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Welcome back, homies! Welcome back, Hector. This week, it seems like The Man Without Fear will finally make his costumed debut in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It's an exciting time to see how Jennifer and Matt's stories crossover in this show, and how kind of friendship it sets up for the future.

Join us tomorrow for our reaction to The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power and stick around for our double feature of Halloween and Halloween Kills this weekend, leading up to next week's premiere of Halloween Ends.



Jay McFly

Yoooo, this episode was only everything I ever wanted from a She-Hulk show! That was damn spectacular! I'm going to need some time to process all of this episode!

Cassie Banks

When I watched the episode this morning at 3:00AM on the East Coast, I was just confused at the end. I'm a live action Marvel person though so all these additional characters that everyone knows from the comic books go right over my head. I feel a lot better after watching this video though. Love how the guys put it all in perspective. LOVE Charlie and Tatiana on screen together. Hoping she has a reason to visit him in New York in the future so they can portray a hook-up a little less She-Hulk hilarity and more Matt Murdock intense. We know Tatiana has the goods for it in Orphan Black. I have no idea what to expect next week, but I DEFINITELY want you guys to do the three seasons of Daredevil on Netflix! Hopefully to tide us over until the new show is ready? Pretty please?

Roman Penna

That was ridiculous amazing episode. Loved Charlie Cox coming back. 100% Daredevil from the Netflix show. I loved this so much!


Great episode! Glad Hector was back to experience DD's MCU debut together with Adam and Agustin. Next week's finale should be a barn burner!


Mallory Book's heartbreaking line "Jen, don't do it" nearly killed me.


BEST episode by far and now I can't wait for season FINALE!!!

Ryan Noakes

Y'all best not be 《language》teasing us about doing a reaction series rewatch of the Netflix Daredevil. I'm SO in! (Assuming you somehow have the time with everything else you have on the go)

Jake Samuels

The chemistry between Jen and Matt in this episode was amazing. It was great to see Charlie Cox back in this role.