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We reached the goal, so much thanks to everyone! 

As promised, I am now going to start working on getting the first of three custom campaigns sorted out. They are pretty extensive, with custom nemesis monsters, unique mechanics and multiple custom quarries blended with the official stuff - all three take place in a separate 'dark' region of the world away from the Plain of Stone Faces because I want to build something which is fresh and offers alternative options.

These three campaigns are:

  • People of the Fruit
  • People of the Dung Ball
  • People of the Silk

All of them are significantly along the development cycle with narratives fleshed out fully and testing being undertaken on parts of the design. It's still going to take a while to get these to you because I have to move first, get my PC across to me at my new place and then continue the testing/design work. 

But once everything is at an 'alpha' stage I will release things for you guys to play with and provide feedback on (as long as it is supported by data generated through testing, I cannot stand theorycrafted feedback/design - it ruins games).

Again, thank you for this and please enjoy the early release (just one day), of the Spidicules Integration Package (SIP)! I hope (with your support) to be able to keep doing this for a long time!



Fen: Thank you very much for all your efforts! You are creating great stuff....thank you for that! Congratulation to 350 Patreons :-)