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I've changed the format on these going ahead because it is significantly faster for me to upload the cards as images and leave them at the top, rather than put them in each entry. This change has saved quite a lot of time (as you can't batch upload into the text body). I'll be able to spend that saved time giving a bit more detail elsewhere!

11. Monster Droppings - Investigate, Consume

If you have Quixotic and you are a non-tanking type, then consuming the poop is a reasonable choice. But for most survivors, you should be investigating. 

There is also a world where you consume with Quixotic even though you are a tank, and that is where you are going to use the Feather Shield in Combination with Insanity gain support (Screaming Helm, Silk Boots) and Immortal in order to build an Insanity tank. Though losing 1 evasion here is still quite an issue.

Feather Shield is rather powerful on Immortals, especially because of how it can combine with other damage mitigation gear (Silk Body Suit, Slayer Cloak, White Lion Cloak) and stack up a large amount of 'virtual' armor points over the course of a showdown.

12. Destiny-Bound

Nothing more than a nice little bonus, it's rare you won't skip the next hunt space, the main kind of reasons you wouldn't skip it are things like special hunt events already being placed on the space. Don't go skipping Sky Fishing, Mineral Gathering or similar!

13. Overload - Accept Darkness vs. Collective Toil

This event is a lot better for Collective Toil (CT) survivors when compared to Accept Darkness ones, because while the best result for Accept Darkness is superior for an individual (It is for reasons like this as to why Accept Darkness (AD) is the best choice for settlements that focus one a few key survivors like the ones in People of the Stars) Collective Toil's "worst" result is on par with AD's best, providing a small but significant buff for the survivor involved (Understanding is better than Courage, but survival is better than gaining rageholic).

And I don't think I need to explain why +2 endeavors is good!

14. Chance Encounter - Hovel

Now I put Snow on this card, and it is likely that this is a savior that the party have encountered because of the 'green healing' ability that she uses. However, this could also be a minor entity.

It's just a good event to draw, +1 courage & understanding and if you have Hovel, you even get a full heal plus an accuracy token for a random survivor. I would like to see more information about who this is though!

15. Man-trap

The Holy Land's premium collector of people shows another way in which he gathers up fuel for the Golden Entity's furnaces with the Man-trap event. This one is pretty much a lottery. It's mostly bad news and as long as you're not suffering a dismembered leg you probably want to just eat this one. Though the 3-6 result also REALLY sucks.

The art I put on this card by the way was the art designed for the Manhunter expansion, but never used. Maybe it'll turn up in the future?

16. Night Terrors 

Oh boy, this one feels like an absolute punishment and it can be a disaster for saviors/survivors with Extra Sense. Unfortunately there is no real way to get around this one outside of re-rolling it via SotF or similar.

The main upside of this one is if one has a savior here, then you get to gain a basic resource while you push them hard to becoming Murder Bait. This is an exercise where you take a savior out on a hunt and stick their hunt XP as high as possible (usually a blue savior who can also help gain resources), you then leave them in the settlement almost retired and when/if murder comes up. They get murdered, saving your weapon masters.

17. Face to Face - Investigate

Nothing really that interesting to see here, just more confirmation that the Sculptor (see start of the KDM rulebook for a picture of that Entity) carves the faces of survivors who've lived in the plane of stone faces. Given that it seems the survivors are typically built from a few Entity inspired archtypes (Allister/Allison/Alister are modeled after The Scribe and we have the Stan Survivors coming in the Ivory Dragon); it is hard to tell if the Sculptor is making a record of every living (or dead) survivor, or just carving the same set of faces over and over.

We do know however (from Stars) that these face clones can be brought to life with an entire body with just an echo of the Sculptor's power.

The event itself isn't that interesting, just roll and apply whatever bonuses you can. The 1 is a very bad roll. But the 8+ makes up for that. It's also another event which rewards you for high insanity/insanity abuse.

18. Dead Weed - Sickle

If you're curious about the artwork used on this card, it's stuff that was/will be used in KDM at some point. 

This is a pretty incredible event and another one of the arguments for scoring a sickle as early as possible and always bringing it on the hunt. There are precious few ways to remove severe injuries, some of them can't be removed at all except via hunt events such as this one. It's 40% without the sickle, 80% chance with it. As Blind is something that creeps up on many hunters over time (Because of Max Courage), this event is a welcome relief. Unfortunately you can't plan for it because you can only use it right here and now.

19. Exhilaration of Darkness - Straggler, Leader

This is one of those terrifying events that can result in the loss of a gear card permanently, and it's one of several reasons why I advocate 7-8 gear grid builds, so you can carry something cheap and disposable if you roll a result like this one.

The table is slanted towards the unfortunate happening, and it's one of the few which has a 1-2 rather than a 1 (which means OWL isn't complete protection). However Leader mitigates this entirely, which is a nice bonus. But you can also get around this (and other similar events) by having Stone Noses in your gear grid .

You'll miss out on the arrival ability, but they only cost an endeavor to make!

20. Dry Lands - Pickaxe

Lose one survival (which can make you vulnerable to the Harvester, Overwhelming Darkness or similar if you run out of it). And gain an Iron if you have a pickaxe. So bring along a pickaxe and sickle as soon as you can afford them!


  • Whip: 2
  • Sickle: 2
  • Pickaxe: 1
  • Cannibalize: 1
  • Graves: 1
  • Memento Mori: 1
  • Sculpture: 1
  • Drums: 1
  • Noisy Punishment: 3
  • Consumable benefit: 2
  • Investigate: 4
  • Straggler: 3
  • Accept Darkness: 1
  • Collective Toil: 1
  • Hovel: 1
  • Leader: 1




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