight


If Pam needs a fan club president, I’ll gleefully add my hat into the ring for consideration. She’s a sheer delight—kinda like sunshine in human form. :)


Quiz close second


Past times.