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What's up, homies! Thanks for joining us for our reaction to episode 11 of Star Wars: The Bad Batch. The finale inches closer, but this show is still firing on all cylinders and bringing that Star Wars goodness.




The Clone Commandos are so fkin cool!

Brandon Winslow

Low key more intense than the Mando premiere - no shade - loved them both, but yeah, this show is underrated!


this episode felt so much darker than any other episode. loved that!

Reece Hart

As a massive Alien fan I was loving every second of this episode.

Gurinderpal Johal

I love how Tech says it’s the same creature that attacked Coruscant during the war and they all completely miss it and Hector then just immediately says it right after 😂 😂 😂

David Lonewolf Wright

I was first thinking it was some monstrous clone of Palpatine, then Augustin was mimicking the scanner sound and then all I could picture was Vitas performing The 7th Element.

Richard Buhler

I'm loving that the credits shows the name of the lead Clone Commando is Scorch. As a fan of the Republic Commando video game I'm hoping for appearances of Fixier, Boss, and (Force willing) Sev.

Hidde Heikoop

I think the unknown place they were talking about is Exegol. Maybe that Zillo-beast is used to make Snoke and later that clone of Palpatine. I can imagine that Palpatine is already thinking far ahead and has contingency plans in place all over the universe in case he dies. I think they implied that Pershing and the others in The Mandalorian needed Grogu's blood for those experiments too.