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Mailbag 13


Kristin Lee

Scripts I'd buy in no particular order: NY to Paris car race, Harriet Tubman, Women on the River, and of course the Rube and 10 cent beer night. Slightly less popular options but personal to me are: Atari (because I'm a Utahn with lots of ties to U of U, and video games) and Hofman and the Salamander (because I was present at the live show). Maybe you could offer limited time sales of live show scripts one city at a time, although I can also see that being a huge pain in the ass.

Jesper Ohlsson

...headphones over the hoodie is such adorable gay-teen energy. //love; cheers.


We need the Rube's script please dear lord


Looks like we're gonna have to make more beer of our Lord and keep it in safe keeping for Gareth's last beverage and subsequently Dave's 😬

Seanbob Kelly

I know the perfect person for a Macquarie Island script gift!


Dark Gareth


How do I send you guys a question?


Is there a more recent post for new questions than the August 10 post?


Would love a script from Bro Code (181 convict leasing). 46? Cereal man. Donner party (love how it auto corrected to dinner party). Anything with Payton, Karen, or Wil. Many Aus live shows I'd love a script on even though I'm a dirty American.


What’s the resistance band/stand thingie that Gareth mentions?


I left working in human healthcare to veterinary healthcare, and quit premed, because of working through the pandemic. No body gives a shit, including many doctors. So, enjoy your evening!

Kristin Lee

But the script we'd get is what Dave reads to Gareth and guests, not a transcript of everything said in the final release of the episode, right?

Roseanna St Vincent

Ditto! Some of the nurses I work with were so willfully ignorant (and spreading lies) I noped out of school so fast.


Question: We know how David feels about Hamilton, but what are his thoughts on Encanto?

Name one robot in The Hobbit that isn't shaggable

Working in retail as an 'essential worker' you'd hear all the conspiracies... no two people could agree on what the real conspiracy is though. Got a real cracking one from a nurse too (before she was fired for refusing vaccinations); apparently it was spread here by a popular telecommunications company so people would lock down and need the phone company's phone lines/internet/wifi.