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Pray to God and Evacuate


573 - PG&E Part Two



I work for Starbucks in Buffalo at one of the second store that tried to unionize (ours didn’t sadly) and I WISH I had been at that mandatory/not mandatory meeting where Howard Shultz compared Starbucks benefits to sharing a blanket in the holocaust. He’s a real piece.


Ads now?

Great Joe

Every day I pray to J-Town


Well that was a bummer


Hearing you read the ads made me smile - reminded me of the before times…


Another way in which PG&E screws people out of their housing: https://www.kqed.org/news/11943157/how-pge-adds-months-long-delays-costs-to-new-housing


I think its time we go John Brown on the mega corporations & private utilities. Starting with PG&E, then maybe Xcel

Name one robot in The Hobbit that isn't shaggable

A friend of mine was affected by the 2019 fire. His house was wiped out and luckily he had somewhere to go. But I remember before it happened when the blackouts started and he was telling me about it, and he was like "It's never gonna get better, Jazzhands. People are dying because their [home life support] isn't working. The next time the winds pick up my house is gone." Then the fires happened just like he said. And we panicked because we didn't hear from him for WEEKS until his boyfriend in SF told us he was okay. He was lucky, but so many people weren't.


The first lesson in my college economics class was about the equations that big companies and factories literally have to determine how many deaths and illnesses are still profitable… and they framed it like it was the normal thing and I was crazy for thinking that number should be 0. After that I just don’t trust any company because they literally don’t have our interests in mind, and will actually calculate how much of us they can kill.


Having worked at an energy retailer in Australia for 15+ years (who also has generation assets) I can say there are a lot of similarities with our markets. I could barely listen to the second episode - I worked with Accenture staff off and on and it was extremely frustrating, along with everything else that was going on.