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Arcane is back with the start of Act 2. Just like with the previous three episodes, the animation doesn't disappoint and the story is heading to an interesting place. Queue up your Netflix and join us. Be sure to let us know about your experience using the native Patreon video player as well. Enjoy!


A. Saffari

To clarify something, the writers didn't intend for silco/jinx to give off a woody allen vibe this episode. It is a (relatively) normal father/daughter type of relationship. That being said, yall aren't the first reaction channel to think that of their scenes this episode lol. I hope Agustin and Adam are enjoying the Legend of Korra. I love that series as well.

Matthew Cronin

Don’t pretend that there aren’t girls in real life who dress like that, I see them come into Starbucks every day


I thought the same when I first watched the show and was, at first, very disappointed in it. Looking back to it, the father/daughter angle is much more clear and sensible. It's kinda sad, that so many people, me included, thought of it as a romantic thing immediately.


I think Hector's point is more that her outfit is very "video-gamey". Which to be fair it kinda is. That being the case I actually think it is an improvement over her appearance in the game. It feels like a good middle ground between her original design in the game, and something that still feels like it fits into the context and setting of arcane.


I think that they are trying to show how much powder/jinx relies on physical reassurance, like hugs and such. If you watch the first episodes, when Vi is comforting her; she often hugs her and touches her face. Early on Powder/Jinx had anxiety around being left alone, seen by her panic attack in episode 3. This was probably greatly exacerbated by the events that led to the split between her and Vi. Even young as Powder in a moment of great stress she jumped to hug Silco, someone she didn't even know because she is so dependent on physical comfort. Her significant trauma stunted her emotional development, to the point where her needs seem weird or maybe even inappropriate.

Ravjeet B

There is a good therapist on youtube (Georgia Dow) that breaks down the relationships for Jinx and Silco would recommend after the show is finished for anyone to watch. I have also seen the notion of a person stuck in their trauma can lose a sense of personal space when they attach to someone and are unable to distinguee what is appropriate personal space.

Roman Penna

Love Georgia Dow, would also seriously recommend her videos as well. Shows how well the show is written as well with how much she has been able to delve into it.

Myles Away

Oh man. As soon as that episode ended I was wishing I could jump right into the next one with you! Love this show

David Lonewolf Wright

The native player works well. It also seems to jump straight to hd as the youtube ones seem to have a couple seconds where they are lower quality picture. The show has been pretty awesome. I wish I had watched it when it came out and I really wish I could have gone to that immersive event that was in LA last October where you were in the Undercity. I saw lots of videos from people I follow having a great time that I am now piecing together with the show.

Carol Rozendo

Adam could have gone to Enter the Undercity event, where they recreated the Last Drop bar where he wanted to go to =P I hear there was a live role play experience, and actors playing Vi, Jinx and many other characters from the show. I got curious but I live in Seattle, the event only happened for a few weeks. https://upcomer.com/photos-from-the-undercity-capturing-the-secret-cinema-arcane-event


None of the animation is CG or Mo Cap, Other than 1 scene with a crowd


Once you guys finish the season, the three of you should watch the music video to Enemy featuring JID. New animation and you get to hear JID’s performance which is the best part of the song imo.

Mark T Howard

Realized watching the opening credits on this one that it's Vi and Powder/Jinx slugging it out in the IP segment. This makes that battle seem that much more brutal.