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As per yesterdays update here it is, raw footage, literally finished recording a couple of minutes ago. I was going to review Morg in this, but it got long enough already, I'll do a separate Morg review later.


Kingdom Death Simulator Review & Overview

A quick "emergency" review of the KDM simulator to try and catch this before the Black Friday sale ends. I got this done as quickly as I could manage and it is just the raw unedited footage. This master key was gifted to me by Adam Poots Games (APG), there were no stipulations or requirements attached to this gift. This review was not requested or sponsored by APG. I was going to talk about the Morg digital only content, but my voice started to go, so I'll look at that in a future short video. You can support these videos either through My Patreon or KoFi https://www.patreon.com/FenPaints https://ko-fi.com/fennn