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OK, so I hope you guys don't mind, but I'm going to take a short break for until the new year. There will be the design diary release at the end of the month, but for the rest of this week and next week I'm going to take a little time to myself over this holiday period before getting back into things in the new year. (Also we're going to be away from the PC for the holidays so doing much on patreon would require me writing it all in advance even more than I do normally).

If/When Adam does a post on the Christmas stuff I may well write something about it if it contains Kickstarter content (like say, more Atnas).  

Otherwise, I'm opening the floor to an AMA on Kingdom Death, Video Games and Board Games! Ask me anything related to gaming and I'll answer!

I'll start with one: 

Q: When is your next custom design coming?

A: There is new custom content coming in the new year, it's standalone and integrated into the expansions released so far. It is a prototype version of what's going to be in my custom campaigns.

I will also take patreon requests for articles, if there is anything you want me to explore and dissect, I am very happy to do so!

Thank you for all your support so far, you guys are wonderful. Happy holidays and I'll be here answering on and off when I check on my phone!



Enjoy! Q: Tricks with Super Hair From The Lonly Tree?! (played today the first time with the Tree, loved the very Unique Showdown und FunnyFruits. We Play current with a Gloom Man with Red Fist and got Lion Mask. So we startet exchanging Strenght Tokens/Survival. My first Idea with Super Hair was 3x Guys with Rythm Chaser loading their Evasion Token on Survior Nr4.)


Altered Destiny works very well in combination with Super Hair. Both are hard to get however.


Q: Hunting Party with 4 Gloom Man would Break The Game? Got already/luckily 3! (Only One with Stark Raving). Survior #4 is a Leyline Walker, Shadow Salvia, Toolbelt Tank and quiet usefull.