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America's most horny and least good prez, now with pics!


534 - Warren G Harding


Reggie Dunlop

…..And why again was Gary Hart disqualified?


Yay! A live show video!!

Fletcher H

Audio drops out during the last picture at 3:30


Being bipolar is like when Gareth says to Dave “I guess I should have predicted you’d get depressing within the first 30 seconds.”


Always curious about the editing choices, like some stuff was on the RSS feed that got edited out of the video, I noticed more editing and audio drops after Dave threw up a new photo, what's that about? Also, unrelated, I love Leisure Suit Gary, and that he took the bottle of wine with him at the end. Stay classy boys


I noticed this, too, even more so with the Australian one. I think the editor might be working with the "official" (i.e. non-Patreon) sound file which seems to be slightly more cut than the ones we get on here. I might be wrong, though; just a feeling that seemed to make the most sense to me.


What an entertaining story, and Gareth's reactions were so sharp and quick too! Loved the episode, guys