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What's up, homies! I know most of you may have already seen this once on your own, but if you haven't, strap in. It will be a bumpy ride (in the best way possible).

Initiate: Emotional damage.



Justin Perlow

Hey at least this time the tissues are ready 😂! Rewatch let's gooo!!!


I always wait for the homies before watching.

John Lewis

i was just gearing up for bed lol

Aisha Kenya

36 minutes into watching episode 3
. * Notification* “Heroes Reforged just posted a The Last
” Me immediately restarting the episode 😅

Chef Fronk

I’ll rewatch it with y’all after work tomorrow đŸ«Ą

Reece Hart

I swear each new episode of this show is in a contest with the last one to see which can make us all cry more.

Jovel Johnson

You may have found this out already, but Bill was in the game, not Frank (he was just mentioned). I'm not a gamer, by the way...lol. Just heard it from gamers while I was watching reactions.

Alan G

I think one of the reasons Bill was so trusting is, even if you are a doomsday prepper kind of guy, Hector said it, “humans are social beings” we need interaction and when Bill first started talking to Frank, you can tell, he hasn’t really spoken with anyone in such a long time and Nick Offerman’s acting was great because he sounded and looked surprised kinda that he knew how to do it. It must be emotionally and mentally tough to just not speak or see any human for that long. No matter how prepared he was, not seeing, talking or even hearing an actual person, that must be the toughest part.


These characters were in the game originally but were never given a back story... the duo meets Bill in the game and his history with Frank was more alluded to.

Felicia B

Beautiful reaction you guys đŸ„č

Alan G

Im crying now.

Ronin Unchained

Hello muchachos! Bill and Frank are in the game and the way this section plays off, is completely different. However, it's just as good and even more emotional than in the game. Also, cool easter egg, the clothing Ellie and Joel wear at the end of the episode, is their main costumes from the game. So good! and... you can't go wrong with Linda Ronstadt!


After watching it the first time waiting to jump, I rewatched it and teared up watching this well told bittersweet love story...in a "zombie (yes, I know they are not zombies) show!" Great interlude and I agree, a character builder for Joel even though he was not in most of it. Wow!

A. Saffari

Bill and Frank are in the videogames as well. but this show expands on their lives. What a beautiful episode. What happened to them was changed from the video game but I much prefer what happens here.


Easily some of the best TV hands down. For anyone into podcasts I'd definitely check out TLOU podcast that airs on yt after each episode. Lots of insight from the showrunners. Amazing episode!

Shane Kimbrell

Such a BEAUTIFUL episode. There are moments with Ellie and Bill in the game that we miss out on but I will happily exchange this for that. Bill and Ellie's relationship didn't really do much to move the story forward in the game. It was fantastic.

Grand Moff Slackin'

Thanks for explaining what Bill was doing with the battery parts and sulfuric acid. I didn’t know that was a thing but it makes sense! Also, Joel was 36 when it all started in 03. It was his birthday.


Such a beautiful and bittersweet episode! Ngl, I *did* cry. lol


Also, I don't know if this question has been asked already in the previous episodes, but will you guys be tackling the game version of Last Of Us after watching the first season? or will you be doing it after the end of the entire series? Loved when you guys tackled the Walking Dead games and would love to see you experience the game!

Brandon Moore

My first full-length watch along with you guys and it did not disappoint. Wow, what an episode. Loved you guys' commentary throughout!

David Lonewolf Wright

Watching it the 2nd time hit me way harder, what a beautiful episode. I also don't think I am ever going to be able to eat mung bean spouts ever again after seeing these infected.

Myles Away

Great episode. Totally unexpected and moving.


I loved the episode, but it's the most significant departure from the game so far. You only meet Bill in the game, and it's a very different take on the character.

Hidde Heikoop

Murray Bartlett plays Frank and has now Been in The White Lotus, The Last Of Us and also in Kumail's Chippendales FX-show. Really good Australian actor!

Roman Penna

Like a lot of the people here, said - Bill and Frank is very different in the game. But a lot of the same notes are hit. The mass of infected in the last episode was here in the game, so them switching stuff around to expand on the story is great. A great episode, and it's a nice come down from the infected and intensity of the previous episode.

