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Don't google it. ugh.


Smollop - Ebenezer McBurney Byers

Don't google it.



my names Evan, a baby cousen said Eben once and the nickname stuck for my close family... i hate this episode

Christina Lett

Don’t google it?? Curiosity activated.


I don't follow directions. Shouldn't have Googled it...


Banging heaters through radium 😂


Really don't google it.


I googled!!!! Lawd! And he did that on purpose! Shoulda talked to a Radium Girl.


What's up with the Austin wardrobe Gareth is sporting? Is that a hint? Please be a hint!


Bowling-balling it! 😩😂💀

Jesper Ohlsson

There should probably be some kind of short description on why you shouldn't google him (just saying don't google it will just make people more inclined to do so). It's basically a black-and-white/sepia-tone, low resolution picture of someone with their entire jaw/lower face missing, and what seems like a huge abcess deep into the throat/neck running down to their upper sternum. It's low-resolution, but it's also genuinely disturbing knowing that it's a photo of a real person. He is photographed both head-on, and in profile, and the damage is so severe that it shouldn't be possible for the person to have been alive when the photo was taken. The profile-picture shows a neck so carved out that it's barely more than a spine and some skin. It's legitimitely not "worth" seeing. So, fair warning. //Edit: Listened to the Qanon Anonymous episode you guys were on. Maybe one of the most depressing portraits of a person I've heard in quite a while (in terms of someone willing to debase themself). ...genuinely struggling to come up with a less dignified way of making money, and have a public career.


How was any born even close to healthy if our grandparents and parents were taking this stuff?!


My friends named their son Eben 😂


Googled it…. Never sleeping again…