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Denizens of the Tower! Mountain Anvil is a level 5 adventure about a magical location at a mountaintop. Anvil Dwarves built a huge steel anvil at the summit to meditate and worship their ancient gods. This granted them insight and knowledge never dreamed of before. Anvil Dwarves excelled at anything they set their minds to. After years of exquisite craftsmanship, brewing of ales, and the forging of weapons, they earned the envy and hatred of others of their kind, gnomes, and even elven scholars. They all craved the power of the anvil.

The poor Anvil Dwarves were banished from their lands. They left forever and no one has heard of them ever since. Their shrine at the top of Mountain Anvil is so hard to reach that it was abandoned after its destruction. Those who destroyed it were satisfied with the dwarves gone or did not care for their heathen anvil god. The place remains in ruins, but the power of the anvil still reaches the hearts of venturous dwarves who wish to change their destiny! 

This is a level 5 adventure with a bit of exploration, combat, and the reach for the summit of a tall mountain!

Thank you for your support. Because of your awesome support, we can make keep producing art, written content, and TTRPG-related stuff!

Until the next one, Elven Tower.




I have searched and can not find the 545 Mountain Anvil .zip file, just PSD. Is the standard VTT map pack available?


Hi there Tosari, I uploaded the wrong zip file. Thanks for leaving a comment. I've uploaded the right one right now. Next time you come here you'll find the right files!