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Today's update, which is a new early game monster, is the only one I will be releasing this week. I am moving on Sunday and this week is very hectic as a consequence. I also gave myself RSI transcribing the SIP and the new monster in a short space of time, so I'm resting it a bit. My apologies for that. Normal service will resume next week.

For those of you who are not a $5+ Patron, the way I am going to release custom content is as follows. If it is based exclusively on the core game content, for example the SIP or the small reference cards* then it will always be released publicly. 

However, for the custom monsters and campaigns which are going to be released over time, they will go out to the $5 tier initially and will be moved to public a few months down the line. I don't want to push my own content out to the public immediately because I want to reward those people who support me at $5+ and I think early access is the best way to do it.

As for projects in the pipeline, they are as follows:

3 custom campaigns set in my own little corner of the world.

  • People of Solitude (Lonely Tree)
  • People of the Dung Ball (DBK)
  • People of the Silk (Spidicules)

Custom monsters:

  • Meugoceros late game quarry
  • Old Man Phoenix (Nemesis Phoenix with its own story)
  • Mumbling Goat "Limited Time Quarries"
  • Storm Knight
  • A nemesis replacement for the Hand
  • November Nemesis monster

I have had to shelve the Infant Sunstalker monster because the copy I was donated had to go back to Adam because it was missing parts, had duplicate women instead of the right ones and had casting damage. He's not sent a replacement to the kind person who donated it in originally, so I'm stuck waiting for the next casting run. 

Also, I am gauging interest in a series on designing monsters and expansions and so on, please note that if I do it; it would be once a month and due to the nature of it and the details involved it would be at a higher reward tier than $5. It might even include videos at a later date once I am settled in my new place and have a routine sorted out.

The reason I'm considering doing this is I want to help people get their homebrew to fit the balance, design and aesthetics of the game. I'd look to do this by supplying not just the process, but the understanding behind why certain things are the way they are, the themes involved in certain items (certain abilities are linked to certain keywords for example) and similar. In essence I want to try and avoid expansions like the Satan Twins or the TTS Storm Knight turning up. No offense to the creators of those two expansions, but they are at best an absolute mess that needs to be discarded and the few good concepts in each one saved for other stuff.  Especially the Satan Twins one.

Finally, I'm not going to be able to respond much to comments (haven't been for the last couple of weeks), because of the move. But I will be reading them. Please save any typo comments for custom content until I put up a specific post to collect them all, they will get lost and not acted on if they are put anywhere else.

*There is a second wave of small reference coming, but it will not be for a while as I have to compile the items I want to put on them.



What else is left for references? I just ordered a second set of gear grids to try it out.

Shawn Hakl

I think a series on homebrews would be very welcome. Your existing materials are fantastic quality. We had a great deal of fun with the black lion. One minor quibble ... If it were me, I might avoid criticizing other’s work as it discourages participation but you are certainly entitled your opinion.


I am not sure. I have to review the game content and see what else is suited. I just know there is more I can do. The post itself already answers your typo question. Yes I will be requesting the typo checks, reviewing and fixing errors once I am settled and have access to photoshop again.