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So it's now 2019 and I thought I'd take this moment to welcome everyone who joined over this year. Thank you for your support, I hope one day to reward you all with some physical stuff that's unique and special. I'm in talks with TWIST Gaming on this and it's very exciting what may come if we can work it all out.

Here's what's planned so far for this year:

  • Great Game Hunter Podcast recordings, once TWIST are available!
  • Completion of the Meugeceros
  • January custom content (it's a small one, but with a lot of game changing potential)
  • Continuation of the work towards my custom campaigns, once the Meuge is done I have 1 or 2 more custom monsters to roll out and then I can get the first of them done, I plan to have 1 released in 2019.
  • If people are interested, I could do a give away for a set of brand new Autumn dice that I found I had spare. 
  • And of course, if/when we hit 500 patrons I'll start talking about the 'secret project'!
  • Patron request articles.
  • More strategy and builds!

Also, just as a reminder, please do pay heed to the rules for the community here, we have only 3 at the moment. In particular they relate to custom content and to clarify further. First of all, if you want to share the MPC links for my stuff, check the top right corner of a post. If there is no 'padlock' (open or closed) there you can share it anywhere, just please link back to my patreon post so people see where the original source is.

Secondly, a reminder - if you want to do something based of my work, you need to contact me before hand and check if it's OK. I lose interest very quickly in a project if I perceive other people are twisting it.  I have released the Morph mechanic as per the various rulebook/design documents for anyone to use as long as they credit me, but other stuff: Such as the custom hero classes which were made specifically as a patreon reward, they are an area I want to grow in the future.  Please note that violation of rule 3 is a zero tolerance situation.

That stuff aside, I have some cool things waiting for you guys this year, really exciting stuff and I hope you'll love it as much as my wonderful playtesters have!



Happy New Year to you also dude!


And the same to you