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Trains and facists.


34 Chollop - Ohio train explosion



Am I the only one who thought Gareth licking that wine bottle was super hot? Just me? I’ll see myself out.


Seth Meyers did a good segment on the Ohio tran derailment


This made my brain explode😡🤯😡


We are very near the V for Vendetta world with The Purge

Jesper Ohlsson

Moving forward, I feel like there's going to be a lot of "teacher's out, what now?" sentiments that will only grow stronger the more opaque any kind of concrete solution becomes. Realizing that the people "who are in charge if something goes wrong" are not equipped to handle the situation is terrifying, not just for the situation at hand, but what it implies about the general capacity for leadership, if and when "push comes to shove". It's a pretty stressful thing to have ambiently rumbling around in your head; more so when it manifests in irrefutable evidence for all to see.


This shit is horrible and should not be happening. Having been DOT HAZMAT certified at various points in my career, the hazmat part of the manifest is required to be immediately available to authorities upon request. They also should have been required to file a route plan with mitigation strategies for cities/towns and other areas that could be damaged when something goes wrong. And these plans have to be shared and signed off on by the proper authorities. What the hell happened??? Did Elaine Chao burn the HAZMAT books in Mark Meadows fireplace???? I would also like to point you south towards the Louisiana and Texas border area along the gulf coast. This is area is a stew of toxic chemicals. People live with explosions and fires happening everyday at various chemical and industrial plants. My mother was an archivist, now retired. Early in her career she worked at the San Jacinto Monument, where Sam Houston caught Santa Ana sleeping. I digress. This monument is on the Houston ship channel surrounded by chemical plants. I'm sure when she became an archivist learning how to dress in a hazmat suit and follow an escape route in case of chemical explosion.

Lyndsay Thompson

If you thought the DOT’s response was poor…the EPA’s message was even WORSE. They arrived in Ohio and literally said “it’s not THAT bad, you’ll be fine” and “Don’t blame the government”. WTF, EPA! I expect to hear that from a Trump official, but we assume Democrats are supposed to be a bit more competent or at least better ar faking it and that is a mistake.


wait, what's the deal with Craig Mazin? I listen to his screenwriting podcast with John August, and he (at least on that platform) expresses decently liberal, sometimes leftlist, politics. Would love to know more if there is an article or something! Thanks


The Guardian and NPR news reported on the train derailment as soon as they could after it happened, so by the morning February 4th it was right there in my inbox. We live in a time where we have to curate the news we want to see. I know not everyone subscribes to get the morning paper in their inbox, but it's one of the tools available to keep us informed. I don't have cable tv so I can't comment on that. From what y'all are saying it seems abysmal.


I gave up on any sort of change happening on the macro. So I focus on mutual aid. It's the one thing I can do where I feel like I'm making a difference and actually making a direct impact on the lives of others.


Hey guys, we getting any of the new eps as vids? It's been a while??