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632 The Idol of Alabaster

The characters arrive at a strange crypt where twelve mighty knights were interred hundreds of years ago. The knights' tomb is apparently unrelated to the Secret of Fire. Instead, it is the place where a mage once discovered this arcane nugget of knowledge and it became a tradition that other novice magic-users came to the crypt to learn how to control fire.

This adventure takes the heroes to an ancient knights' tomb, confronts them with deadly traps and guardians, and reveals a secret that an advancing wizard requires to control stronger fire spells.

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633 The Firanni Principalities

Whoever steps foot in the Firanni Principalities shall make a choice. The rulers of the isles are Robert Pine, Fabian Marble, and Gabriel Sun. An alliance made with any of them will surely earn the hatred of the other two. However, all three can be incredible allies. Additionally, they need jobs to be done and they have good gold to offer.

This is an adventure that takes the heroes to a large group of isles, an archipelago called the Firanni Principalities. There, they get involved in a three-sided conflict. Whatever choice they make, they shall make powerful friends while also gaining some nasty enemies.

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634 Sacrifice in the Forest

The sapphire elves have lived in this forest since they can remember. The center of their village has an incredibly large tree with a face. A blue sapphire glows on its forehead and the elves see it as a deity from another world. The tree speaks to them and persuades them to do things for it. The elves have sacrificed many willing subjects of their kin to the tree for generations. But one day the tree demanded to have other kinds of blood sacrifices... This is something that the authorities and the heroes of this story ignore.

This is an adventure that takes the characters to Darkbark Forest. There, they must destroy or defend the elvish tribe. Whatever choice they make, the demon hiding behind the tree with a face could get what it wants, and a portal between worlds could be opened!

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