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What's up, homies! We're excited to react to Bryce Dallas Howard's episode of The Mandalorian this week. We had a really fun time with this episode and all of its cameos. Plus, the ending rocked!




Christopher Lloyd IS the Man-Delorian.

Ryan Noakes

This episode was great. We're seeing a relationship building between Din and Bo-Katan. We got a fun adventure story. And we got development in the ongoing story. Adam, I loved your point about how people would sit through a 20+ episode season just fine but now suddenly can't handle not having the resolution of the finale in the first episode of an 8-epiosde season. Like, what the hell? Yeah maybe something was introduced but not resolved in the same episode. That's not bad storytelling. Unless the writers didn't introduce it without coming up with the resolution, that's shite storytelling right there, but as this show hasn't been doing that, maybe just enjoy the ride each week. Or, as Hector said, just stop watching. (Though I do kind of agree with complaints about Grogu and Din being reunited in a different show, but not to the same level of vitriolic toxicity that many are expressing it with.) Lastly, did you guys make those shirts? Hot dang I love them! I'd love to see BDH get to direct a Star Wars film. (Watch that was already announced this weekend and I'm just so out-of-touch I missed it. Ha ha 🤣!)

Amy Kohler

I know you can get the directed by shirts on tee public. I have that one and directed by Dave filoni


Loved your reaction! I wish you'd engage with criticism less.

Roman Penna

I did not expect a buddy cop episode in Star Wars, but I loved that we got one. Jack Black and Lizzo were great, this was awesome!


Mandalorian She Wrote (well directed anyway) - Loved the reaction and episode and I've heard that the actor in the droid autopsy scene is from the LA Improv/comic scene (so that might be where Hector recognised them from) - was aiming for helpful not know-it-all-ey - I hope it worked 😊


My dudes. Someone made a Czechxicans flag on reddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology/comments/12hv5ka/the_flag_of_czexico/

Chad-Michael Simon

This episode had it all. It furthered the overarching story while being a great episodic outing. It had stunning vistas and sets. Like you said, it was more expansive than what we saw in the first two seasons. I forgot what was practical, the Volume, or CG. It felt like a fun Scooby Doo adventure! “It was Commissioner Helgait all along!” “And I would’ve gotten away with it, too, if it weren’t for these pesky Mandalorians!”

Mark T Howard

The thing about side quests: their purpose is to flesh out the world being inhabited by the characters. Sometimes, that occurs by introducing a race or species not seen before (ptero-hell-no steals the youngling) or it gives insight into how the characters think when interacting with the other beings (the Ugnauts or the droids at the bar). Ultimately, side-quests make the world/universe feel that much more lived-in and tend to make for some fun content and, obliquely, move the story forward. .

Alex Chapman

It's really weird the extent to which people these days, or at least people online, seem to think the only value in stories is the major plot beats. Between Marvel and Star Wars, people think if it isn't an Avengers-level movie or a big epic finale it's "filler." Super weird trend that shows a fundamental misunderstanding of storytelling imo. As people have said regarding Infinity War?Endgame: we wouldn't care about the big stuff if not for the 10 years of littler stuff that came before. Now people can barely sit through 8 episodes of TV.


This episode was magnificent one of my faves for sure, technicalities work haha