Jon Forsythe

In the game, Bill helps Joel & Ellie get a car battery. At the end of their hunt they find Frank's body hanging from a rope. He got bit & hung himself so he wouldn't turn. Frank left a letter for Bill & in it Frank says he hates his guts. But it's implied in the game that Bill & Frank were a couple.

Peter Bode

TLOU game's intro sequence was sped up footage of fungi, exactly. Really cool.

Corey Strable

Joel mentions the Cordyceps being in flour, etc. Made a point to mention pancake mix... which is what he and Sarah were supposed to have for breakfast the day of his birthday!

Corey Strable

ALSO, their neighbors offered them BISCUITS as they were leaving. She made cookies with the old lady (which she didn't eat) and he never got the birthday cake.

Josh Hoyt

Even though it’s a big change from The game, it was perfect
 what a great episode. Genius


Nick Offerman's character is in the game but Frank isnt in the game. but i love the justice they gave to bill AND Frank as characters and changed bill's ending. Such a great episode

Peter Evans (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-28 17:56:43 I love the dual of the Bill & Frank story here with the allusion to Joel and Tess's timeline. Piles on to the Joel story without having to takes us down that arc. Totally thought Joel was going to lose it there when Ellie read's the letter.
2023-01-30 21:19:36 I love the dual of the Bill & Frank story here with the allusion to Joel and Tess's timeline. Piles on to the Joel story without having to takes us down that arc. Totally thought Joel was going to lose it there when Ellie read's the letter.

I love the dual of the Bill & Frank story here with the allusion to Joel and Tess's timeline. Piles on to the Joel story without having to takes us down that arc. Totally thought Joel was going to lose it there when Ellie read's the letter.

Julian Ortega

I was one of those who was single and living alone during the panini. It was hard but this
this was something else. It was beautiful and haunting and sad but also, so gorgeous. The strawberry scene has so many layers to it. I loved it so much

Flat Satire

you guys were not prepared

Sandra Alcala

the way you guys went “wrooow” when joel came out after his shower had me cracking up


We are actually not digging into any of the gameplay or hints of it at all, so all of this is new to us

Jovel Johnson

Same here! I'm only getting bits and pieces from people from other reaction channels who played the game.

Cassie Banks

I thought it was funny in the first episode where Joel mentions he was on the Atkins diet - notorious for no carbs, which is why he probably didn't have the pancake mix in the house.

Cassie Banks

I don't resonate with the game or what they're doing with HBO in this series. I'm only watching it for Pedro and Ashley's cameo later on. Their assumptions about love and focusing on the more dysfunctional part of it made this particular episode seem patronizing to be honest. Especially what happens to Joel's story arc. SMH. It was a very well done episode, but it made me roll my eyes in contrast to the rest of the message the whole TLOU entity brings. I always found people's need to be face-to-face social puzzling. That movie Pedro was in about the pandemic (The Bubble) was disturbing to me - thinking people could unravel so easily because they had to be alone. (Yes, I know it was a parody.) I guess I was (at least in hindsight) lucky to be a latch-key kid growing up and additionally having to go on disability with CFS/Fibro when I was 36. It had been 23 years at the time COVID started, I was used to living alone and having my social interactions over the internet (son had already graduated college and moved away for a job) so COVID was pretty much SSDD for me.

Jennifer Fuentes

The collective WOOOOoooOOOw when Pedro stepped out freshly showered lmao


Hector brought this up but my favorite tweet I saw about this episode was "This episode was the first 10 min of UP except it was more than an hour long, dystopian and gay." I was like, that's the best way to describe this episode.


Frank's actual illness is not given a name in the episode but we assume it's a type of progressive incurable neurological disorder (e.g. multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, ALS/Lou Gehrig's disease). Not sure how many folks are aware of this, but Linda Ronstadt - whose music is prominently featured in the episode - also has a rare neurological disease that's similar to Parkinson's. That condition is why she can no longer sing.