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Join us for a new reaction for Arcane 1x5! Be sure to continue letting us know your experience of using the new Patreon native player. Thanks for watching!


Lesley Vamos

Me every time they comment on the animation - that's what happens when you get French creators to do things guys, they're really fucking good - lol, but seriously watching the making of doco I was like, oh of course... they're French


Fun fact: one of the lead animators at Fortiche took 3 years of boxing lessons to understand how people move when they fight.


Great reaction! This has easily become one of my favorite shows and the Patreon native player is PERFECT! It's really cool to have the picture in picture and watch Netflix on full screen while I still see you guys, my Latino homies haha!

Jake Samuels

It was so good having a cameo from Grayson at the start of the episode. Also great to have Vi back; her interactions with Caitlyn are among my favourites from the whole series.

Myles Away

Wow this episode was great! I forgot so much about this one. That fight with Vai at the end was so well done.

Myles Away

I would guess the key demographic for this series is 18-25. Teens will like it for sure but I think it slightly more mature than what is typically marketed directly towards younger people.

Myles Away

Speaking of DC animated movies I want them to step up their game. They have had the same tired animation style for my entire life. It still feels like the early to mid 90s. I want an animated Batman movie that has this much care and attention put into it. Imagine a story with this much heart and fight scenes with this much visceral detail. It'd be amazing.


Imagine Dragons are really big fans of League of Legends. They have performed/provided music for the World Championship matches. Riot creates two animations they usually do for music videos a year. Maybe someing you can look into after watching the season. You can see how far they have come. Glad you guys are enjoying it.

Carol Rozendo

If there was a tv app, that would be perfect for pip. For now I put their reaction on a second screen (phone or tablet) while rewatching the show on the tv



Haidar alhawaj

can you please show a little bit of the episode so the syncing could be right because i am having a hard time with the timer, just showing a little bit of the top or bottom of the episode would make it so much easier

Haidar alhawaj

i did that but in the middle of the episode i realized that it was out of sync from your reaction and the reflection of your glasses, i tried to sync it three times and it always goes out of sync in the middle of the episode. also some times something happens and i have to pause and then i have to go back to the beginning to sync and watch everything i watched again. you can also put the sound of the episode but very low only to help with the syncing. other reaction channels do it like blindwave and it makes it so much easier to sync

Haidar alhawaj

just a suggestion that will help a lot because i spent so much time trying to sync

Eric G

No problem here with syncing. Might just be you

Roman Penna

I saw so much more watching this a second time. When Victor asks" How much time have a got?" It flashes to Sevika throwing down the tarrot cards "Death and the Magician " Also still has my favorite line of the whole show "But you're so sweet, like a cupcake"

Carol Rozendo

No problem for me as well. Aren't you speeding up the video by accident?