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Hi all, I'm going to be putting up an "emergency" review/overview of the KDM Simulator tomorrow before the BF Sale ends, I'll post it on the YT Channel and link to it here. It'll hopefully give you enough information to decide if its something you want to pick up. 

The short version however is, I think it's good enough that I should showcase it to you all. It is a product that deserves as much support as possible, especially from those of us who have used the TTS mods in the past.

Approximate time left at posting this.

Catch you all tomorrow!



320€ for the Master key without having the possibility to upgrade from lesser key… ? I have the illusionist one with Gorm/dragonk/sun. That’s really an issue and so expensive.


I had the illusionist key, but decided to go for a master key. Once you add up the Wave 1 expansions, and a guess at COD and GCE, that seems like you might end up pretty close to the $320 asking price even before the future waves are accounted for. After playing with it, it's quirky, but I'm going to try a campaign with an enthusiastic friend who lives too far away to play in person. And what's there seems very promising.