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What's up, homies! Today, we're starting The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power 2-episode premiere. If you're new to our Patreon, you can also check out our reactions to The Lord of the Rings film trilogy, and stay tuned for more reactions from X-Men: The Animated Series, Superman & Lois, and The Boys, coming next week!




I know I may be a madman but I'm going to watch these for the first time with the boys. :) And thank you Hector that you guys are also welcoming to us white dudes :D


John Carter stans rise up!

David Collier

I genuinely don’t understand the negativity and hate for this show - the people who are already shitting on it and bitching/moaning about it must live such miserable existences, and find no joy in anything… the only thing they find joy on is shitting on other people who enjoy this show. I was blown away by the visuals, I thought the acting was very well done… sure, I have some small gripes and nitpicks, but overall I am extremely pleased with the first two episodes and the relative tone of the show. I’m glad there’s finally representation in high fantasy like this so it isn’t just for white nerds or white chads anymore. And right on cue, my favorite characters are the ones played by black and brown actors.

Sergio Suarez

LOVED IT!!! I want ALL the episodes NOW!!!

Chandler Hill

Really digging the show-- the visual language feels right simultaneously being fresh but still in the same tapestry with PJ's movies. Bear McCreary's score absolutely RULES as well feeling again fresh but still utilizing Shore's example. They've also set up interesting characters and story threads and I'm excited to see where they all go-- what a joy to be back in middle earth again!


Yea they all did a phenomenal job. I think the only gripe acting wise I had was that I felt Morfydd could push into her emotions more in some of these close up shots, like I think the one shot of her crying you could tell she wasn't actually crying. But other than that she is doing a great job, I love her confidence.


I will continue to watch but man the pacing in this is so slow. The visuals are amazing but the acting specifically by the actress who plays Galadriel is soooooo flat. She has no charisma at all and projects no spark or power or anything. The brown elvish dude- they should've either let him have long intricately manicured locs or a bald head because that shaped high top fade was a mess it just didn't fit. There was also no tension what so ever- it was boring. That combined with some ridiculous dialogue was a bit cringe for me. I did like the Harfoots. Hopefully it will pull a Moon Knight and get better as it putts along.


Fantasy was never just for white nerds. What are you talking about?🙄


The men in the southlands are descendants of the men who sided with Morgoth. There were Easterling men who fought for Morgoth during the first age. That’s why the Elves had a watch stationed there to sort of keep an eye on the men there. And the men resent it. That’s essentially where all the tension is coming from in those lands


I like that the show is slower than other shows out there, lets it breathe so you can really enjoy the gorgeous shots.


Great watchalong! I don't get the hate and the notion of this episode being boring. That was a great opening episode. Galadriel and Elrond are different to LOTR but it's set thousands of years after this time. People change in the span of human lifetime so an elf lifetime they would change also. Bring on more eps!


They literally never casted POC in high fantasy films, and if they did they were bad guys. THAT is what he is talking about.


Watched it first with my father in law (who is a walking silmarillion encyclopedia) he loved it. Then re watched here with the trinity. I was not bored at all and loved the reaction boys, keep ‘em coming!!

Angelica H

I think it was a way to reintroduce these “familiar” characters to an audience that only seen the films. Reminding us of the bits and pieces of Middle Earth. So that could explain the slower pace. If you’ve seen the second episode, tension will start going. The Harfoots are quite enjoyable to watch.

Wesley Marshall

I want you boys to have this so when you talk about Celebrimbor you can make jokes like my friends and I have for years. Celebrimbor or as I refer to him Salad Bread Bowl.

Felicia B

I came here for the fantasy and stayed for Hectors love of wells 🤣🤭

Count Monte-Cristo

I liked both episodes. Slow burn, world building, well written and acted dialogues and this show has everything. I am curious how story will progress. Music is great and visuals are stunning. As I sad before, I am not big fun of LOTR franchise, but this tv show got my attention.

Prime Time

I’ve never been the biggest LOTR fan, but as always, seeing you guys’ enthusiasm and Agustins smile throughout the episode made me all the more excited. Also helps that the production is incredible, can’t wait to see how the story unfolds

Carol Rozendo

It's beautiful. I wasn't so invested in the story yet and so many things are unexplained, but let's see where it goes!

Jon Allanson

I really enjoyed this episode. Amazing visuals, great music, and I got pulled into the stories about the characters we've met so far.

Josh Hiner

There were "factions" of Men who did ally with Morgoth during the First Age. Those faithful to the Valar/Elves were the three houses who became the Numenoreans. While they prospered and lived long, the Men who remained in Middle Earth having aided Morgoth fell into decline. Cursed, if you will. Bronwynn's people are descendants of those so that's why the Elves watch them.


Not sure if I can get passed what they did to Galadriel. She's a wicked powerful sorcerer not a armored warrior. Doesn't match the books or previous movies.

Nurhadi Roshaimi

I can feel Agustins' glow like the trees of Valinor.

Ana Statina

She was never "a wicked sorcerer". Elf magic is not even a magic as we think of it, it's The Art - of creation or cleansing or healing, opposed to forced and more blatant magic of Men and of course of the Evil. As good as they are Jackson movies did Galadriel wrong in this aspect.

Roman Penna

What I love is that they're keeping the heart of Toliken, Lord of the Rings is a WW1 story, it deals with a lot of trauma, and war, and Galadriel 100% encapsulated that for me in her discussion with Elrond, It felt like a war veteran talking to a new recruit, great dialogue.

Jay McFly

In the Silmarillion there is lots of mention of Galadriel being a bad ass armored warrior. So what we're seeing in the show is all pretty much in character for her.


Its not Galadriel as a character per se. Its the actress- I'm hoping she gets better but I'm thinking she won't. She either is in bad b*itch mode or unemotional fembot mode. She has zero nuance in her performance.


I dont know what a POC is but black folks have been creating spaces in all types of genres for a long time. Just because you didn't know about it doesn't mean it didn't exist until someone decided to cast a biracial man as an elf in 2022.


Hector, because you reminded of it, I'm going to watch my 3D Blu ray of "John Carter" in the next day...in your honor.


You've been designated Patreon Tolkien Scholar. Please share all of your knowledge with all of us.


Dang, I felt she had really strong performances in her scenes with Elrond. It’s a shame not everyone felt it😞


I definitely can get carried away in my passion for it 😬😂😂 sorry!