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What's up, homies! The penultimate episode of Andor is already here, and things will likely get more intense before next week's finale. We offer some predictions as to where we think the show will go in the next two episodes, but anything is possible.



Chad-Michael Simon

That’s exactly what I came to post about. :-) I think Agustin saw it happening, but Hector was in the middle of a thought. That moment looking at the the bright sun on the beach — the moment he truly joins the Rebellion — bookends with watching the Death Star blast coming to end his life. It GUTTED me. It’s as though he’s seeing his future play out. He retrieved his box while the room guest was sleeping, so we can assume this was a sunrise. Another parallel, this time with the sunrise Luthen said he’s fighting for but would never see.

Chad-Michael Simon

The part they were assembling in the factory looks like a turret gun base. Then I thought…. What if they’re somehow parts for the Death Star? Put a million of them together as a lattice, and you’ve got a superstructure or super laser. The fascist labor camp feeding the war machine parallels are gut wrenching.

Chad-Michael Simon

And even though I called it, it was only when I saw the super laser being constructed that I felt my stomach drop. He was helping to build the laser that would kill him. Hauntingly brilliant.


The is an interesting parallel of Cassian staring out over the ocean here knowing his mother died, and his final scene in Rogue One staring out over the ocean knowing he's about to die

Peter Evans

The feels on y'alls faces. Andor sets up the dramatic tension very effectively in the Star Wars verse. Each and every character or incidental or featured gives us the feels. I fear Mon Mothma's character will have to marry of her daughter, as savage as that sounds. What was the answer regarding Kriger? The finale should be amazing.

Angelica H

I also was confused watching Cassian and Melshi hijacking a ship. Then realizing that the two aliens let them go just to mess with the Empire. I think the last episode will take place on Ferrix for the majority of the time. Cassian will find Bix and help her escape the torture chamber, recruit his buddies to try and rid the ISB from Ferrix. But I think what the show has taught us that its unpredictable. And that fine with me.

Michael Leitenberger

Hector, your “Mom, shut the f*** up” line might be the funniest thing I’ve ever heard you say! I burst out laughing just like Adam and Augustin.


I wonder if Cassian's sister will play a role in the next episode. They never went back to that plot point. What if Dedra turns out to be his sister..?

Myles Away

I don't think she will come up again. If anything we will discover she is dead. That story point was more likely just a character building tool for Andor.

Antonio Guzman

what happened to all the people in miami? pretty empty for a resort


The end of that episode: Cassian on the beach looking at the bright sky. The end of Rogue One: Cassian and Jin on the beach watching the sky burn toward them. What a parallel.

Ross E

Okay, everyone is coming to ferrix for maarva's funeral, Cassian probably included. Everyone's going there to try to catch Cassian, or kill him. At some point someone may actually try to rescue Bix, but she might be too far gone for that. Since Syril stole money from his mother to get there, I wouldn't be at all surprised to find him arrested, and sentenced to an imperial prison building unidentifiable metal starfish.

Roman Penna

What an episode. Someone on twitter pointed out that Luthan checks the tractor beam, sees it's not powerful enough for his "chaff" to do anything, taunts the Empire into increasing the tractor beam so that the "chaff" he fires will hit it with enough force to kill the tractor. Which is amazing. He's space Batman. Love this show so much!