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So, just a short one today at the start of July to walk you through what projects I'm working on at the moment. I am still working hard to get our home into a more livable environment and that is taking a fair bit of time. It turns out that I have a LOT of board games I forgot about in storage and finding storage solutions for them all is taking a a lot of time. There is also a hole in the wall in my painting studio and the handyman has disappeared from contact. So that's holding things up there.

On the custom content front I am working on the following in this priority order:

1. Adapting my Hooded Stranger content into a more polished format so you can play People of the Lantern with a fight against a Twilight Knight (either Allison, Pinup Allison or Alister, depending on which model you have). This is going to try and be as faithful to the 3-19 version and the official hooded stranger content as possible because the fight is well designed and it's a fun way to gain the Twilight Sword the first time.

2. Completing the Node 2: Dauntless Monster (it now has the a revised version of the Garlic Bread meme card I made as part of it's legitimate gear). Its active and reactive behavior is all sorted, but I need time to get 

3. The Node 3 and Node 4 Dauntless monsters. I know which ones I'm picking, I just need to express them more.

Project Hotdog has hit a point where it's gotten very complicated, and I want to get items 1 + 2 on the list above sorted out before I can get back to concentrating on them. It's difficult because I have a lot of creative ideas & energy, but bringing them all into existence is tough work.

In other fronts, I am considering taking up streaming 2-3 times a week, with a rotation of 1 day on card games, 1 day on rogue-likes or and a third day where I run some KD:M. Nothing major, just 2-4 hour variety streams, no painting on camera because that doesn't suit my painting style at all. More on this if/when I do it. I need to get my painting and patreon writing back into a fixed routine first.

We also have the upcoming articles, I've got the Mariana Trench series to transcribe, we're approaching the Butcher and that's a delay because I need to get the model painted before we can face it. But I have all my notes and photos for the lantern years leading up to it, and it's been an interesting challenge at times with both some great fortune and terrible events. The Hunt Event series will continue on here and there (it won't be every single week, but it will be released on Fridays). There's a neat little "game theory" style piece I'm working on as well.

I'm planning the next visual guide, plus I am really, really trying to make Silk Armor work. I am. It just seems to be better used in mixed armor sets! I'm also working on a guide to using Whips and Daggers, because they are really cool weapon types, but very underutilized. I'm also going to continue writing about the mid game hunt parties so you can have a better idea of the various "template" groups that are used.

Last of all, if you have any article requests, please put them in the comments below and I'll either let you know if I've already written something new, or I'll put it in the queue for things to write about. I don't often take article requests, but they're open to anything interesting!

Take care, stay safe and thank you for your support!



Something that I would like to see is a set of pregenerated survivors suitable for each Node. There is a LOT of content for KDM available and coming and I don't think I'll ever be able to run full campaigns to experience each quarry. A set of survivors that I could whip out and take on, say the Lion God, without having to build up to that fight would helpful.


Alternatively, an article on how to go about designing a group, ala' Vignettes of Death, would be ideal. Thank you for your consideration, Fen.


Hi Henry, I'm afraid that's not something that can really be done easily. In essence what's being built there is a vignette scenario with a pre-built monster. And while the monster is already generated, that's only half of the work. You'd need a lot of testing, refining and so on before you could get close to having something work as well as the Gigalion survivors. (and the Gigalion Survivors had the advantage of being put against the easiest possible monster design outside of a straight L2 White Lion). We can see how difficult this balancing act is with the next vignette - APG have had to push releasing it because it's not ready and they don't have the manpower to get it ready. That's because you'd want to run the same showdown dozens of times in order to get a balance where the showdown isn't an automatic win, or an automatic loss. Instead it's has to be put to somewhere that player action and agency (along with a little chance) makes the difference between success and failure. I can however write an article on how to go about building your own groups and testing them. Because that is a bit easier for people who are playing currently, if you keep an eye out for the right situations.