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We had an expected power outage last night, but Adam forgot and lost some of his work when the power went out. So, we’re a little bit delayed on getting this one out. Should be out later this evening though. Thanks for your patience.


Myles Away

Bummer! Thanks for the update though. Appreciate that.


No worries! Can’t wait !

Robert von Heeren

As long as your hardware didn't suffer some damage from overvoltage, I'm fine.

Matthew Bertram

I know you all have watched it all by now, probably. But I'm so stoked for 6 and 9. In my mind, the last episodes of each act were the strongest.

Myles Away

I wish I could binge the rest of them this weekend. Got a long weekend in Canada and its raining.

Duncan Robertson

…also way to call Adam lot instead of just saying “there was a power outage” 😂