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Welcome back to another uncut reaction to Marvel Studios Moon Knight. This week's uncut reaction is being presented through Patreon's native video player, currently in beta. You'll immediately notice it's still missing some features similar to YouTube, like thumbnails.

We'd love to get feedback on your experience using this new video player. Our hope is to collect a ton of data and send it over to Patreon for consideration in future updates.



José Roberto Sánchez

Now that it's native I wondered if you could include the episode in the reaction.

Flat Satire

I also wonder how the personalities came into being. Marc says "neither of us would be alive without him" so i wonder if the personas existed long prior to Konshu and he WAS already "broken" before the god took over. Layla mentions Marc not talking to his mom, while all Steven does is talk to her via voicemail.

Audrey Mozdzen

I didn't know the video player was different until after I'd watched the video so it worked great for me. This show definitely improves when watching it more than once; I appreciate the story and the nuances after seeing it again along with you guys.

Benjamin Strack-Zimmermann

I was very worried about this show, because I like the comics so much. But this works for me, they made some smart choices already, like changing Stevens character. And it still feels very moon-knightly. It is a bit sad that we can't get to the full horror the comics sometimes have (Think of the one in the slaughterhouse), but what they are doing instead is great. So I am quite relieved and really enjoying this. ANd they somehow got the suits to work!


As for the new Patron player: I played the video on my desktop and noticed a few short stream lags in the early minutes, but it would catch itself up. This hasn't happened before watching on YouTube, FYI. Otherwise it ran well, even when I shared it from my desktop to my TV, while re-watching the episode on my tablet. So, the experiment was mostly successful. As for the show, I liked Ep 2 more than 1, though it had much of the expositional burden of course. I'm digging the increased ancient Egypt/gods/mummy vibes in this ep, and the added conflict between Steven (Scotty!) and Marc in-action also raised the stakes. I'm still not 100% sold on the series yet, but stock rose tonight for me. Great reaction and comments, Heroes! Egypt, baby!

Peter Evans

Love the conditional ethics and non-conditional ethics choices and dilemmas. The mummy like nature of the material makes for good movie moments.


New player seemed to work almost flawless on iPad. Only thing that didn’t seem to work was after popping out the video, hitting the pop-in button closed the window entirely and I had to reopen Patreon to get the video playing again. Here I noticed that it remembers where I left off, which is great. Curious to see if this player will help the speed issue with HBO Max videos.


Hey if I have to be the bad guy to get a purple lightsaber. I'll be the bad guy.

Jake Samuels

I was kind of disappointed that the suits were just suits. Perhaps that'll change by the time the season's over, but for now I feel like the show has kind of reduced Marc's DID to just on old Hollywood split personality stereotype, especially based on the current interactions between Marc and Steven. I'm cautiously hopeful that this will change, because I'm sure I saw in a video interview that Oscar Isaac said they were treating the character's mental illness respectfully. But it still put a damper on my enjoyment of the episode.

Roman Penna

I feel less that it is horror, but more that it is just tense, I feel so tense whenever Harrow shows up. In a good way. I do love what they are doing though, and Oscar is killing it.