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It's all going to plan


Marjorie Zeager

I live about an hour from East Palestine on the Ohio side, and I have friends who grew up in that county. East Palestine is in the Ohio River watershed, which feeds to the Mississippi. Ohio has been intensely horny for fracking over the past few years, and it's hard to not look at that and this in the same lens vis a vis fucking up the water supply for generations. I don't know what happens next. I can't afford to leave Ohio, but I can't afford to live here either.


Fuck Obama Fuck Biden and Fuck Pete Butthead


THANK YOU for this. I felt insane wondering why this wasnt a headline everywhere. No f'ing news app alerts about this but I got them for every other dumb thing. The gaslighting is next level.


Look at the pretty shiny lights in the sky. Nothing to see in the ground. Everything is fine.


In the 7th grade, my family moved from near KC, MO to an area halfway between Houston and Galveston. (Circa 1991) We lived in a bayou called Clear Creek, which led to Clear Lake, onto Galveston Bay (all of the water looked like thick chocolate milk, so that was my first experience with dumb Texan logic). I waterskied and swam in the water, ate some of the fish, and drank the well water for 2 summers. During the second summer, I started getting weeping welts all over my body. Some small, some the size of quarters. Then my dad got a few. We thought the were spider bites so fumigated the house (we were near a lot of woods). I kept getting them. Then…the neighbors got together and tested the drinking water and the creek water. Some of the neighbors lost family due to unexplained cancers. There were traces of arsenic and other carcinogens. After more investigation, the chemicals were traced to the Brio incinerator about 10 miles up stream and across land. Near which, an entire subdivision and school were condemned due to pollution a few years before. And who owned the leaking carcinogenic superfund site? Monsanto. We could no longer garden in our yards or drink the water, ski or swim in the water. The boat dock at the nearby park was closed and still is. They knowingly polluted the land and water leading out it Galveston Bay. The fucked thing is the entire coast line of Galveston Bay and 50+ miles east and west of Houston are lined with so many chemical plants, that it looks like a never ending city skyline at night. I moved to Cleveland with my ex 5 years. So I’m certain all waterways downstream of the chemical spill until the Gulf are going to be more fucked than they already are. And nobody will be held accountable.


This has absolutely been the dominant thing on my mind, since listening to this Chollop. I felt like a lunatic, thinking that the "sky enemies" were a blatant distraction from this. Now, I don't feel so much like I'm the one who's crazy. You guys rock, we love you. Thank you for everything.


And Fuck Trump too, while we're at it. In fact....fuck all of them. Sequentially, alphabetically, retroactively, whatevs.


We saw it once here in Oklahoma, and it was never mentioned again. I felt crazy as hell, for associating the "balloons" with a major scale distraction effort, but I gotta say....I feel better knowing I'm not the only person who felt like this.


If this was filmed right after the Super Bowl, I live practically on the Ohio river near Cincinnati and I definitely hadn’t heard a thing about this by that point. I didn’t hear a word about it until over a week after the derailment happened. This is going to affect the water that I use for my household where my children live and it took me over a week to find anything out. I don’t know how I missed it up until that point, but I can only assume it’s because of the lack of media coverage on all fronts. It’s sickening and terrifies me!


I live in Arkansas and the only reason I heard about it because I have family in SW Pennsylvania and my cousin lives right at the edge of the dangerous radius.


That entire area is poison. My mother in law was Miss Pasadena 1964… she’s the only one of her family that hasn’t had at least one type of cancer. But she did have a very fucked up time getting and staying pregnant so the bs she ingested I’m sure had something to do with it. The skyline is terrifying, especially when they are “burning off” the whatever chemicals that escape the plant. It looks like hell crossing the ship channel on the Hwy 8 bridge heading south. I always have cuts in my palms I clench my fists so tight.